Karol Mlynka 70 Jubilee Tourney C 11.8.2014
The tourney is announced in 2 sections for problems with cyclic change of defence motifs or harmful effects.
Section A: - orthodox problems.
Section B: - fairy problems.
Any stipulations and fairy elements are allowed.
Judge: Karol Mlynka.
Closing date: 11.8.2014.
Send your entries by e-mail to karol.mlynka@pobox.sk
with the remark KM70JT or by snail mail to the address
Karol Mlynka, Wolkrova 3, 85101 Bratislava 5, Slovakia.
Note that the cyclic change of defence motifs is usually called Mlynka theme as Karol Mlynka was a pioneer of the field.
10 years ago I have even written a short follow-up to the
announcement of previous JT of Karol Mlynka.
Or you can just browse list of Mlynka theme problems and
complete Mlynka theme problems at CCM as examples...
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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