Explanations for Chess Composition Microweb

This page is written in style 'question, answer'. Just send me a question and if it is of general interest, it will be answered here.

Q: How is Microweb sorted?
A: Generally can be said that every new or modified page appears in the list in 'New pages' section on main Microweb page. Latest news are on top. Later it is moved to 'Older pages' page where it remains (hopefully) forever, again older lower. Simultaneously with "New pages' section it appears also on related special page which are listed in 'Microweb center' section on main page. The links on them are kept forever too but in order of their issuing here, oldest on top.

Q: What are all these strange things like turned pieces, names like Anticirce, signs 'sh#19' etc.?
A: It everything has precisely defined meaning and it is a part of chess composition, fairy chess. I have currently not enough time to write dictionary for all these terms and it is not my aim at all, because there is already very good glossary in Problemesis by Christian Poisson, web magazine. It is not complete, but it can't be because new fairy conditions and pieces are still invented and there are already hundreds of them. BUT: If you really want to have description of some fairy elements - let me know (e-mail below).

Q: What are these Personal ratings?
A: They simply express my feeling about particular own composition with following meanings (approximately):
  1. Great work, really satisfying my ego
  2. Good work
  3. Ordinary, nothing special
  4. Not good, but there are worse...
  5. ...and they are here. It was better not to publish these
These ratings express not only the quality of composition but also whole feelings I have when I see them again.

Q: What is this 'chronological' order used for ordering Juraj Lörinc's compositions?
A: You know, there is a lot of dates connected with every one composition. Date of getting idea, day of finishing the composition, date of sending it to magazine or to formal tourney, date of publication, date of publishing the award - and one can think of some more. In my presentation there are expressed in some way 3 of them.
Of course, date of publication (exact to day for formal tourneys, in most cases a year for magazine/journal publication)
The order of finishing the composition is expressed by value 'Notes', which shows the number under which the problems are kept in my notes. (Remark: I wasn't so critical to start publishing own works from 482nd finished as it may be seen from my 'my first opus'. I was making notes about compositions of other authors long time before I started my own composing. I only continued numbering from works of other authors to my own - for some time I was numbering both and now I am numbering only my own and for the works of other authors I have other notes.) Older problems from this point of view have smaller numbers 'Notes'.
The most important for ordering my works for this presentation is the number 'Sent'. It expresses the order of problems sent for publication that was really published as a result of this sending. You know that not all problems made for thematical tourney go into award or sometimes editor refuses to publish your work for some (generally good) reason. Such cases, of course, don't receive a number. So, we have this ordering - really chronological, but it is very well hidden chronology :-)

Q: I noticed strange symbol ## in a stipulation of a problem. What does it mean?
A: This is the aim of a problem, similar to well known mate (symbol #) or stalemate (symbol =). ## is used in the same sense that solving program Popeye has for it. It is beidmatt and its definition may be given as follows: it is the position in which both kings are mated. The last move reaching this position may be played even if it leaves own king under check or it is selfcheck, but the king of the side playing the move reaching beidmatt mustn't be mated yet before this move is played. It is different from gegenmatt that is symbolized in Popeye by ##! and that has different restriction on position immediately preceeding last move of solution: the king of the side playing the move reaching gegenmatt must be mated before that move. Gegenmatt is usually called doublemate in English, beidmatt having no counterpart.

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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