Award of 7th TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 31.8.2001 - direct section

Judged by Juraj Brabec, translation to English by Juraj Lörinc.

Do súťaže bolo zaslaných len 5 skladieb, čo asi príliš nepotešilo organizátora turnaja Juraja Lörinca, ale na druhej strane potešilo rozhodcu. (To je len žart, v skutočnosti to príliš nepotešilo ani mňa). Predpísaná téma, ktorou bolo spracovanie škodlivého motívu znemožnenia ťahu preskakujúceho kameňa blokovaním, však bola podaná vo všetkých skladbách zaujímavým spôsobom. Súťažné skladby som vyznamenal v tomto poradí:

There were only 5 entries in the tourney, probably nothing what can be appreciated by its organizer Juraj Lörinc, but on the other side it can be appreciated by judge. (Just joking, it was not exciting for me too.) But the announced theme was in all problems shown interestingly. I decided to place competing problems as follows:

I. cena: d02, Reto Aschwanden, Švajčiarsko
Tematicky i obsahovo najbohatšia skladba súťaže. Predpísanú tému tu v určitej podobe nájdeme spolu so svojou antiformou v každom tematickom variante. Vo svojej priamej forme sa ale objaví až po predĺženej obrane obidvoch strelcov. Elegantný úvodník pritom antiduálovo vzájomne zamení dôsledky predĺžených obrán, čo vedie k dvojnásobnej recipročnej zámene opäť s využitím predpísanej témy. Použité exokamene ako aj druh exošachu vhodne zapadajú do celkového mechanizmu skladby.

1st Prize: d02, Reto Aschwanden, Switzerland
The richest problem both thematically and from the view of the whole content. It is possible to find the given theme with its antiform in every variation. But its direct form is shoen only in black corrections by both bishops. The elegant key changes consequences of black corrections with dual avoidance, giving double reciprocal change again with use of prescribed theme. The used fairy pieces as well as fairy condition suit nicely to the mechanism.

1. čestné uznanie: d05, Michel Caillaud, Francúzsko
Opäť predĺžená obrana, tentoraz len jedného čierneho kameňa, zato však s využitím batériových/antibatériových motívov po ľubovoľnom i konkrétnom ťahu. Veľmi pôsobivá je i paradoxná súhra čierneho jazdca s bielym kráľom: pred úvodníkom biely kráľ umožňuje odskok cvrčka b6 ale neumožňuje odskok Ca4, zatiaľ čo 1...Jd4! to zmení naopak, v riešení tento kladný i záporný motív ťahu jazdca prevezme na seba biely kráľ, ale po predĺženej obrane jazdcom je to zasa ako pred úvodníkom. Nešlo by nejaký ten kameň ušetriť?

1st HM: d05, Michel Caillaud, France
Again black correction, now of the one black piece only, but with use of battery/antibattery motives after random as well as corrected move. The paradoxical interplay of black knight and white king is impressionable too: before key white king allows jump of Gb6, but disables jump of Ga4 and 1...Sd4 reverses it, in solution it is reversed, both positive and negative motives of knight move are produced by white king, but after correction the situation is again as before the key. Isn't it possible to save some unit?

2. čestné uznanie: d03, Miodrag Mladenović, USA
Príbuzný mechanizmus ako v predchádzajúcej skladbe (ako keby to skladal ten istý autor) docielený prítomnosťou či neprítomnosťou bielych kameňov na poliach f4, f5, f6 a blokovaním polí e4, e6. Použitie lea d1 možno pomohlo autorovi zekonomizovať pozíciu, ale s cvrčkom by sa mi to viac páčilo. Pekná recipročná zámena.

2nd HM: d03, Miodrag Mladenovic, USA
Similar mechanism to the previous problem (as if it was composed by the same author) motivated by presence or absence of white units at f4, f5, f6 and by blocking of e4 and e6. The use of leo d1 maybe helped author to economise the position, but I'd like it more with grasshopper. Nice reciprocal change.

1. pochvalná zmienka: d01, Juraj Lörinc, Slovensko
Jednoduchá mnohoťažka, v ktorej nemožnosť zrušenia antibatérie nie je docielená škodlivým motívom blokovania, ale vyplýva z vlastností použitého kameňa (pešiaka). Škodlivým motívom posledného ťahu čierneho je tu umožnenie šachovania zaclonením línie (dráhy) antibatérie. Veľmi pekne však pôsobia obidva pokusy s logickou výberovou kombináciou. Použité exokamene sú adekvátne spracovanému obsahu.

1st Comm: d01, Juraj Lörinc, Slovakia
Simple moremover, the immobilisation of hurdle isn't reached by blocking, but rather it is special property of used unit (pawn). The error of the last black move is allowing of checking by entering of check line. The tries with logical combination of choice are very nice. Used fairy pieces are adequate to the content.

2. pochvalná zmienka: d04, Pavel Kameník, Česko
Pomocou kombinovanej figúry jazdec+vezír je v skladbe docielený úplný koloskok na 12 polí. Pravda, 8 z týchto matových skokov už hrozí po úvodníku a nové sú len zvyšné 4.

2nd Comm: d04, Pavel Kamenik, Czechia
Full "wheel" of knight+wazir to 12 squares. Of course, 8 of these mating jumps are threating and only 4 of them are new after defences.

Ďakujem Jurajovi Lörincovi, že ma menoval za rozhodcu tejto komornej súťaže a tiež autorom, že mi umožnili detailne sa oboznámiť s ich spracovaním tejto motivačne veľmi zaujímavej oblasti exošachu.

My thanks go to Juraj Lörinc for asking me to judge this small competition and also to the authors for allowing me to study in detail their products in the very interesting field of fairy chess from the point of view of motivation.

Juraj Brabec, medzinárodný rozhodca FIDE
V Bratislave, október 2001

Juraj Brabec, International Judge of FIDE
Bratislava, October 2001

Reto Aschwanden
1st Prize
7th TT CCM C 31.8.2001 - direct section

1...Bg2~ a 2.LE1g3# A
1...Bge4! b 2.LE1g5# B
1...Bc6~ c 2.LEg3# C
1...Bce4! d 2.LEg5# D

1.Rd4! th. 2.Re4#
1...Bg2~ a 2.LE1g5# B
1...Bge4! b 2.LE1g3# A
1...Bc6~ c 2.LEg5# D
1...Bce4! d 2.LEg3# C

The richest problem both thematically and from the view of the whole content. It is possible to find the given theme with its antiform in every variation. But its direct form is shown only in black corrections by both bishops. The elegant key changes consequences of black corrections with dual avoidance, giving double reciprocal change again with use of prescribed theme. The used fairy pieces as well as fairy condition suit nicely to the mechanism.

#2 (7+13)
1+1 rookhopper, 0+1 bishopper, 2+0 leo

Michel Caillaud
1st HM
7th TT CCM C 31.8.2001 - direct section

1...S~ a 2.Ga1# A
1...Sd4! b 2.Gd8# B

1.Kc4! th. 2.Rb5#
1...S~ a 2.Gd8# B
1...Sd4! b 2.Ga1# A
(1...Gd7,Gd4 2.Ra1#)

Again black correction, now of the one black piece only, but with use of battery/antibattery motives after random as well as corrected move. The paradoxical interplay of black knight and white king is impressionable too: before key white king allows jump of Gb6, but disables jump of Ga4 and 1...Sd4 reverses it, in solution it is reversed, both positive and negative motives of knight move are produced by white king, but after correction the situation is again as before the key. Isn't it possible to save some unit?

#2 (4+11)
2+3 grasshopper

Miodrag Mladenovic
2nd HM
7th TT CCM C 31.8.2001 - direct section

1.Rf5? th. 2.Rxg5#
1...Se4, Se6 2.LExe8#, LEd1#

1.Qf6! th. 2.Qxg5#
1...Se4, Se6 2.LEd1#, LExe8#

Similar mechanism to the previous problem (as if it was composed by the same author) motivated by presence or absence of white units at f4, f5, f6 and by blocking of e4 and e6. The use of leo d1 maybe helped author to economise the position, but I'd like it more with grasshopper. Nice reciprocal change.

#2 (5+10)
1+0 leo, 0+4 grasshopper

Juraj Lörinc
1st Comm
7th TT CCM C 31.8.2001 - direct section

1.LEg4? th. 2.LEd1 ~ 3.LEb3#

1.LEh5? th. 2.LEd1 ~ 3.LEb3#

1.LEh7! th. 2.LEc2 ~ 3.LEb3#
1...VAg1 2.LEf7+ e5 3.LEh5+ e4 4.LEh1#
1...VAf2 2.LEg8+ e5 3.LEg5+ e4 4.LEg2#

Simple moremover, the immobilisation of hurdle isn't reached by blocking, but rather it is special property of used unit (pawn). The error of the last black move is allowing of checking by entering of check line. The tries with logical combination of choice are very nice. Used fairy pieces are adequate to the content.

#4 (6+6)
1+0 leo, 0+4 vao

Pavel Kamenik
2nd Comm
7th TT CCM C 31.8.2001 - direct section

1.SWxd4! hr. 2.SW(almost)~#
1...b6 2.SWc6#
1...d5 2.SWxd5#
1...d6 2.SWe6#
1...SWf4 2.SWf5#
1...Rh4 2.SWe4#
1...SWf2 2.SWf3#
1...Se2 2.SWxe2#
1...Sd3 2.SWxd3#
1...Sc2 2.SWxc2#
1...Sb3 2.SWxb3#
1...Sc4 2.SWxc4#
1...Sb5 2.SWxb5#

1.SWh4? SWf4! (2.SWg6+,LIe5+ SWxg6!, Gf3!)

Full "wheel" of knight+wazir to 12 squares. Of course, 8 of these mating jumps are threating and only 4 of them are new after defences.

#2 (4+14)
1+0 lion, 0+2 grasshopper, 1+1 knight+wazir ((1,2)+(0,1))

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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