Locust-specific batteries 2

This is the second special example file for the 22nd TT CCM C 11.11.2007. All selected problems have the same arrangement of pieces - wL-bK-wL on the same line on neighbouring squares, on either orthogonal or diagonal line.
Stephen Emmerson
original version of
The Problemist Supplement 1997 (v)

1.Kh6? zz, 1...Sg6!

1.Kg8? zz, 1...Sf7!

1.Kg7! zz
1...Sf7 2.Lxf7-g8#
1...Sg6 2.Lxg6-h6#

Stephen has kindly provided a version of his older problem with minimalistic construction. King tries block arrival squares of mating jumps.

#2 (4+2)
3+0 locust

Petko A. Petkov
Eretria 2005

1.S2e3! zz
1...Q~ 2.Lxc6-b7#
1...Qb5! 2.Lxb5-a6#
1...Qd1+! 2.Lxd1-c1#
1...Qd3! 2.Lxd3-c4#
1...Qxh1! 2.Rg3#
1...Qg2! 2.Lxg2-f3#
1...Qf3! 2.Lxf3-e4#
1...Qe4! 2.Lxe4-d5#
1...Qc4! 2.Lxc4-b5#
1...c5 2.Lxd5-c6#

Black queen repeatedly corrects by attacking reciprocal battery. Note also the self-pinning defence 1...Qxh1 that is indeed non-thematical for 22nd TT CCM.

#2 (8+4)
2+0 locust

Petko A. Petkov
Chalkidiki 2004

1...Lxd6-e6+ 2.Lxe6-e7#
1...Lxc5-c4+ 2.Lxc4-b5#

1.Bg5? zz
mais 1...f6!

1.Bf5? th. 2.Be4#
mais 1...g5!

1.Ba6! th. 2.Lxg6-g7#
1...Lxd6-e6+ 2.Lxe6-d7#
1...Lxc5-c4+ 2.Lxc4-b4#
1...g5 2.Lxg5-g6#

Change of mates based on the change of battery direction. The non-guarded locust has to checkmate.

#2 (8+4)
2+1 locust

Cedric C. L. Sells
2nd Prize British Chess Magazine 1968

1...R~ (Rc5) 2.Lxg7-g8#
1...Rc4+! 2.Lxc4-b3#

1.Kd5! th. 2.Gxc6#, Lxg7-g8#
1...Bc4+ 2.Lxc4-c5#
1...Rd6+ 2.Lxd6-c6#
1...Rc5+! 2.Lxc5-c6#

Black correction in the set play is substituted by 3 different checks in the solution. Note that in the solution only threat and 1...Rd6+ variation are thematical.

#2 (9+11)
1+0 grasshopper, 3+0 locust

Yves Cheylan
3rd HM 1st TT Phénix 1989-91

1.Bh2! th. 2.Se7#
1...Lxc6-d7 2.Lxe3-e2#
1...Lxa6-a7 2.Lxd3-c2#
1...Lxe8-d8 2.Lxg7-g8#
1...Sf6 2.Lxf6-e6#

The first pair of variations contains unpin of white locust whose mating moves are then separated by setting up black locust-pawn specific batteries. Good locust geometry.

#2 (9+12)
2+2 locust

Yoshikazu Ueda
Problem Paradise 2005

1.axb1AN 2.ANe5 Lxe5-e6#
1.axb1(2,5) 2.(2,5)d6 Lxd6-e6#
1.axb1L 2.Lxb4-b5 Lxb5-a4#
1.axb1G 2.Gf5 Lxf5-g6#
1.axb1CR 2.SHNd7 Lxd7-e8#
1.axb1NH 2.NGe7 Lxe7-e8#
1.axb1NE 2.Eb7 Lxb7-a8#
1.axb1GI 2.GIc5+ Lxc5-c4#
1.axb1(2,4) 2.(2,4)f3 Lxf3-g2#
1.axb1Z 2.Zd4 Lxd4-c4#
1.axb1B 2.Bd3 Lxd3-c2#
1.axb1S 2.Sc3+ Lxc3-c2#

12 different promotions lead to 12 locust-typical battery mates. Unfortunately almost all fairy pieces are used only for allowing promotion into them. Can this idea be shown in the more fairy-economic form?

ser-h#2 (12+2)
2+0 locust, zebra a1, camelrider a3
giraffe a6, grasshopper b4, nonstop equihopper e1
2:5-leaper f7, 2:4-leaper g3
nightrider-hopper h8, antelope b1

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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