Popular fairy problems 10

So, here are probably the last examples for our 9th TT, some fairy selfmates.
Erich Bartel
Phénix 1988

1.Ke3! th. 2.Qf5+ exf1Q#
1...Sf3 2.Qxf3+ exf1Q#
1...e6 2.Rf4+ exf1R#
1...c6 2.Bd3+ exf1B#
1...Sxh3 2.Sd2+ exf1S#

Madrasi is very suitable condition for motivation of different promotions. Note the key that paralyses both kings, thus takes 4 fligths of bK and 6 flights of wK. Unusual...

s#2 (6+8)
Madrasi RI

Stefano Galletti
Antonio Garofalo

572 Best Problems 20 - 2001

1.Ba7! 0-0-0 2.Bb8 Rh8 3.Bxd6 Rh1 4.Bh2 Ra1 5.Bg1 Ra8 6.Sa6 Rxa6#

White forces bR to make the round trip including long castling and then locks it, bR finishes the play by relatively short mating move of length 2.

s#6 (4+5)

Henrik Juel
Thema Danicum 1994


1.Se1 Gd1 2.Sd3 Gd4 3.Se5 Gf6 4.Sc4 Gd5 5.Sb2 Ga1 6.Sd3 Gd2 7.Se1 Gf1 8.Sg2 Gh3#

Set mate reappears after precisely determined manoeuvre of white knight and two black grasshoppers, or rather after manoeuvre of wS that forces black duo to dance as he plays.

s#8* (2+3)
0+2 grasshopper

Michel Caillaud
2nd Prize Messigny 1997

1.Kf6+ Kg4 2.Ke6+ Kf4 3.Rf3+ Ke4 4.Kd6+ Kd4 5.Rd3+ Kc4 6.Kd7+ Kxb5 7.Kc7+ Ka6 8.Kb8+ Exe8#

Would you dare to bet where the checkmate will take place? Black king is transported to the other side of the board using white royal batteries on different lines. On its way bK clears the line for the mating move.

s#8 (8+6)
1+1 elephant

Kjell Widlert
1st Prize Springaren Xmas Tourney 1993

1.ROf3! Sb7 2.ROh2+ Sd6+ 3.Kd8 Sc4 4.Qd6+ Se5 5.Sc7 Sf3 6.ROc4+ Se5 7.ROa5 Sc4 8.Qg6+ hxg6 9.ROb7+ Sd6 10.Sc8 Sxb7#

White needs a time to prepare the mating net, to move his king and to block c7 and c8. It is possible to gain the time thanks to the special rose and knight relation - rose can pin him and allow the only move along pin line. Also the property of rose - to check along different lines - is well exploited.

Paul Raican has sent the dual claim: 4.Sc7 Sd2! 5.Qd6+ Sf3 6.ROc4+ Se5 etc.(and 4...Sd6 5.g6+ hg6 6.ROd2+ g5 7.Qxg5 Sc4 8.ROb7+ Sd6 9.Sc8 Sxb7#).

s#10 (9+3)
rose a5

György Bakcsi
László Zoltán

Phénix 2000

1.Rh1! Bh7 2.Sc6 Bg8 3.Sb8 Bh7 4.Sd7 Bg8 5.Sf8 c6 6.Sd7 Bh7 7.Sb8 Bg8 8.Sa6 Bh7 9.Sc7 Bg8 10.Se8 Bh7 11.Sed6 Bg8 12.Sc8 Bh7 13.Se7 h4 14.Sc8 Bg8 15.Scd6 Bh7 16.Se8 Bg8 17.Sc7 Bh7 18.Sa6 Bg8 19.Sb8 Bh7 20.Sd7 Bg8 21.Sf8 h3 22.Sd7 Bh7 23.Sb8 Bg8 24.Sa6 Bh7 25.Sc7 Bg8 26.Se8 Bh7 27.Sed6 Bg8 28.Sc8 Bh7 29.Se7 h2 30.Sc8 Bg8 31.Scd6 Bh7 32.Se8 Bg8 33.Sc7 Bh7 34.Sa6 Bg8 35.Sb8 Bh7 36.Sd7 Bg8 37.Sf8 c5 38.Sd7 Bh7 39.Sb8 Bg8 40.Sc6 Bh7 41.Se7 c4 42.Sc6 Bg8 43.Sb8 Bh7 44.Sd7 Bg8 45.Sf8 c3 46.Sd7 Bh7 47.Sb8 Bg8 48.Sc6 Bh7 49.Se7 Bg8 50.Sxg8 c2#

Well, this kind of problem isn't very suitable for web page because of the length, but the idea is clear. White oscillates with his knight, while Black with bishop. Everytime white knight finishes his route, Black is forced to make one pawn move to prevent capture of bishop. As soon as pawn moves are exhausted (except the last mating move c3-c2, White captures the bishop and Black mates.

s#50 (9+14)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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