Award of 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of TT that was announced on CCM too.

I´ve received 10 problems, mainly by e-mailing authors. One problem being non-thematic and the other one unsound.
Thus 8 problems left, all of them appear in this award.

5th Honourable Mention: (10) (Dyachuk) The Kiss cycle in a stalemate problem with nice use of the Supertransmuting King.
4th Honourable Mention: (6) (Bourd) The only orthodox twomover showing the Reeves cycle plus interesting duals in the real play.
3rd Honourable Mention: (5) (Quah) Good idea of neutral units, here resulting in the Shedey cycle.
2nd Honourable Mention: (8B) (Dragoun) Unusual helpmate where all the corners are of interest. The Ceriani cycle.
1st Honourable Mention: (4) (Dyachuk) Lačný cycle with many promoted units and highly motivated changes.

3rd Prize: (1) (Loustau) Very difficult Djurasevic cycle 5/1 (5-fold cycle with the distance 1 between key and threat), masterly matched.

2nd Prize: (3) (Lörinc) Problem with the richest content: 4x4 Shedey cycle with all keys as promotion of the same pawn! The basic idea is not completely new (see CYCLONE 1650). However, the used fairy conditions are different and the whole setting almost unbelievable (with nice refutations, too).

1st Prize: (2B) (Loustau) Djurasevic 5/1 once again! I liked this one more because of some fine details and the „thematical addition“ in the refutation, too. Problem with high difficulty and a strong artistic impression!

Peter Gvozdják, Moscow, August 1st 2003
Vasyl Dyachuk
5th HM 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.Gh3+? A
1...SKh5G a 2.Gxh5= B
1...SKxh3G b 2.Rh8= C

1.Gh5+? B
1...SKxh5G a 2.Rh8= C
1...SKh3G b 2.Gh3= A
(1...SKb1G 2.Ra1=, 1...SKb5G 2.Kxb5=)

Kiss cycle

=2 (7+4)
supertransmuting king f5, 2+0 grasshopper

Evgeny Bourd
4th HM 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.Qh1! A th. 2.Qa8# B
1...Kf8 2.Qa8#, Qh8#

1.Qa8! B th. 2.Qh8# C
1...Kxh5 2.Qh8#, 2.Qh1#

1.Qh8! C th. 2.Qh1# A
1...Kf3 2.Qh1#, 2.Qa8#

Reeves cycle

#2 (8+5)
b) g8 -» h6, a5 -» h5
c) g8 -» g2, f6 -» e1

James Quah
3rd HM 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.CRb7? th. 2.LIh1# A
1...nCRe8 a 2.LIh8# B
1...nZd5 b 2.Sb3# C

1.CRb8! th. 2.LIh8# B
1...nCRe8 a 2.Sb3# C
1...nZd5 b 2.LIh1# A

Shedey cycle

#2 (8+4+2)
camel rose e6, e7, lion a8
neutral camel rose h7, neutral zebra f2

Michal Dragoun
2nd HM 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.Bb3 LIxa1 A 2.Kh8 a LIxa8# B

1.Bf5 LIxa8 B 2.Kh8 a LIxh1# C

1.c3 LIxh1 C 2.Kh8 a LIxa1# A

Ceriani cycle

h#2 (2+13)
One-way chess, 1+0 lion, 0+5 grasshopper

Vasyl Dyachuk
1st HM 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1...Kh8 a 2.Be5# A
1...Kxa8 b 2.Rxg8# B
1...Ka1 c 2.Rxa3# C
1...Kh7 2.Bxg8#

1...Kh8 a 2.Rxg8# B
1...Kxa8 b 2.Rxa3# C
1...Ka1 c 2.Be5# A
1...Kd1 2.Sc3#

Lacny cycle

#2 (15+5)
transmuting king h1

Jean-Marc Loustau
3rd Prize 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.Sb4? B th. 2.LIa8# C
1...f2 a 2.LIa1# D
1...c4 b 2.Ra6# E
1...Bd5 c 2.LIdd2# A
1...e4 2.Ra6#
1...RLe4 2.LId2#
1...Sb7 2.Sc6#

1.LIdd2! A th. 2.Sb4# B
1...f2 a 2.LIa8# C
1...c4 b 2.LIa1# D
1...Bxd5 c 2.Ra6# E
1...BLf6 2.LIdxd8#

5-fold Djurasevic cycle

#2 (13+12)
3+0 lion, 1+3 rook lion, 0+2 bishop lion

Juraj Lörinc
2nd Prize 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.a8GI? th. 2.CAe5# A
1...Rhxa8(GIh8) a 2.Kc7# B
1...Bxa8(GIh1) b 2.Rb5# C
1...Raxa8(GIa1) c 2.Qb5# D

1.a8CA? th. 2.Kc7# B
1...Rhxa8(CAh8) a 2.Rb5# C
1...Bxa8(CAh1) b 2.Qb5# D
1...Raxa8(CAa1) c 2.CAe5# A

1.a8(3,6)? th. 2.Rb5# C
1...Rhxa8((3,6)h8) a 2.Qb5# D
1...Bxa8((3,6)h1) b 2.CAe5# A
1...Raxa8((3,6)a1) c 2.Kc7# B

1.a8(4,6)! th. 2.Qb5# D
1...Rhxa8((4,6)h8) a 2.CAe5# A
1...Bxa8((4,6)h1) b 2.Kc7# B
1...Raxa8((4,6)a1) c 2.Rb5# C

Complete 4-fold Shedey cycle.

#2 (8+8)
PWC (Circe-Echange), Ultrapatrol chess
1+1 camel, giraffe g4
(3,6)-leaper f2, (4,6)-leaper b6

Jean-Marc Loustau
1st Prize 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003

1.Rb4? B th. 2.LIxa1# C
1...Sd5, Se4 a 2.Sc2# D
1...e5 b 2.LIa8# E
1...LId4 c 2.BLc5# A
1...Sxd1, Sxe2, RLc1 2.Sc2#

1.BLc5! A th. 2.Rb4# B
1...Sd5, Se4 a 2.LIxa1# C
1...e5 b 2.Sc2# D
1...LIxd4 c 2.LIa8# E
1...LIa5 2.Qb2#
1...RLc4 2.LIf8#

5-fold Djurasevic cycle

#2 (11+12)
1+2 lion, 0+2 rook lion, 1+0 bishop lion

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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