Award of 24th TT Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of regular TT of WCCC, this time already 24th edition. This year, the theme was the following: In at least one phase, there is a triple threat. Additionally, there must be any cyclic idea (not necessary to be a Cyclone). See the example.

The "long-distance" congresses, with less participants, show also much less interest for this tourney.

That had been the case of the 2009 Rio congress, and the same happened this year in Kobe. It also should be mentioned that for the non-participants did I announce the theme a bit too late. And more, it was not very straightforward...

Well, here are the awarded problems.

4th Honourable Mention:
(03) (Müller). Hard to say that the tries show some cyclic play... It is rather separation one of three threats. Fortunately, in solution there is cycle of duals.

3rd Honourable Mention:
(05) (Sabol). Cycle of triple threats out of four.

2nd Honourable Mention:
(02A) (Witztum & Navon). I had to close both my eyes to see this composition as thematic. Firstly, we have 1.5 moves instead of 2, and secondly, the what the authors described as threat in this helpmate, might be quite questionable. On the other hand, the problem itself is nice, and that decided here.

1st Honourable Mention:
(01) (Novitsky). Six mates combined in a kind of cycle within tries and solution.

(04) (Klemanič). A clear winner - the Lačný cycle after random and two correction defences. In the Fleck form, of course.

Peter Gvozdják, Kobe, September 21, 2012.

Peter Gvozdják
1st Prize K. Mlynka 50 JT 1994

1.Qc2! th. 2.e4+ Rxg1#
      2.Se4+ Bxe4#
     2.Sd3+ Bxd3#
1...Sxc4 2.e4+ A Rxg1#
1...Sxd5 2.Se4+ B Bxe4#

1.Qe8! th. 2.e4+ Rxg1#
     2.Se4+ Bxe4#
     2.Sd3+ Bxd3#
1...Sxc4 2.Se4+ B Bxe4#
1...Sxd5 2.Sd3+ C Bxd3#

1.Qe5! th. 2.e4+ Rxg1#
     2.Se4+ Bxe4#
     2.Sd3+ Bxd3#
1...Sxc4 2.Sd3+ C Bxd3#
1...Sxd5 2.e4+ A Rxg1#

A triple threat appears in all phases and there is the Rice cycle after separating defences.

s#2 (15+11)
3 solutions

Dieter Müller
4th HM 24th Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012

1.Qg8? th. 2.Qg4#
1...Sf7 2.Qg4#
1...Sg6 2.Qh7#
1...exf3 2.Qg5#

1.Qe6? th. 2.Qh6#
1...exf3 2.Qh3#
1...Bxf4 2.Qg4#
1...Bc8 2.Qh6#

1.Qg2! th. 2.Qg5# A
     2.Qg4# B
     2.Qh3# C
1...Bf1 2.Qg5# A
     2.Qg4# B
1...exf3 2.Qg5# A
     2.Qh3# C
1...Bf6 2.Qg4# B
     2.Qh3# C

#2 (6+5)

Frantisek Sabol
3rd HM 24th Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012

1...Qxe7 2.Sg7#

1.Qg7?? th. 2.Sf6# A
     2.Sd6# B
     2.Sc7# C

1.Qf6! th. 2.Sd6# B
     2.Sc7# C
     2.Sg7# D
1...Qxf6 2.Sg7#

1.Qd6! th. 2.Sc7# C
     2.Sg7# D
     2.Sf6# A
1...Qxd6 2.Sg7#

1.Qc7! th. 2.Sg7# D
     2.Sf6# A
     2.Sd6# B
1...Qxc7 2.Sg7#

#2 (7+5)
Mars Circe
3 solutions

Menachem Witztum
Emanuel Navon

2nd HM 24th Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012

1...Qd1 & 2...Qd4#
1...Qc1 & 2...Qxe3#
1...Qb5 & 2...Qe5#

1...Qd1 2.Qxg4 (2.Qxh4?, 2.Qxg3?) Qd4#
1...Qc1 2.Qxh4 (2.Qxg3?, 2.Qxg4?) Qxe3#
1...Qb5 2.Qxg3 (2.Qxg4?, 2.Qxh4?) Qe5#

h#1,5 (12+7)
3 solutions

Petro Novickyj
1st HM 24th Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012

1.Sg5? / 1.Rg5? th.
     2.Kg1# A
     2.Kg2# B     
     2.Kg3# C
1...Re1 2.Kxe1# D
1...Re2+ 2.Kxe2# E
1...Re3 2.Kxe3# F

1.Re5? th. 2.Ke1# D
     2.Ke2# E
     2.Ke3# F

1.Se5! th. 2.Ke1# D
     2.Ke2# E
     2.Ke3# F
1...Sc4 2.Ke1# D
     2.Ke2# E
1...cxd2 2.Ke2# E
     2.Ke3# F
1...Sc1 2.Ke3# F
     2.Ke1# D
1...Rg1 2.Kxg1# A
1...Rg2+ 2.Kxg2# B
1...Rg3 2.Kxg3# C
1...Rxe5 2.dxe5#
1...Rg4 2.Sxg4#
1...Rg5 2.hxg5#

#2 (10+11)

Emil Klemanic
Prize 24th Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012

1.Bd3? th. 2.Bc3# A
     2.Bg3# B
     2.Rxe4# C
1...Gf7~ a 2.Bc3# A
1...Gd5! b 2.Bg3# B
1...Gf5! c 2.Rxe4# C

1.Bf3! th. 2.Bc3# A
     2.Bg3# B
     2.Rxe4# C
1...Gf7~ a 2.Bg3# B
1...Gfd5! b 2.Rxe4# C
1...Gf5! c 2.Bc3# A
1...RLxe3 2.Bc3#
1...Gad5 2.Rxe4#
1...RLxf3 2.Bg3#

#2 (13+11)
1+3 grasshopper, 2+2 rook lion
3+1 nightrider-hopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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