League of Macedonian Problemists 2001

Each composer may participate with up to three problems in each round. Ten problems will be awarded points as follows: 1st Place - 12 pts, 2nd Pl. - 10 pts, 3rd Pl. - 9 pts, ...10th Pl. - 2 pts, a correct problem - 1 point (provided that its composer does not have an honoured problem in the award in question). If a composer has another honoured problem in a certain award, only his/her highest placed entry will score. The final ranking will be based on the sum of points from all four rounds.

Entries before February 28th 2002, to Zoran Gavrilovski, p. fah 137, Skopje MK-1001, Macedonia or by e-mail to mprobl@yahoo.com.

Judge: M. Parthasarathy
The squares on which play occurs should be linked thematically. "Play" may mean tries, refutations, defences or mates or any combination of these. Example I.A, example I.B.

Judge: Milan Vukceviæ
Active sacrifices of white queen in second moves of two or more variations without capture of black pawn or other pieces. Example II.

Judge: Michal Dragoun
The first move of White vacates the square, from which White in the second move mates. Twins, more solutions, zero position, duplex are allowed. Example III.

Judge: Uri Avner
On its 1st move Black creates a certain damage 'X' which must be repaired by "Anti-X" means. The need for this reparation determines White's 2nd move. The "Anti-X" action can be carried out either by White itself (example IV.A) or by forcing Black to do so (example IV.B). The damages shown in the examples are self-pinning (example IV.A) and opening of white lines example IV.B), but any kind of damage is allowed. The variations may consist of the same kind of damage or of different sorts of damages displayed among them.

M. Parthasarathy
3rd Prize Odessa 1967

1.Be2! zz,
1...S~, Sxf5! 2.Shg3#, R5g4#
1...B~ Bf3! 2.R1g4#, Bd3#
1...R~, Rxd4! 2.Qd3#, Sfg3#

Cycle of mating squares after 3 random moves and 3 black corrections.

#2 (11+9)

Leopold Szwedowski
1st Prize Segers JT 1994-1995

1.e7? th. 2.Bg8#, 1...e3!
1.Re3? th. 2.Bxe4#, 1...Sg3!
1.Sg3? th. 2.Bxe4#, 1...Sc3!
1.Rhc3? th. 2.R3c5#, 1...Be7!

1.Ra3! th. 2.Rxa5#
1...Sxa3, a4, Be7
2.Sc3#, Sb4#, Qxe5#

Cycle of try move squares and refutation squares.

#2 (10+10)

Viktor Kapusta
1st Prize Phénix 1994

1.Kg3! th. 2.Sxe3+ Ke6 3.Bd5#
1...Qxf7 2.Qe4+ Kxe4, Ke6 3.Sh4, exd6#
1...Sc3 2.Qc4+ Kxc4, Kc6 3.Sxe3, cxd6#
(1...Ke6, Sxc7 2.Qxd7+, Rf6)

Two thematical variations with captureless sacrifice of white queen in 2nd move.

#3 (12+10)

Michal Dragoun
Macedonian Problemist 2001

1.Rb4 Se4 2.fxe4 Qd6#

1.Sb4 Sd5 2.exd5 Qb6#

White must vacate the mating square. White knights must move to the squares they are initially guarding to allow pawn capture blocking.

h#2 (7+12)

Uri Avner
2nd Prize Lender JT 1988-1989

1.Sf5! zz
1...Kf8 2.Sd6+ Sf5#
1...Kd7 2.Sg7+ Sf5#

Black pins own knight by king move, but white unpins it immediately by line closing.

s#2 (9+5)

Waldemar Tura
3rd Prize Wola Gulowska 1989

1.Rd3! th. 2.Qe7+ Sxe7#
1...c5 2.cxb8B+ d6#
1...cxd3 2.Qc5+ d5#

Black opens white lines to e6 and white forces him to reclose them in second move.

s#2 (8+15)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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