Award of 19th TT Spisska Borovicka C 19.10.2007

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of TT that was announced on CCM too.

Fourteen entries this year, unusually many for this tourney.
I was much surprised by receiving three orthodox twomovers.
Nice were also the ways of delivering the entries (e-mail, handed, or waking me up when calling to hotel in the night and sending the problem via fax... I also expected some sms but non came this year.)
The problems by atuhors not attending the congress may be awarded, but the bottle & books belong only to the congress participants.
Thanks to all authors for making me pleasure when studying the problems.
Here´s my award.

Commendations ex aequo:

(04) (Quah)
Djurasevic cycle, however, theme only in the try.

(05) (Quah)
4-fold Lacny, one check in try, one in solution.

(06) (Loustau)
3-fold Lacny with 2+2 checks, plus checking set play.

Honourable mentions ex aequo:

(01) (Schönholzer)
Nice Shedey cycle in orthodox problem, with try creating second battery and key destroying even the first one.

(02) (Quah)
Shedey with 1+1 checks, fortunately changed between phases.

(03) (Strebkovs)
Orthodox Kiss cycle with new element in the mechanism – the hidden Re8.

(14) (Caillaud)
Lacny cycle with 0+3 checks and highly thematic key.
However, the dual avoidance does not work the same way in all variations, and the concept remains me a bit of another problem by Michel, 1st Pr Messigny 1995 (see CYCLONE no. 434).

Special Prize: (12A) (Rotenberg)
4-fold Shedey cycle in circe parrain and wK standing in check. Normally, that shall be considered a flaw, but here, the another „check“ might look like more thematic.
After the congress, Jacques did supply also more „convential“ version (12B) which is to be shown along the original one.

Special Prize: (13) (Klemanic)
Orthodox 3-fold Shedey cycle with all checking defences.
Only there are a bit too many Bishops on the chessboard.

5th Prize: (08) (Loustau)
3-fold Lacny with great unity: all mating moves (and also the non-thematic threat) on the very same square, additional checking change in set play. What a difference reached only by changed wK position!

4th Prize: (10) (Bulavka, Khramtsevich)
Complete 3x3 Lacny with all checking defences!
Great concept, a bit suffering by use of different families of fairy units (mainly maos are strangers).

1st-3rd Prize e.a.: (07) (Loustau)
3x3 Lacny with 2+2+2 checks.
There are some certain advantages to the 4th Prize: The non-chcecking defence blocks, the other two checks work like Black correction. Then, very unified mecahnism. And, not to forget, all units from the same family.

1st-3rd Prize e.a.: (09) (Bulavka, Khramtsevich)
Complete 3x3 Kiss is probably the most ambitious idea in this tourney.
Clear mechanism, a bit pity for the single Nightrider. On contrary, the Dabbaba looks quite naturally here.

1st-3rd Prize e.a.: (11) (Retter)
It is my pleasure to glorify this orthodox Ukrainian cycle with the only one checking defence (but chcecking in all phases!). I did not expect something like this. It is not too easy to compare ortho and fairy problems, but, on my opinion, all the three first prizes reach the top in its own way.

Peter Gvozdják, Rhodes, October 19th 2007
James Quah
Comm e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.LEf4? B th. 2.Sg6# C
1...Be7+ a 2.Ke6# A

1.Ke6! A th. 2.LEf4# B
1...Be7 a 2.Sg6# C
1...Bc5 2.Bxc5#

Djurasevic cycle

#2 (7+4)
1+1 vao, pao b4, leo h2

James Quah
Comm e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.Bc4! zz
1...PAa4+ a 2.Kc3# A
1...VAc7 b 2.CAc3# B
1...PAa3 c 2.CAd2# C
1...VAb6 d 2.VA3d2# D

1.Bc5! zz
1...PAa4 a 2.CAc3# B
1...VAc7 b 2.CAd2# C
1...PAa3 c 2.VA3d2# D
1...VAb6+ d 2.Kc3# A

4-fold Lacny cycle

#2 (11+4)
0+1 pao, 2+1 vao, 4+0 camel
2 solutions

Jean-Marc Loustau
Comm e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1...Rf4+ a 2.RLf5# A

1.Ke6? th. 2.RLh6#, 2.RLg6#, 2.RLf6#
1...Rf4 a 2.RLg5# B
1...Re4+ b 2.RLe5# C
1...Rg4+ c 2.RLf5# A

1.Kg6! th. 2.RLh6#
1...Rf4 a 2.RLe5# C
1...Re4+ b 2.RLf5# A
1...Rg4+ c 2.RLg5# B

Lacny cycle

#2 (8+9)
2+2 rook lion, 1+3 bishop lion

Andreas Schönholzer
HM e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.Qa2? th. 2.Rc5# A
1...Qe4+ a 2.Be6# B
1...Bc5 b 2.Be4# C

1.Rh4! th. 2.Be6# B
1...Qe4+ a 2.Bxe4# C
1...Bc5 b 2.Rxc5# A

Shedey cycle

#2 (9+9)

James Quah
HM e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.VAd7? th. 2.LEf1# A
1...VAb7 a 2.VA4d3# B
1...PAa5+ b 2.Kc4# C

1.Bd4! th. 2.VA4d3# B
1...VAb7+ a 2.Kc4# C
1...PAa5 b 2.LEf1# A

Shedey cycle

#2 (9+5)
0+1 pao, 3+1 vao, 1+0 leo

Andrejs Strebkovs
HM e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.Qc5? A th. 2.Sb4#
1...Re1+ a 2.Bxe1# B
1...Qxc5 b 2.Se1# C

1.Be1! B th. 2.Sb4#
1...Rxe1+ a 2.Sxe1# C
1...Qc5 b 2.Qxc5# A
1...d3 2.Rdc1#

Kiss cycle

#2 (8+11)

Michel Caillaud
HM e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1...LOxb3-a3 a 2.Bd5# A
1...LOxg2-g1 b 2.Rd6# B
1...LOxg4-g5 c 2.Sd4# C

1.Kc5! th. 2.LOxe2-f2#
1...LOxb3-a3+ a 2.Rd6# B
1...LOxg2-g1+ b 2.Sd4# C
1...LOxg4-g5+ c 2.Bd5# A

Lacny cycle

#2 (11+7)
locust c2 - g3, bishop locust h4 - f1

Jacques Rotenberg
Special Prize
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

(1.Kc4? th. 2.Rf3# A, 2.Rf4# D, 2.Rf5# C, 2.Rf6# B
1...BLxd4 2.RLb6(RLd8)#

1.Kxe5? th. 2.Rf3# A
1...BLc5(g7)+ a 2.Rf6# B
1...RLc2(g5)+ b 2.Rf5# C
1...BLc1(g3)+ c 2.Rf4# D

1.Kxe4! th. 2.Rf6# B
1...BLc5(g6)+ a 2.Rf5# C
1...RLc2(g4)+ b 2.Rf4# D
1...BLc1(g2)+ c 2.Rf3# A
1...BLd5(a8) 2.RLd8#
1...RLh6 2.Rf4#
1...BLxd4 2.RLb6(RLd8)#

4-fold Shedey cycle

#2 (7+16)
Circe Parrain
2+3 rook lion, 0+5 bishop lion

Jacques Rotenberg
Special Prize
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007
version "after congress"

1.Ke6? th. 2.RLf3# D, 2.RLf4# C, 2.RLf5# B, 2.RLf6# A, 1...Sc7+!

1.Kg6?, 1.Kg5?, 1.Kg4? th. 2.RLf3# D, 2.RLf4# C, 2.RLf5# B, 2.RLf6# A, 1...RLd1!

1.RLxh8+? RLa2(BLf8)!

1.Kxe5? th. 2.RLf3# D
1...LIc5(g7)+ a 2.RLf6(c3)# A
1...LIc3(g5)+ b 2.RLf5# B
1...LIc1(g3)+ c 2.RLf4# C
1...RLd1(b5) d 2.Rg2# E
1...Sb6(f3)! (2.RLxf3+ La8(f8)!)

1.Kxe4! th. 2.RLf6# A
1...LIxc5(g6)+ a 2.RLf5# B
1...LIc3(g4)+ b 2.RLf4# C
1...LIc1(g2)+ c 2.RLf3# D
1...RLd1 d/RLe1(c4)+ 2.Rg3# F
1...RLxf1 2.RLxf1#

4-fold Shedey cycle

#2 (10+16)
Circe Parrain
0+1 lion, 2+4 rook lion, 0+4 bishop lion

Emil Klemanic
Special Prize
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.Bb3? th. 2.Sce6# A
1...Kd4+ a 2.Sge6# B
1...Kf4+ b 2.Rxe4# C

1.Bh3! th. 2.Sge6# B
1...Kd4+ a 2.Rxe4# C
1...Kf4+ b 2.Sce6# A
1...Sxh3 2.Rxe4#
1...Sg4 2.Rxe4#

Shedey cycle

#2 (12+6)
promoted force

Jean-Marc Loustau
5th Prize
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1...NLa8+ a 2.Rd7# A

1.Kb5? th. 2.Sbd7#
1...NLa8+ a 2.RLd7# C
1...BLxh5+ b 2.Rd7# A
1...NLc1+ c 2.Scd7# B
1...RLd5+ 2.Scd7#

1.Kc3! th. 2.Sbd7#
1...NLa8+ a 2.Scd7# B
1...BLxh5+ b 2.RLd7# C
1...NLc1+ c 2.Rd7# A
1...RLe3+ 2.RLdd6#
1...RLxc5+ 2.RLxc5#

Lacny cycle

#2 (11+19)
2+3 nightrider lion
3+4 rook lion, 1+6 bishop lion

Alexandr Bulavka
Michail Khramtsevich

4th Prize
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.RLf6? zz
1...Qxb3+ a 2.Kd3# A
1...Qb5+ b 2.Kd4# B
1...MAxb6+ c 2.Kd5# C

1.LEg6? zz
1...Qxb3+ a 2.Kd4# B
1...Qb5+ b 2.Kd5# C
1...MAxb6+ c 2.Kd3# A

1.PAe6! zz
1...Qxb3+ a 2.Kd5# C
1...Qb5+ b 2.Kd3# A
1...MAxb6+ c 2.Kd4# B

Complete Lacny cycle

#2 (18+15)
2+0 nightrider, 1+2 mao (c7)
1+0 pao (e2), 1+1 rook lion (f3)
1+2 rose lion (h7), 2+2 leo

Jean-Marc Loustau
1st-3rd Prize e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

(1.Qa2? th. 2.Rc5# B, 2.RLd6# C, 2.Rc6# A
1...Bxb3! a

1.Rc5+? Kxb3!
1.RLd6+? Kxb3!
1.Rc6+? Kxb3!

1.RLga2? th. 2.RLc2#

1.Kd2? th. 2.RLc2#
1...Bxb3 a 2.Rc6# A
1...RLb4+ b 2.Rc5# B
1...BLd4+ c 2.RLd6# C
1...Kxb3 2.Qa2#

1.Ke2? th. 2.RLc2#
1...Bxb3 a 2.Rc5# B
1...RLb4+ b 2.RLd6# C
1...BLd4+ c 2.Rc6# A
1...Kxb3 2.Qa2#

1.Kf2! th. 2.RLc2#
1...Bxb3 a 2.RLd6# C
1...RLb4+ b 2.Rc6# A
1...BLd4+ c 2.Rc5# B

Complete Lacny cycle

#2 (15+18)
2+4 nightrider lion
6+3 rook lion, 1+5 bishop lion

Alexandr Bulavka
Michail Khramtsevich

1st-3rd Prize e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.Se4? A th. 2.Rc2#
1...Sdf6+ a 2.DAe6# B
1...Shf6+ b 2.Se5# C
1...LI defends 2.RLa1#

1.DAe6? B th. 2.Rc2#
1...Sdf6+ a 2.Se5# C
1...Shf6+ b 2.Se4# A
1...LI defends 2.RLa1#

1.Se5! C th. 2.Rc2#
1...Sdf6+ a 2.Se4# A
1...Shf6+ b 2.DAe6# B
1...LI defends 2.RLa1#

Complete Kiss cycle

#2 (12+16)
nightrider h7, dabbabba c6
2+3 lion, 2+1 rook lion

Josef Retter
1st-3rd Prize e.a.
19th TT Spisska Borovicka 19.10.2007

1.gxf4? th. 2.e4# A
1...Kxc4+ a 2.Qxc6# B
1...Re3 2.Sxe3#

1.Rxc7? th. 2.Qxc6# B
1...Kxc4+ a 2.Qe4# C
1...Bc6~ 2.Qd6#

1.e6! th. 2.Qe4# C
1...Kxc4+ a 2.e4# A

Ukrainian cycle

#2 (12+10)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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