Announcements of chess composition tourneys
Important for every competitive composer: Where and when to send own compositions? Should they contain
any theme? Who is judge?
- Announcement of equihopper TT C 31.3.1999
- 153rd TT Probleemblad announcement and a few examples.
(Added 14.9.1998)
- Lacny theme TT announcement C 1.11.1999
- Announcement and a few examples.
(Added 1.12.1998)
- Csak - Majoros tourney - C 30.6.1999
- Announcement and exmaples of Hungarian h#/s# tourney.
(Added 29.1.1999)
- Lipskie Centrum Kultury C 1.9.1999
- Announcement of new formal tourney.
(Added 8.2.1999)
- Tivadar Kardos MT C 31.12.1999
- Announcement of Hungarian formal tourney for series helpmates.
(Added 16.4.1999)
- 3rd TT Quartz C 1.12.1999
- Announcement of Romanian formal tourney for problem in Republican chess
(Added 21.5.1999)
- Mat-64 tourneys for year 2000
- Czech chess magazine will have problem section on 4 pages. It announces informal tourneys.
(Added 29.9.1999)
- 2nd TT Pat a Mat C 31.8.2000
- Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for problems showing pseudo-carousel change.
(Added 6.12.1999)
- Three German tourneys 2000
- Udo Degener sent me these. Two informal and one formal tourneys, mostly orthodox.
(Added 9.2.2000)
- Problem-Echo 2000 informal tourneys
- Announcement of interesting tourneys. New examples included.
(Added 17.1.2000, modified 9.2.2000, 21.2.2000, 17.3.2000, 13.4.2000)
- 3rd TT Pat a Mat C 31.3.2001
- Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for helpmates with 3 solutions showing some cyclical theme.
(Added 31.7.2000)
- 12th TT Spisska Borovicka C 8.9.2000
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, this time it is open also to e-mailing authors, but the theme isn't simple, that's why he doesn't expect high number of entries...
(Added 3.8.2000)
- Jozef Taraba MT C 27.1.2001
- Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for orthodox twomovers.
(Added 9.8.2000)
- International amateur composing tourney C 1.3.2001
- Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney for orthodox h#2.
(Added 28.8.2000)
- League of Macedonian problemists C 30.12.2000
- Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections.
(Added 28.8.2000)
- Ural tourneys in 2001
- Annual tourneys of magazine Ural Problemist and announcements of a few formal tourneys.
(Added 26.9.2000)
- HOTF-tourney announcement - C 30.11.2001
- Announcement of international tourney for special kind of h#2.
(Added 6.12.2000)
- Yehuda Gringard MT announcement - C 30.10.2001
- Announcement of Israeli tourney for h#2,5.
(Added 6.12.2000)
- Csak - Majoros tourney - C 30.6.2001
- Announcement of Hungarian h#/s# tourney.
(Added 7.2.2001)
- Isaak Kavnatsky 90 JT announcement - C 1.10.2001
- Announcement of U.S. thematical tourney for h#n.
(Added 9.5.2001)
- 13th TT Spisska Borovicka C 3.8.2001
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors, but the theme isn't entirely simple, let's say it is reachable within given time limit...
(Added 17.6.2001)
- Pocket pieces TT C 30.4.2002
- Announcement of thematical tourney organized by Chess Variants Pages and co-organized by CCM.
(Added 9.7.2001)
- Ural tourneys in 2002
- Annual tourneys of magazine Ural Problemist and announcements of a few formal tourneys.
(Added 26.9.2001)
- 4th TT Quartz C 1.9.2002
- Announcement of Romanian formal tourney for fairy helpselfmates.
(Added 26.9.2001)
- League of Macedonian problemist C 28.2.2002
- Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections.
(Added 23.10.2001)
- Macedonian Problemist 2001
- Announcement of informal tourneys of the Macedonian magazine.
(Added 3.11.2001)
- Jornal de Solucionismo TT - C 31.12.2002
- Announcement of tourney for #2 in Brasil. It will be judged by Efren Petite and the closing date is postponed to 31.12.2002.
(Added 15.8.2001, modified 28.11.2001)
- Witztum 50 JT announcement - C 2.9.2002
- Announcement of thematical Israeli tourney for h#2. (Theme precised.)
(Added 18.11.2001, modified 28.11.2001)
- 1st TT of The Ural Problemist C 1.5.2002
- Announcement of thematical Russian tourney for s#2-6 with duplex.
(Added 1.4.2002)
- Warszawa 2002 C 27.4.2002
- Announcement of Polish quick composition tourney for h#2-3 and s#3-4.
(Added 14.4.2002)
- 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors.
(Added 2.7.2002)
- Two Lithuanian jubilee tourneys in C 31.12.2002
- Announcement of JT Rimkus 60 and JT Gelpernas 50.
(Added 28.7.2002)
- Wroclaw 2003 C 31.5.2003
- Announcement of Polish quick composition tourney for h#2 and s#2-3. New examples added.
(Added 1.5.2003, modified 17.5.2003)
- Bedrich Formánek 70 JT C 6.6.2003
- Announcement Slovak jubilee tourney for (very slightly) fairy twomovers and 4 examples. New examples added.
(Added 15.2.2003, modified 25.5.2003)
- 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors.
(Added 9.6.2003)
- League of Macedonian problemist C 1.9.2003
- Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections.
(Added 12.7.2003)
- Karol Mlynka 60 JT C 11.8.2004
- Announcement of Slovak jubilee tourney for orthodox and fairy twomovers. Also some remarks regarding
theme of fairy section included.
(Added 9.8.2003)
- Ivan Jarolin 50 JT C 31.3.2004
- Announcement of an unusual Slovak jubilee tourney for all kinds of problems.
(Added 13.9.2003)
- 4th TT Pat a Mat C 31.12.2004
- Announcement of Slovak formal tourney. Although it may seem unbelievable, the theme of this tourney is not cyclical!!!
(Added 25.10.2003)
- Nikolaj Zujev 50 JT C 30.6.2004
- Announcement of the Lihuanian jubilee tourney for orthodox h#4.
(Added 22.11.2003)
- Brian Stephenson 50 JT C 25.9.2004
- Announcement of the jubilee tourney for orthodox #4 and fairy problems with chinese pieces. Examples included.
(Added 30.11.2003)
- Ladislav Salai 70 JT C 19.8.2004
- Announcement of the jubilee tourney for #2 (fairy ones included), many good examples included.
(Added 7.2.2004)
- 16th TT Spisska Borovicka C C 10.9.2004
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney for Cyclone problems with additional
requirement of the Pelle move, it is again open also to e-mailing authors.
(Added 5.6.2004)
- Springaren Summer Tourney C 15.9.2004
- Announcement of the summer tourney of Swedish magazine dedicated to pawn batteries, 5 thematical #3 included.
(Added 3.9.2004)
- 23rd TT Problem-Echo C 31.12.2004 - announcement
- Announcement of the German tourney for miniature moremovers, 3 examples included.
(Added 11.9.2004)
- Friedrich Chlubna Memorial Tourney C 15.4.2006 - announcement
- Announcement of the memorial tourney of recently deceased Austrian composer.
(Added 12.2.2005)
- 17th TT Spisska Borovicka C 9.9.2005
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, again it is open also to e-mailing authors.
(Added 26.6.2005)
- Dieter Müller 60 JT C 14.10.2006
- Announcement of the jubilee tourney for orthodox h#2 with special twinning mechanism - moving all pieces on board at least two lines up, down, left or right.
(Added 24.11.2005)
- Václav Kotesovec 50 JT C 29.7.2006
- Announcement of the jubilee tourney for any kind of problems with grasshoppers.
(Added 16.1.2006)
- 18th TT Spisska Borovicka C 4.8.2006
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, again it is open also to e-mailing authors.
(Added 23.4.2006)
- 21st TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 5.5.2007
- Our 21st thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy problems featuring active play of king(s) under Madrasi Rex Inclusiv. It will be judged by Juraj Lörinc.
(Added 25.12.2006, modified 31.3.2007)
- 19th TT Spisska Borovicka C 19.10.2007
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, again it is open also to e-mailing authors.
(Added 19.7.2007)
- 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 11.11.2007
- Our 22nd thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy problems featuring specific locust batteries. It will be judged by Michal Dragoun.
(Added 9.5.2007, updated 8.11.2007)
- 23rd TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 3.3.2008
- Our 23rd thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy problems showing some triesand concentrating on ways of their refutations. It will be judged by Juraj Lörinc.
(Added 14.11.2007, modified 16.12.2007)
- ISC 2008 Christmas Tourney C 20.1.2008
- Announcement of the quick tourney dedicated to fairy condition Antipatrol chess - Elliuortap.
(Added 18.12.2007, updated 13.1.2008)
- 20th TT Spisska Borovicka C 5.9.2008
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney for Cyclone problems, this time with dual avoidance. Again open for e-mailing authors too.
(Added 20.4.2008)
- 24th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 10.10.2008
- Our 24th thematical tourney is dedicated to problems using twinning by replacement of pieces on their squares by other pieces. It will be judged by Michael Barth.
(Added 20.4.2008, modified 24.7.2008)
- 25th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 5.5.2009
- Our 25th thematical tourney is dedicated to problems showing dynamic pin play, more precisely unpinning and subsequent pinning of the same piece. It will be judged by James Quah.
(Added 25.10.2008, modified 2.4.2009)
- 21st TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney for Cyclone problems, this time with flight-taking keys. Again open for e-mailing authors too.
(Added 17.5.2009)
- 26th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 11.11.2009
- Our 26th thematical tourney is dedicated to problems in various Circe or Anticirce types, but with no captures. It will be judged by Juraj Lörinc.
(Added 24.5.2009, modified 24.10.2009)
- 27th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 3.3.2010
- Our 27th thematical tourney is dedicated to problems using fairy piece leo. It will be judged by Michal Dragoun.
(Added 31.8.2009, modified 27.2.2010)
- 28th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 10.10.2010
- Our 28th thematical tourney is dedicated to problems showing ecto-battery. It will be judged by Juraj Lörinc.
(Added 6.4.2010, modified 22.9.2010)
- 22nd TT Spisska Borovicka C 21.10.2010
- Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney for cyclic problems, this time not necessarily Cyclone ones. In addition Umnov moves are required. As usually, open for e-mailing authors too.
(Added 22.9.2010)
- Günther Weeth 75 JT C 31.7.2011 - announcement
- Announcement of the jubilee tourney dedicated to problems featuring magic squares. Includes selection of examples.
(Added 11.1.2011)
- 29th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 7.7.2011
- Our 29th thematical tourney is dedicated to series helpmates with twins formed by moving black king. It will be judged by Guy Sobrecases. New examples added.
(Added 4.1.2011, modified 3.7.2011)
- Anton Preinfalk Memorial Tourney C 19.12.2011 - announcement
- A memorial tourney of the Slovenian chess composer dedicated to helpmates with excelsiors ending in knight promotion. Some noteworthy examples included.
(Added 8.5.2011)
- 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011
- Announcement of Peter Gvozdják traditional congress tourney for cyclic problems, not necessarily Cyclone ones.
In addition retiring defences (i.e. moves away from bK) were required. The announcement is added for archive reasons too.
(Added 13.9.2011)
- 30th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 3.3.2012
- Our 30th thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy twomovers showing multiple threat in at least one phase. It will be judged by Juraj Brabec. New examples added.
(Added 10.9.2011, modified 24.1.2012)
- 31st TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 10.10.2012
- Our 31st thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy helpmates with set play. It will be judged by Vlaicu Crisan. New examples added.
(Added 9.3.2012, updated 10.3.2012)
- Announcement of TT Marianka - Fairies C 4.8.2012
- For the first time one Marianka tourney is open not only for the meeting participants. You can try your skills in composing problems with royal lion.
(Added 1.8.2012)
- Juraj Lörinc 40 Jubilee Tourney C 17.9.2013 - announcement
- A jubilee tourney is annonced in two sections, one for direct problems, the other for helpmates, with set fairy themes. Examples included.
(Added 17.9.2012)
- 32nd TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 4.4.2013
- Our 32nd thematical tourney is dedicated to direct mates with fairy pieces showing model mates. It will be judged by Jiří Jelínek. New examples added.
(Added 14.10.2012, modified 6.2.2013)
- 33rd TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 10.10.2013
- Our 33rd thematical tourney is dedicated to orthodox helpmates with at least one promoted piece on diagram. It will be judged by Michal Dragoun.
(Added 10.4.2013)
- Announcement of tourney Marianka Cup 2013
- The tourney is open to Marianka participants only and is dedicated to #2 with grassshoppers.
(Added 1.7.2013)
- 25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013
- Announcement of Peter Gvozdják's traditional congress tourney for problems in two moves. The defences on the threat square are required.
(Added 24.7.2013)
- Announcement of TT Marianka - Fairies C 3.8.2013
- For the second time one Marianka tourney is open not only for the meeting participants. You can try your skills in composing problems with duel of pieces where one of them is a fairy piece.
(Added 31.7.2013)
- Karol Mlynka 70 JT C 11.8.2014
- Announcement of Slovak jubilee tourney for orthodox and fairy problems with cyclic changes of defence or harmful motifs.
(Added 9.11.2013)
- 34th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 4.4.2014
- Our 34th thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy selfmates with at least two antibattery mates. It will be judged by Sven Trommler. Update: inserted definition of antibattery. New examples added.
(Added 15.10.2013, modified 30.11.2013)
- 35th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 10.10.2014
- Our 35th thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy threemovers with Siers battery. It will be judged by Ladislav Salai jr.
(Added 20.4.2014)
- 26th TT Spisska Borovicka C 28.8.2014
- Announcement of Peter Gvozdják's traditional congress tourney for antagonistic problems in two moves. The defences and mates on the neighbouring squares are required.
(Added 23.8.2014)
- Announcement of TT Marianka 2014 - Fairies C 2.9.2014
- For the third time quick fairy Marianka tourney is open not only for the meeting participants. You can prove your skills in composing problems with some kind of non-orthodox unpin.
(Added 30.8.2014)
- 36th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 4.4.2015
- Our 36th thematical tourney is dedicated to orthodox helpmates with all black moves made by black king. It will be judged by Abdelaziz Onkoud.
(Added 18.9.2014, updated 11.1.2015)
- Oliver Ralík 70 JT C 19.12.2015
- Announcement of Slovak jubilee tourney for problems showing multiple geometric patterns by the same piece.
(Added 13.6.2015)
- 27th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.8.2015
- Announcement of Peter Gvozdják's traditional congress tourney for antagonistic problems in two moves. The threat and variation mates on the same square are required.
(Added 5.7.2015)
- 37th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 9.9.2015
- Our 37th thematical tourney is dedicated to antagonistic chess problems where black checks are followed by moves of white king. It will be judged by Kjell Widlert.
(Added 22.2.2015, updated 19.8.2015)
- Announcement of TT Marianka 2015 - Fairies 22.8.2015
- For the fourth time quick fairy Marianka tourney is open not only for the meeting participants. You can prove your skills in composing problems with check as an aim.
(Added 19.8.2015)
Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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