Juraj Lörinc 40 Jubilee Tourney C 17.9.2013 - announcement

I know that 40 is not so memorable age as 50, but the idea of my own jubilee tourney was met with approval of some of my composing friends. So why not?

Of course, I wanted the tourney to feature themes that I have been researching in my composing career. With this in mind, I have selected two of them for my Marianka 2012 lecture. There was enough time only for one of them in Marianka, nevertheless, the tourney is announced for both of them.

The formal anonymous tourney is announced in two sections.

Section A is dedicated to problems with any antagonistic stipulation (#2, #3, #n, s#, r#, =n, etc.) showing the following content. In a threat (main threat or threat in the variation), White plans to arrive on the line X of lion or Chinese piece during threat and exploit the activation of the line X. Black defends the threat by anticipatory arrival on the line X, counting upon line deactivation after arrival of White in the threat try. However, White exploits to his advantage the fact that the line X is already activated by the defence.

Section B is dedicated to helpmates of any length. All mates should be by double-check (or even multiple-check) with active use of pin of the black piece B. That means that without pin the piece B (other than the black king) could successfully parry all checks at once. Also, "the pin" is understood freely for the purpose of the tourney, meaning any arrangement of pieces where specific move of the black piece (other than the black king) would introduce new attack on the black king, not existing in the mating position.

In both sections any fairy elements are allowed.

- for Section A #3 with rook lions and bishop lions, #3 with Chinese pieces, #2 with Chinese pieces.
- for Section B: h#2 in Patrol chess, h#2 in Patrol chess with some hoppers, h#2 with orphans.

Judge: Juraj Lörinc, jubilee and International Judge of FIDE for fairies.

The entries should be sent to tourney director Juraj Brabec, Svetlá 3, SK-811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail brabec@brabec.sk.

Closing date: 17.9.2013.

Prizes: 50 € for each section.

Juraj Lörinc
2nd HM Udo Degener 50 JT 2011

1...VAg~ 2.VAg2 [3.Sf3#] Se4 3.Sc4,Sf1#
1...VAf5 2.Sf3+ Ke4 3.VAg2#

1.PAd8! [2.Sc4+ Ke4 3.Sd6#]
1...VAgd7 2.Sf1+ Ke4 3.Sg3#
1...VAbd7 2.Sb3+ Ke4 3.S×c5#
1...Sd7 2.Sf3+ Ke4 3.S×g5#

In the threat of solution White counts upon guard of d5 by arrival of knight on PAd8 line. Thanks to the fact that d5 is not a potential flight of Ke3, but rather a distant flight, the square need not be guarded in the diagram position. Black closes in anticipation line of PAd8. And White says "Thanks". To specify White play, black defences have an additional motif of indirect unguard of mating squares.

#3 (8+10)
1+3 pao (a5), 1+3 vao (b5)

Juraj Lörinc
Rochade Europa 2010

1.LEb7? [2.Jd5# A]
1...VAe4 a 2.Je2# B
1...LEh5 2.LEf7#

1.LEe1! [2.Je2# B]
1...VAe4 a 2.Jd5# A
1...LEh5 2.LEh4#

after the key 1.LEe1! there is one important line VAb2-c3-e5. Sc3 leaving the line deactivates it and makes e5 flight. To neutralize this effect, the knight has to arrive at e2, activating LEe1 in the process. (The play is further complicated by Sc3 directly unguarding e4, also re-guarded by arrival at e2. In fact, this is the main motivation of the key preparing the threat.)

Arrival of defending VA at e4 means anticipatory closing of LEe1-e5 meaning deactivation of line by 2.Se2+? This would mean the flight e5 as there would be no hurdle left on b2-e5 and two hurdles on e1-e5.

However arrival of VA at e4 means the line LEe1-e5 is already activated! And thus, White need not care about e5 flight at all. (Again, the complicating square e4 is blocked in this case, additional motif.) Instead, White can mate by knight at d5, with intercepting or activating no other line.

The try is analogous. 1.LEb7? sets up the the similar situation situation with respect to the square f3 – mate 2.Sd5# deactivates a3-f3 and activates b7-f3. 1...VAe4 closes b7-f3 in anticipation of the mate, but White can say "Thank you for activating b7-f3 line!" and proceeds to mate at e2.

As a consequence we get le Grand theme with "complicated line motivation" (and one additional change of mates).

In this case "complicated line motivation" means both lion form of Levman defence (that is one of masked forms of theme A) and lion form of Somov theme (theme B1, Black activates white line to a flight so that other white line to the same flight can be deactivated). Joining together theme A and theme B is known as Isaev theme and in the orthodox form it is quite difficult to be shown convincingly.

(This comment is a slightly edited version of extract from my Marianka 2012 lecture that explains both themes of my JT more in detail. It should appear in the Marianka 2012 bulletin soon.)

#2 (9+3)
2+1 leo (a1), 2+1 vao (b2), 1+0 pao (a3)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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