My works 157 - 164

Michal Dragoun
Juraj Lörinc

O337 Problem Observer 4/1997
Notes: 806 Sent: 157

1.f7? th. 2.Rh4# A, 1...Qe7 2.Rg3# B, 1...Rxd8(Bc1)! a
1.b5? th. 2.Rg3# B, 1...Bf4 2.Rh4# A, 1...Rxa3(Qd1)! b
1.Se4! th. 2.Sf2#
1...Rxd8(Bc1) a 2.Rh4# A
1...Rxa3(Qd1) b 2.Rg3# B

Classical Dombrovskis with Circe Madrasi specific effects.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (10+10)
Circe Madrasi

Juraj Lörinc
O309 Problem Observer 1/1997
Notes: 822 Sent: 158

1.Sc8 LIb5 2.Sd6 LIg5 3.LIh6 f4 4.LIc6 f5#

1.LIf2 Ke3 2.LIc5 Kd2 3.Kd4 LIg4 4.Sd5 f4#

Colour echo of ideal lion mate.

Personal rating: C.

h#4 (3+3)
1+1 lion

Charles C. Frankiss
Brian Stephenson
Mark Ridley
Juraj Lörinc

167 Variant Chess 23 - 1997
3rd Prize Variant Chess 1997-1998
Notes: 823 Sent: 159

1...Rexd6(Ke1) 2.e4 LExe4(pe2)#
1...PAxd6(Ke1) 2.Sf3 LEh4# (3.Sxh4(LEh1)??)
1.Kc6! th. 2.Kxb7(PAb1) VAxb7(Ke1)#
1...Rexc6(Ke1) 2.e4 LExe4(pe2)#
1...PAxc6(Ke1) 2.Sf3 LEh4# (3.Sxh4(LEh1)??)
1...Rcxc6(Ke1) 2.Sd3 LEb4# (3.Sxb4(LEb1)??)
1...Bxc6(Ke1) 2.bxa7 PAb1#
1...Sxc6(Ke1) 2.axb5(Bc8) PAa1#
1...VAxc6(Ke1) 2.gxf5(pf7) PAg1#
1...dxc6(Ke1) 2.Sxc6 Rxc6(Sb1)#
1...LExc6(Ke1) 2.e4 LExe4(pe2)#

Two transferred continuations and together 10 variations with capture of white king. Interesting use of Circe RI (mainly RI!) and chinese pieces.

Personal rating: B.

r#2 (13+16)
Circe RI
0+2 leo (a8), 0+2 vao (b8), 3+3 pao

Juraj Lörinc
8793 Springaren 70 - 1997
Notes: 807 Sent: 160

a) 1...Sxd6 2.Rxd6 LIf6(Sh6) 3.Bg3 LIh8#
1...Sxc5 2.Bxc5 LIe3(Sf2) 3.Rh5 LIe1#

b) 1...Sxd6? 2.Bg3(Re7)+
1...LEd8 2.Bg3 Sxd6 3.Rxd6 LEh8(Sh6)#
1...Sxc5? 2.Rh5(LEc4)+
1...LEb4 2.Rh5 Sxc5 3.Bxc5 LEe1(Sf2)#

Instructive problem for combination leo + Circe Parrain and lion + Circe Parrain, it shows clearly also difference between leo and lion.

Personal rating: C.

h#2,5 (4+10)
Circe Parrain
leo c5, 1+1 lion
b) white leo b6

Juraj Lörinc
5th HM Springaren Christmas Tourney C 1.3.1997
Notes: 845 Sent: 161

a) 1...cSh5=cB 2.cSd1=cB cBd1=cR+ 3.Kc2 cRh1=cQ 4.Kb3 cQe4=cS 5.Ka2 cSc3=cB 6.Kb1 cBe1=cR 7.Kc1 cRe3=cQ#
1...cSh7=cB+ 2.Kc2 cBe4=cR 3.cSa4=cB cRa4=cQ+ 4.Kb1 cQe8=cS 5.Ka2 cSg7=cB 6.Kb3 cBh8=cR 7.Ka3 cRf8=cQ#

b) 1...cSh5=cB 2.cSc4=cB+ Kc4 3.Kd2 cBd1=cR+ 4.Kc2 cRh1=cQ 5.Kb1 cQe4=cS 6.Ka2 cSc3=cB 7.Ka3 cBa5=cR#
1...cSh7=cB 2.cSd3=cB cBd3=cR+ 3.Kf2 cRa3=cQ 4.Kg3 cQf8=cS 5.Kh2 cSg6=cB 6.Kg1 cBe8=cR 7.Kh1 cRe4=cQ#

c) 1...cSe4=cB+ 2.Ke2 cBh7=cR 3.cSf3=cB cRa7=cQ 4.cBh1=cR cQg1=cS+ 5.Kf1 cSh3=cB+ 6.Kf2 cBc8=cR 7.Ke1 cRc1=cQ#
1...cSg4=cB 2.cSf3=cB+ cBf3=cR+ 3.Kc2 cRh3=cQ 4.Kb3 cQh8=cS 5.Ka2 cSf7=cB 6.Kb1 cBh5=cR 7.Ka1 cRe5=cQ#

d) 1...cSe4=cB+ 2.Ke2 cBa8=cR 3.cSc4=cB+ Kb7 4.cBg8=cR cRg8=cQ 5.Kf1 cQg1=cS 6.Kg2 cSf3=cB+ 7.Kh1 cBh5=cR#
1...cSe8=cB 2.cSa4=cB cBa4=cR 3.Ke2 cRh4=cQ 4.Kd1 cQb4=cS 5.Kc1 cSa2=cB 6.Kd2 cBg8=cR 7.Ke1 cRg1=cQ#

Now I really don't recall the theme of this thematical tourney, possibly both sides were required to have the same material in diagram position, but I'm not sure...

Personal rating: C.

h#6,5 (2+2)
Double maximummer, Haaner chess
1+1 chameleon
b) d3 -» e3
c) b2 -» h2
d) d5 -» a6

Juraj Lörinc
3rd HM Springaren Christmas Tourney C 1.3.1997
Notes: 847 Sent: 162

In set play white strategy is simple, e.g. 1...cQc5=cS 2.cQc4=cS cSb3=sB 3.cSb2=cB cBa2=cR 4.cBa3=cR (and similarly, in any case after 4th white move we have two rooks, white on 3rd and black on 2nd row) cRg2=cQ 5.cRf3=cQ cQg7=cS 6.Kg3 cSh5=cB 7.Kh4 ~ 8.cQf5=cS ~ 9.Kh5#, but it is white to play and in solution white must show more:
1.cQc4=cS! cQc3=cS 2.cSb2=cB cSa2=cB 3.cBg7=cR cBg8=cR 4.cRf7=cQ cRg1=cQ 5.cQf2=cS cQg7=cS 6.Kg3 cSh5=cB 7.Kh4 cBe2=cR 8.cSd1=cB cRc2=cQ 9.cBg4=cR cQh7=cS 10.cRg6=cQ+ cSf6=cB 11.cQf5=cS cBe5=cR 12.Kh5#
(after 2...cSb1c=S black is mated in 9th move, after 1...cQc5=cS in 8th)

Again and again I tried combination Maximummer plus Köko under different "conditions", this time with chameleons.

Personal rating: C.

#12* (2+2)
Maximummer, Köko
1+1 chameleon

Juraj Lörinc
3205 Probleemblad 3/1997
2nd Prize Probleemblad 1997
Notes: 849 Sent: 163

1.BLg6? A th. 2.RLa3# B
1...e2 a 2.BLa7# C
1...RLf4 b 2.LIxh5# D
1...RLe4 c 2.RLf7# E
1.RLf7! E th. 2.BLa7# C
1...e2 a 2.RLa3# B
1...RLf4 b 2.BLg6# A
1...RLe4 c 2.LIxh5# D

My second synthesis of Kiss theme (A, D,E) and le Grand theme (B, C). Nice position with full use of Patrol chess and lion family.

Personal rating: A.

#2 (11+9)
Patrol chess
1+0 lion, 4+1 rook lion, 2+1 bishop lion

Juraj Lörinc
1st Prize 1st TT Quartz C 30.4.1997
Notes: 892 Sent: 164

th. 2.Se6+ A Re2 3.Gh4+ B Rg3 4.Ga5# C
2...Re3 3.Ga5+ C Rd2 4.Gh4# B
1...Re2 2.Gh4+ B Rf2 3.Se6+ A Re3 4.Ga5# C
2...Rg3 3.Ga5+ C Rd2 4.Se6# A
1...Re3 2.Ga5+ C Rd2 3.Gh4+ B Rg3 4.Se6# A
2...Rc3 3.Se6+ A Re2 4.Gh4# B

This TT was dedicated to problems where fairy rules are used for one side. I used one fairy rule for white (Patrol chess) and one for black (No captures). This way I produced all possible permutations of 3 white moves, all mates are double pin and piece giving mate is patrolled by pinned queen.

Personal rating: C.

#4 (10+10)
White Patrol chess, Black No captures
5+3 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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