László Anyos 410 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Qxg3 Qxg3 2.Sxe6! (S~?) Bd5# |
| |
h#2 (8+10) |
M. de Santis 412 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Ke3 Ke5 2.Rd3 Sc4# |
| |
h#2 (3+4) |
Nikolaj Dolginovic 413 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Rbe3 Ba4 2.Sdb6 Sc5# |
| |
h#2 (3+9) |
Nikolaj Dolginovic 414 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Kb8 Kf3+ 2.Ka8 Kg4# |
| |
h#2 (4+9) |
L. Riczu 420 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Qh2 Rxg4 2.Qxd2 Rg1# |
| |
h#2 (4+5) |
L. Riczu 421 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Bb3 Sc2 3.Bc4 Sb4# |
| |
h#2 (3+4) |
Nikos Siotis 423 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Se8+ Qc7 2.Sd6 Qc1# |
| |
h#2 (8+9) |
Nikos Siotis 424 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
a) 1.Qg4 Rcf8 2.Rc6 Rf3# |
| |
h#2 (5+8) b) a8 -» f7 |
Ivan Soroka 425 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.d1B Rg8 2.Be2 Rg1# |
| |
h#2 (3+2) |
György Bakcsi 428 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1...c8R 2.f1S! (2.f1B?) Rc1 3.dxc1B! (3.dxc1S?) Ke1# |
| |
h#2,5 (6+12) |
Torsten Linß 431 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
a) 1.Rc8 Rxc8 2.Re3 Rc5 3.Bd3 Sb3# |
| |
h#3 (4+5) b) f3 -» f4 |
Piotr Makarenko 432 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
a) 1.Rfd4 f4 2.Qe4 f5 3.e5 Be6# |
| |
h#3 (5+9) b) f8 -» g7 |
Ivan Soroka Danilov 433 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Kb8 O-O 2.Qa7 Rd1 3.Sc7 Rd8# |
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h#3 (5+6) |
Harry Fougiaxis 434 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Ge7! Sg5 2.Ge2 Sce4# |
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h#2 (5+5) 2+2 grasshopper |
Adam Sobey 437 Sinfonie Scacchistiche No. 91-92, June 1988 |
1.Kf6 Ke2! 2.Ke5 f4 3.Kd4 f5 4.Kc3 f6 5.Kb2 f7 6.Kc1 f8RB# |
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h#6 (3+1) reflecting bishop g8 |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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