My works 76 - 81

Peter Gvozdják
Juraj Lörinc

HM 10. TT Springaren C 31.10.1995
Notes: 714 Sent: 76

1.Be6? th. 2.Rxh2#
1...Sf5 2.Sxf5#, 1...c1Q!
1.Sge6! th. 2.Qxd4#
1...Rd2 2.Bg2#

Theme of the tourney was the following: Try and key interfere two same black lines A, B on the same square. In try the interference of line A is used for threat and B for variation, in solution it is reciprocally changed.

This scheme, found by me was very original, unrepeated in the tourney, but overall quality of the work is not very high. Peter helped me a lot with construction.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (8+9)

Juraj Lörinc
3rd HM Wola Gulowska C 15.5.1995
Notes: 712 Sent: 77

1.Qc3? th. 2.Qa1#, Qb2#, Qa3#, Qd2#, 1...Gb2!
1.Qd4? th. 2.Qa1#, Qb2#, Qd2#, 1...Gc3!
1.Qf2? th. 2.Qd2#, Qxf4#, 1...Rc5!

1.Qf5! th. 2.Qxf4#,
1...Rxf5 2.Bd5# (Bd7?)
1...Bxf5 2.Bd7# (Bd5?)
1...Gxf5 2.Rec4#

Wola Gulowska fairy section was in 1995 dedicated to twomovers with grasshoppers. This my triffle again finished higher than I expected. Reduction of number of threats, queen sacrifice, dual avoidance. Is it enough?

Personal rating: C.

#2 (6+8)
1+2 grasshoppers

Cedric C. Lytton
Juraj Lörinc

F1540 The Problemist May 1995
Notes: 712 Sent: 78

1.Be6! zz
1...B~ 2.Bxg4(Bf1) Bxf1(Bc8)#
1...Sh3 2.Sxe3(Sg1) Sxg1(Sb8)#
1...R~ 2.Rxg4(Rh1) Rxh1(Ra8)#
1...Rxh4(Rh8)! 2.Bg8 Rxg8(Ra8)#
1...K~ 2.Se1 Ra7#
1...f2 2.Se1 fxe1S(Sb8)#

Multiple use of Anticirce. This version was constructed entirely by Cedric Lytton from my own sent to The Problemist that contained only 2 thematical variations with captures on reborn squares. He added mainly rook variation but didn't notice that...

... this makes the problem unsolvable, because of 1...R~ 2.Rxg4(Rh1) Rxh1(Ra8) 3.Kb7!! as black rook c7 doesn't guard b7 any longer. I was trying to cure it later but unsuccessfully. My conjecture about need to introduce fairy pieces to cure this was refuted by Christian Poisson.

Personal rating: C (upgraded from D).

r#2 (10+11)
Anticirce type Cheylan

Miroslav Brada
Michal Dragoun
Juraj Lörinc

1st Comm Wola Gulowska C 15.5.1995
Notes: 721 Sent: 79

1.Ga3? th. 2.Gh7#, 1...d5!
1.Ge7? th. 2.Gh4#, 1...d6!
1.G8e5! th. 2.Bxf5#
1...d5, d6 2.Gh7#, Gh4#

The last version of scheme invented by me was finished by Michal Dragoun, Miro Brada worked in the middle. Dombrovskis paradox with grasshopperal motivation, but the construction is very heavy anyway.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (12+12)
6+3 grasshoppers

Juraj Lörinc
9th Comm Memorial Nixon C 30.6.1995 - section 2
Notes: 719 Sent: 80

1.Kc6! th. nBxf4(nRh8)#
1...nBb2 2.nSxb2(nBf8)#
1...nRxd4 2.nRxa4(nSg8)#

Formal theme - cycle of capturing and captured piece.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (5+4+3)
Circe, 3 neutral pieces

Juraj Lörinc
2nd HM Memorial Nixon C 30.6.1995 - section 2
Notes: 731 Sent: 81

Bishop queen battering ram (BQBR) is special piece invented by me as derivation of fairly unclear description of "normal" battering ram given to me by some non-fairy composer in letter. BQBR doesn't capture or check normally. It moves like bishop and after his move all pieces on squares adjacent to arrival square are pushed 1 square away, they may in turn push other pieces 1 square, etc. Piece pushed out of board disappears, the threat to push out the king is check.

1.nBQBRh4 nBQBRf2(npd4, npc5, bpb6, npa7) 2.nBQBRh4 nBQBRe7(nSc7, nRc5, bpb4)#
1.nBQBRf6 nBQBRe5(nRc7, bpc3) 2.nBQBRf6 nBQBRd8(nRb6, npa5, nSd5)#

An exercise showing the new piece and echo mates with solo of nBQBR. Maybe there is a big potential in such pieces, but they are very hard to handle without computer program...

Personal rating: B.

h#2 (1+5+6)
6 neutral pieces, bishop-queen battering ram g5

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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