5th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.8.2000
Theme for our next TT I had in my head for a very long time. I am still not enough convinced that it will catch enough people, but I have to try to know the answer. Do you know the twomovers with change of defence motivation of the same defences among two or more phases? Some time ago, it was not very popular, but #2 theme of last WCCT turned attention of many composers into this field. Of course, many people have heard about Mlynka theme (or even Brabec theme or carousel change of defence motives), but never tried to do anything of this kind. In my opinion, this field of direct chess problems deserves more attention than it usually receives from chess composers. WCCT demanded orthodox #2 with change of defence motives of the same defences against the same threat AND changes of mates following these defences. It is rather difficult theme - our basic demand will be simpler to achieve. So...
Chess Composition Microweb (maintained by Juraj Lörinc) announces formal thematical tourney for any kind of direct play problems (including, but not restricting to, orthodox and fairy mates, selfmates, reflex mates in any number of moves, although shorter genres are more suitable for theme) showing changes of defence motives of the same defences with some kind of cyclic effects. (E. g. Mlynka theme, carousel change of defence motives, Brabec theme are OK.) Any stipulations, fairy conditions and/or fairy pieces are allowed. Threats in phases may be different. Regarding change of mates after thematical defences, it is not required, but it is allowed.
Judge: Karol Mlynka.
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@bigfoot.com
before August 31st 2000. (or possibly by snail mail to Juraj Lörinc, ul. CSA 333/27, 018 41 DUBNICA NAD VAHOM, Slovakia, but e-mail is preferred). The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb and
there is also possibility of paper printed form.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
CCM having now almost 1000 chess problems contains also some thematical examples for our 5th TT. But first a bit of terminology. There is established coding for themes similar to known Z-xx-xx coding for mate change themes. Here the symbol looks the following way:
OM-xy-zw, where
- x stands for number of phases,
- y stands for number of defences in each of them,
- z stands for total number of different defences,
- w stands for total number of different defence motives.
This way classical Mlynka theme in which 3 defences in two phases cyclically change their motives gets the symbol OM-23-33. Many other variations are possible, but don't forget to keep some cyclical effect. Other mentioned themes are Brabec theme (cyclical change of 3 defence motives A, B, C of 2 defences a, b in three phases with scheme aA, bB - aB, bC - aC, bA, OM-32-23) and carousel change of defence motives (cyclical change of 3 defence motives A, B, C of 3 defences a, b, c in 3 phases with scheme aA, bB - bC, cA - cB, aC, OM-32-33).
- Award of older Slovak tourney with similar theme - but only for orthodox twomovers. These are not excluded in our tourney, but it must be said that judge, beeing an expert in the field, will be on lookout for anticipations. Anyway that main example file deserves close study,
- Presentation of Karol Mlynka - four examples, 3 orthodox twomovers and one very fine threemover,
- #2 with paralysing pieces - unorthodox example showing Mlynka theme (OM-23-33),
- #2 with chinese pieces - unorthodox example showing Brabec theme (OM-32-23),
- #2 with grasshoppers - probably the most sophisticated example showing Mlynka theme (OM-23-33) after the same threats and change of 3 mates (Z-23-36). As is said above, same threats and change of mates aren't required, but surely add to the quality.
- First twomovers with Mlynka theme - 4 orthodox #2 from years 1966-1970.
- Other old twomovers with Mlynka theme - 6 examples showing normal and 4-fold Mlynka theme.
- Various twomovers with various themes, but thematical - 6 examples showing total Mlynka theme, Brabec theme and OM-32-32.
Many thanks to mr. Karol Mlynka for his quickly prepared and knowledgeable award. (It was the problem on my side that delayed its publication.) We had only 6 competing problems, but judge's opinion about them was very positive. The tourney was successful thanks to the following authors that submitted their compositions:
- Reto Aschwanden (Switzerland)
- Juraj Brabec (Slovakia)
- Emil Klemanic (Slovakia)
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
And here are the winners:
Award by Karol Mlynka
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before March 15th 2001, please.
As no claims were received, the award becomes final.
Again many thanks to everyone who helped tourney success in whichever way. We also invite you to take part in 6th TT Chess Composition Microweb.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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