Originals from Problemas 28 - #2

This is the first of 4 files containing Problemas 28 originals. The others are:

Second file - #3, #n
Third file - h#2
Fourth file - h#n, n>2, s#, fairies

Send the solutions before middle of October to Jordi Breu, Canigo 11 08107 Martorelles (Barcelona), Spain.

M. Dragoljub
1646 Problemas 28 - 2000

#2 (7+7)

Paul Vatarescu
Efren Petite

Israel & Spain
1647 Problemas 28 - 2000

#2vv (9+6)

Herbert Ahues
1648 Problemas 28 - 2000

#2vv (8+9)

Andreas Schönholzer
1649 Problemas 28 - 2000

#2*v (8+9)

Abdelaziz Onkoud
1650 Problemas 28 - 2000

#2vvv (11+10)

Paul Vatarescu
Efren Petite

Israel & Spain
1651 Problemas 28 - 2000

#2v (11+12)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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