My works 99 - 104

Juraj Lörinc
Comm. 8th TT Harmonie C 30.9.1995 - section B
Notes: 737 Sent: 99

Set play: 1.Kh2 2.Kh3 3.Kh4 4.Kg4 5.Kf4 6.Mf3 7.Kg3 Ma8#

Solution: 0...Kb6 1.Kf1 2.Kf2 3.Ke3 4.Me2 5.Kd2 6.Kd1 7.Ke1 Ma6#

This thematical tourney asked for seriesmovers with introductory move by other side, and section B was dedicated to works with set play (in set play no introductory move is made). Here is presented very light position using all powers of Haaner chess and mooses.

Personal rating: C.

1->ser-h#7 (2+2)
Haaner chess
1+1 moose

Juraj Lörinc
9424 Die Schwalbe December 1996
dedicated to my father Juraj
Notes: 746 Sent: 100

1.Qh7? zz
1...CBa4CR 2.Red7 CRa8CQ(Kc8)#
1...CBb3CR 2.Rcd7 CRb8CQ(Kd8)#
1...CBc2CR 2.Ra7 CRc8CQ(Ka8)#
1...CBe2CR 2.Rg7 CRe8CQ(Kg8)#
1...CBf3CR 2.Red7 CRf8CQ(Kd8)#
1...CBg4CR 2.Qb1 CRa4CQ(Ka2)#

1.Rb7! zz
1...CBa4CR 2.Rb3 CRa5CQ(Ka3)#
1...CBb3CR 2.Rbd7 CRb8CQ(Kd8)#
1...CBc2CR 2.Re2 CRc1CQ(Ke1)#
1...CBe2CR 2.Rec7 CRe8CQ(Kc8)#
1...CBf3CR 2.Rh7 CRf8CQ(Kh8)#
1...CBg4CR 2.Rbd7 CRg8CQ(Ke8)#
1...CBh5CR 2.Rb3 CRa5CQ(Ka3)#

One of my very best works. An ideal synthesis of Republican chess and chameleon powers. 11+2 echo mates, change of 6 variations although one change is only formal. Schwalbe solvers were defeated by nonsymmetrical key destroying almost all prepared variations. This everything with only 6 pieces! Can we ask for more?

Personal rating: A.

semi-r#2 (5+1)
Republican chess
Chameleon d1

Juraj Lörinc
301 Harmonie 48/1996
Notes: 729 Sent: 101

1.Kd2-e3 Mf3-d4 2.Md3-f4 Md4-g3 3.Mg5-f3 Mb8-g4 #
1.Mg5-c2 Mf3-c4 + 2.Md3-b2 Mb8-a1 3.Kd2-c1 Ma1-b3 #

b) 1.Md3-g4 Mb8-e4 + 2.Ke5-f6 Me4-h5 + 3.Kf6-f5 Mf3-h4 #
1.Mg5-d6 Mb8-e6 2.Md6-f5 Me6-g5 3.Md3-f6 Mf3-g6 #
1.Mg5-d4 Mb8-e4 + 2.Ke5-d5 Mf3-c2 3.Kd5-c4 Mc2-e3 #

c) 1.Ke5-f5 Mb8-c6 2.Mg5-e4 Mc7-d5 3.Md3-e5 Mc6-d4 #
1.Ke5-e4 Mb8-d7 2.Md3-f4 Mc7-g4 3.Mg5-f3 Md7-g3 #
1.Ke5-d6 Mb8-c6 2.Md3-e7 Mc6-d8 3.Mg5-d7 Mc7-e8 #

d) 1.Kb3-c3 Mc7-d2 2.Md3-b2 Mb8-c1 3.Mg5-c2 Md2-b1 #
1.Md3-a2 Mb8-c6 2.Ma2-b4 Mc7-b5 3.Mg5-a4 Mc6-a5 #

Simple play exploring possibilities of Köko and mooses together, echo mates.

Personal rating: C.

h#3 (2+3)
2+2 mooses
Number of solutions: a) 2 b) 3 c) 3 d) 2
b) d2 -» e5
c) = b) + f3 -» c7
d) = c) + e5 -» b3

Michal Dragoun
Juraj Lörinc

254 Harmonie 46/1996
Notes: 636 Sent: 102

1.Rh1! threats 2.Kd1 ~ 3.Ke1 ~ 4.Kf1 ~ 5.Kg1#
1...Bb6 2.Kd2 Bxc5 3.Ke3 ~ 4.Kf4 ~ 5.Kg5#

Two linear movements of white king - compare to Michal's work that is much more dynamical.

Personal rating: C.

#5 (10+9)
Patrol chess

Juraj Lörinc
2227 Phénix 36/1995
Notes: 709 Sent: 103

Set play: 1...Bc2(p) 2.Ka4 Qa1#

Solution: 1.Rb7(p) Qg3 (Qh2(p)?) 2.b5 Qc7#

Simple set play in helpmate, triple use of Degradierung condition.

Personal rating: C.

h#2 (4+5)

Juraj Lörinc
8418 Springaren 65/1996
Notes: 696 Sent: 104

1.Sxf4! threats 2.Gd5#, Se6#
1...Sc5 (defence motives AB), Ge5 (defence motives CA), c6 (defence motives BC) 2.Rxb8, Ghd5, Bf7#
1...c5 (defence motives AC) 2.Bf7#

Cyclic change of defence motives against 2 threats in one phase - condensed Mlynka theme, one added variation with other combination of defence motives.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (9+12)
2+4 grasshoppers

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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