My works 358 - 362

Juraj Lörinc
1st Prize MT Grünenwald C 31.12.2001
Notes: C066 Sent: 358

a) 1...Nb1 2.Rf4 Nf3 3.Rd4 Nb1 4.Rd1 Nf3 5.Ra1 Nb1 6.Ra3 Nf3 7.Rxe3(Ge8) Nb1 8.Ra3 Ge1 9.Rf3 Nxf3(Ra8) 10.Ra1 Nb1 11.Ra3 Nf3 12.Rxf3(Nf8) Nc2+ 13.Kc3 Ng4 14.Rh3 Nc2 15.Rd3 Gb4 16.Rd1 Gb2 17.Ra1 Gb5 18.Ra6 Gd2 19.Rc6 Na6 20.Rxa6(Na8) Nc4 21.Rc6 Gb4 22.Rxc4(Nc8) Na4#

b) 1...Gg1 2.Rh2 Gg4 3.Re2 Gg5 4.Re4 Gd4 5.Rh4 Nxh4(Rh8) 6.Rh6 Nf5 7.Re6 Ne3 8.Rh6 Ng7+ 9.Kg6 Gh8 10.Rh4 Gh3 11.Rh8 Nf5 12.Rh4 Ge6 13.Re4 Ge3 14.Rh4 Gd2 15.Rd4 Gd5 16.Rg4 Gg5 17.Rd4 Gd2 18.Rg4 Gf4 19.Kxf5(Nf8) Nd4+ 20.Ke4 Gc5 21.Kd3 Gc4 22.Rxd4(Nd8) Nb4#

c) 1...Ge6+ 2.Kf4 Ge1 3.Kxf3(Nf8) Gg3 4.Rh2 Nh4+ 5.Rxh4(Nh8) Nf4 6.Rh2 Gg4 7.Rh5 Ge2 8.Re5 Ge6 9.Re2 Ge1 10.Rh2 Gh4 11.Re2 Ge4 12.Rh2 Gg2 13.Rh4 Ge4 14.Rxf4(Nf8) Nh4+ 15.Rxh4(Nh8) Ne2 16.Rxe4(Ge8) Ge3 17.Rh4 Nf4 18.Rh2 Gg5 19.Rh6 Gg2 20.Rh1 Ge4 21.Rh4 Ge5 22.Rxf4(Nf8) Nd4#

d) 1...Gg4 2.Rd2 Ge6 3.Rd7 Nxd7(Ra8) 4.Re8 Nf3 5.Rxe6(Ge8) Nd7 6.Rc6 Ge2 7.Rg6 Nh5 8.Rg4 Nd3 9.Rc4 Gxc4(Ra8) 10.Ke4 Nb7 11.Ra6 Nd3 12.Kxd3(Nd8) Nb4+ 13.Ke4 Nf2+ 14.Kd5 Nd6 15.Rxd6(Nd8) Nf4+ 16.Ke4 Gg5 17.Rh6 Ge3 18.Kf3 Gg4 19.Rh3 Gg5 20.Rh6 Ge2 21.Rf6 Gg4 22.Rxf4(Nf8) Nh4#

One of my lucky finds... As I was searching through many positions for something special on quite quick computer (for these days) I have suddenly found this extraordinary quadruplet of positions with solution of the exactly the same length. Echo mates were automatic as there are not many possibilities in this combination fairy elemenents, but also the play is live (in a wide sense, of course), varying and uses fully all fairy elements. Although many people don't like these computer compositions I had good luck in the judge, Jean Morice, who recognized the qualities, although he rightly pointed also the weak points.

Personal rating: A.

h#21,5 (3+2)
Köko, Circe, Doublee Maximummer
1+0 nightrider, 2+0 grasshopper
b) b2 -» h5
c) b2 -» e5
d) b2 -» f5

Juraj Lörinc
6159 Sachova skladba 78, I/2003
Notes: C067 Sent: 359

1...Ng4 2.Ne3 Gh3 3.Nxg4(Ng8) Gf5+ 4.Ke3 Ne4 5.Nf6 Gf4 6.Nxe4(Ne8) Ng4#

1.Ne3 Ne6 2.Kf3 Ng2 3.Nxg2(Ng8) Ne4 4.Kf4 Gg5 5.Kxe4(Ne8) Nh2 6.Nf4 Nf6#

Another echo that appeared during Grünenwald MT entries preparation period. Note triangular round trip of bK, accidental, but welcome.

Personal rating: C.

h#6* (3+2)
Köko, Circe, White Maximummer
1+1 nightrider, 2+0 grasshopper

Juraj Lörinc
Karol Mlynka

11477 Probleemblad IX-X (5) 2001
Notes: C069 Sent: 360

1.Bb4? th. 2.Rc5#
1...Rxc6 A 2.Rxc6#
1...Sxb4 B 2.Qxb4#
1...Qf4 C 2.Qxe2#

1.Sf4! th. 2.Bd3#
1...Rxc6 C 2.Rxc6#
1...Sb4 A 2.Qxb4#
1...Qxf4 B 2.Qxe2#

Wow - that's the orthodox twomover! Yes, it really is! But well, it is not completely new, rather it is the reconstruction of my older #2 dedicated to Karol Mlynka. The founder of the Slovak school himself have suggested the possible way of the content dilution that is more in the Slovak school style. I like it.

Personal rating: B.

#2 (13+7)

Juraj Lörinc
6154 Sachova skladba 78, I/2003
5th Comm Sachova skladba 2003
Notes: C070 Sent: 361

1...Me8+ 2.Kd8 SPf7 3.RGe7 SPf8 4.Kd7 Mf6+ 5.Kd8 SPe8#

1...SPe7+ 2.Kc7 Mb7 3.RGd7 SPe8 4.Kb8 Me6 5.Kc8 SPd8#

1...Mc8 2.RGc7 SPe7 3.Kc6 SPd8 4.Kb7 Md6+ 5.Kb8 SPc8#

This is in a way classic 3-fold echo of a fairy mate. I composed it in the days of 7th TT CCM C 31.8.2001, but understandably it didn't compete in the tourney as I was the judge.

Personal rating: C.

h#4,5 (2+2)
moose d6, sparrow e6, rookhopper h7

Juraj Lörinc
5th HM Mark Ridley 40 JT C 30.11.2001
Notes: C076 Sent: 362

1...SCf4+ 2.Kd3 SCe2+ 3.Kc2 SCc1+ 4.Kb1 SCb3 5.Rd3+ SCa1#

1.Rc6 SCe3+ 2.Kf3 Kd3 3.Kf2 Kd2 4.Ke1+ Kd3 5.Rc3+ SCf1#

1.Kd3 SCe3+ 2.Kc4 Kb4 3.Kb3 SCc2+ 4.Ka4 Kc5 5.Rc6 SCa3#

I participated in the jubilee tourney of my ocassional co-author (for marine pieces) with a few problems and this one was one of two successful. Quite interesting far echo in my opinion.

Personal rating: C.

h#5* (2+2)
1+0 scylla

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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