Juraj Lörinc 1st Prize MT Grünenwald C 31.12.2001 Notes: C066 Sent: 358 |
a) 1...Nb1 2.Rf4 Nf3 3.Rd4 Nb1 4.Rd1 Nf3 5.Ra1 Nb1 6.Ra3 Nf3 7.Rxe3(Ge8) Nb1
8.Ra3 Ge1 9.Rf3 Nxf3(Ra8) 10.Ra1 Nb1 11.Ra3 Nf3 12.Rxf3(Nf8) Nc2+ 13.Kc3 Ng4
14.Rh3 Nc2 15.Rd3 Gb4 16.Rd1 Gb2 17.Ra1 Gb5 18.Ra6 Gd2 19.Rc6 Na6 20.Rxa6(Na8)
Nc4 21.Rc6 Gb4 22.Rxc4(Nc8) Na4# |
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h#21,5 (3+2) Köko, Circe, Doublee Maximummer 1+0 nightrider, 2+0 grasshopper b) b2 -» h5 c) b2 -» e5 d) b2 -» f5 |
Juraj Lörinc 6159 Sachova skladba 78, I/2003 Notes: C067 Sent: 359 |
1...Ng4 2.Ne3 Gh3 3.Nxg4(Ng8) Gf5+ 4.Ke3 Ne4 5.Nf6 Gf4 6.Nxe4(Ne8) Ng4# |
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h#6* (3+2) Köko, Circe, White Maximummer 1+1 nightrider, 2+0 grasshopper |
Juraj Lörinc Karol Mlynka 11477 Probleemblad IX-X (5) 2001 Notes: C069 Sent: 360 |
1.Bb4? th. 2.Rc5# |
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#2 (13+7) |
Juraj Lörinc 6154 Sachova skladba 78, I/2003 5th Comm Sachova skladba 2003 Notes: C070 Sent: 361 |
1...Me8+ 2.Kd8 SPf7 3.RGe7 SPf8 4.Kd7 Mf6+ 5.Kd8 SPe8# |
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h#4,5 (2+2) Köko moose d6, sparrow e6, rookhopper h7 |
Juraj Lörinc 5th HM Mark Ridley 40 JT C 30.11.2001 Notes: C076 Sent: 362 |
1...SCf4+ 2.Kd3 SCe2+ 3.Kc2 SCc1+ 4.Kb1 SCb3 5.Rd3+ SCa1# |
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h#5* (2+2) Köko 1+0 scylla 2.1.1... |
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Juraj Lörinc.
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