My works 145 - 150

Juraj Lörinc
5th Comm Imitator TT C 1.11.1996
Notes: 809 Sent: 145

a) 1...Gd7[Ih6] 2.Kg6[Ih7] Gb5[If5] 3.Kf6[Ie5] Gb4[Ie3] 4.Kf5[Ie2] Gc7[Ie5] 5.Gb7[Ib8] Gc5[Ib6] 6.Ke5[Ia6] Gd7[Ic8] 7.Gd5[Ie6] Ga3[Ic4] 8.Kd6[Ib5] Gg7[Ie5] 9.Kc5[Id4] Gc4[Ia1]#

b) 1...Gb7[If8] 2.Kf4[Ie7] Gf3[Ie3] 3.Gg4[Ig3] Gf5[Ig5] 4.Ke5[If6] Gb5[If4] 5.Kf6[Ig5] Gb4[Ig3] 6.Ke6[If3] Gd7[Ih5] 7.Kd6[Ig5] Ga4[Ie5] 8.Kc7[Id6] Gb7[Ib6] 9.Kb6[Ia5] Gb5[Ia3]#

c) 1...Gc7[Ig6] 2.Kf5[If6] Gc5[If4] 3.Ke6[Ie5] Gb7[Ie7] 4.Gc4[Ie5] Gc3[Ie3] 5.Kd6[Id3] Gd4[If5] 6.Kd7[If6] Gc5[If8] 7.Kc6[Ie7] Gf4[Ig7] 8.Kb5[If6] Ga7[Ia6] 9.Gg4[Ic6] Ga5[Ia6]#

d) 1...Gb4[Ic5] 2.Kh5[Id5] Gd3[If3] 3.Kg4[Ie2] Gc7[Ie5] 4.Gb7[Ib8] Gc5[Ib6] 5.Kg3[Ib5] Gb5[Ib8] 6.Gc4[Ib6] Gb6[Ib8] 7.Kf2[Ia7] Gd5[Ic7] 8.Kf1[Ic6] Gb5[Ia6] 9.Ge2[Ic4] Ga7[Ia6]#

As judge Ulf Hammarström wrote "exaggerated piece of art", but the next one is even more monstrous...

Personal rating: C.

h#8,5 (5+3+1)
imitator f4
b) imitator f6
c) imitator g3
d) imitator c7

Juraj Lörinc
4th Comm Imitator TT C 1.11.1996
Notes: 790 Sent: 146

a) 1...Se1[Ib6] 2.Kd2[Ia5] Sf3[Ib7] 3.nRf1[If7] nRf2[If8]+ 4.Kc1[Ie7] nRf1[Ie6] 5.nRh1[Ig6] Sg5[Ih8]#
b) 1...Ke7[Ig8] 2.Kf2[Ih7] Ke8[Ih8] 3.Ke2[Ig8] Kf7[Ih7] 4.Kd1[Ig6] Sd4[Ie7] 5.nRa1[Id7] Sb5[Ib8]#
c) 1...Sd4[Ie6] 2.nRd1[Ig6] nRc1[If6] 3.Kd2[Ie5] Ke5[If4] 4.nRc5[If8]+ Sf3[Ih7]+ 5.Kd3[Ih8] Ke4[Ih7]#
d) 1...Kc5[If1] 2.nRd1[Ih1] Sd4[If2] 3.nRa1[Ic2] nRa2[Ic3] 4.Kd2[Ib2] Se6[Ic4]+ 5.Kc3[Ib5] Kb4[Ia4]#
e) 1...nRd1[Ig4] 2.nRd5[Ig8] Kxd5[Ig7] 3.Kf2[Ih6] Kd4[Ih5] 4.Ke2[Ig5] Kc3[If4] 5.Kd1[Ie3] Kd2[If2]#
f) 1...nRb2[Ig7] 2.Kd4[If8] Sg1[Ig6] 3.nRb4[Ig8] Ke5[Ih7]+ 4.Kc3[Ig6] Ke4[Ig5] 5.nRb1[Ig2] Kd3[If1]#
g) 1...nRb2[Ia4] 2.nRh2[Ig4] Sg5[Ih6] 3.nRf2[If6] Sh7[Ig8] 4.nRa2[Ib8] Kd5[Ib7] 5.nRf2[Ig7] Ke4[Ih6]#
h) 1...Se5[Ig6] 2.nRb3[Ig8] Kc5[If7] 3.nRb1[If5] Sg4[Ih4]+ 4.Kd2[Ig3] Sf2[If1] 5.Kc3[Ie2] Sd1[Ic1]#
i) 1...nRc1[Ie2] 2.nRf1[Ih2] nRf2[Ih3] 3.Kd3[Ig3] Se1[If1]+ 4.nRf8[If7] Ke5[Ig6] 5.nRf3[Ig1] Kd5[If1]#
j) 1...Ke5[Id1] 2.nRb8[Id8] Sh2[If7] 3.nRb2[If1] nRd2[Ih1] 4.nRa2[Ie1] nRa3[Ie2] 5.nRc3[Ig2] Sf1[Ie1]#

Ten (!!) positions with almost nothing common, only some echoed mates. But manoeuvring using imitator and neutral rook, fight against limiting Maximummer, is for me interesting.

Personal rating: C.

h#4,5 (2+1+2)
Maximummer, neutral rook b1
imitator c8
b) imitator f7
c) imitator g5
d) imitator g2
e) imitator e4
f) imitator g6
g) imitator a3
h) imitator h4
i) imitator d2
j) imitator c2

Juraj Lörinc
41 "Umenie 64" 2 - 31.12.1996
Notes: 812 Sent: 147

1.Ra4 LIa1 2.Kd5 LIa8 3.Rc4 Sc6#

1.Re1 Kd6 2.Re4 Sd7 3.LIe3 Se5#

Echo of ideal mate.

Personal rating: C.

h#3 (3+3)
1+1 lion

Juraj Lörinc
1st HM Brown 50 JT C 19.11.1996 - B
Notes: 816 Sent: 148

David Brown's jubilee tourney asked for direct mates (section A) and helpmates (section B) in 2 or 3 moves using orphans. I submitted 9 problems, judge awarded 3 of them very high.

1.Be4 Og4 2.Rg6 Oc6#

1.Rd7 Oe8 2.Bf7 Od4#

Diagonal-orthogonal echo of strategy. Black pins own piece using white orphan, but he must take care of not allowing specifical move beginning and ending on pin line.

Personal rating: C.

h#2 (3+9)
2+2 orphan

Juraj Lörinc
1st Prize Brown 50 JT C 19.11.1996 - B
Notes: 818 Sent: 149

a) 1.Oc5+ Oexh4 2.Be7 Oe3# (3.Rxh4??)
b) 1.Oe3+ Ogxg7 2.Rg3 Oc5# (3.Bxg7??)

This time I give the word to the judge David Brown:
"Two Orphans fire the familiar bateries, but include tremendous innovations for the preliminaries and for the mates. To begin forming each battery, Black plays a shocking interference unpin check, which White disengages by moving over a newly opened line. The batteries are armed, then fired.
However, on these mates there are now two stunning protecting non-moves. In a), it appears that bR can simultaneously disengage his check into the Oe3 and capture the Oh4, 3.Rxh4?. But NO! For now there exists a new illegal chain h4-h6-e6-e3! And in b), if the bB disengages c5 and captures the Og7, 3.Bxg7?, we get the illegal chain g7-h6-e3-c5!
Also pretty is that squares c5 and e3 reciprocally home Black's chain-check and White's mate. This masterpiece shows a remarkable echo of strategic motivation and is an incredible creation. You never know when an amazing piece of invention will permanently rivet your fascination!"

Nobody write such a kind words about any my work. To be fair I must point two flaws: 1. clearly unused black pieces in respective phases that mainly block king flights, 2. in a) Og5 doesn't play role in final illegal chain, but in b) it does.

Personal rating: A.

h#2 (4+12)
3+5 Orphan
b) e1 -» a7

Juraj Lörinc
HM Brown 50 JT C 19.11.1996 - A
Notes: 820 Sent: 150

1.Qxh2! th. 2.Qa2#
1...Bg7 2.Sb5# (Sc4+?)
1...Bf8 2.Sc4# (Sb5+?)
1...c2 2.Qh3#

The key is horrible, I know - it captures pawn and immobilizes 3 black orphans. But on the bright side we have dual avoidance in a very unusual way: any move by bB defends by opening h7-h1, but it also allows 2 wS mates by opening h2-h7, it means the same line... And concrete moves of bishop close again one of orphan chains.

Personal rating: B.

#2 (10+11)
4+5 orphan

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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