Vratislav Miltner Memorial Tourney
fairies section C 31.12.1995

Judged by Kjell Widlert. 3 Prizes, 5 HMs, 6 Comms.
Raffi Ruppin
1st Prize Vratislav Miltner Memorial - fairies C 31.12.1995

Try: 1.Bd7+? Rf1+! 2.Rxd3(Rh1)
1.Ka1+ Kd6 2.Kh1+ Kd5 3.Kg1+ Kc5 4.b4+ Bxb4(Bf8) 5.Kh1+ Kd5 6.Ka1+ Kd6 7.Kb1+ Ke6 8.Bd7+ Rf1# (not 8.Bc4+? Kxf7(Ke8)!)

Judge KW:
"This is the only impressive strategical work in the tourney. There is a 7-move foreplan with a fine return trip by the wK on the first rank, eliminatin Black's bishop at e1, si that Black's Rf1 turns into a deadly double check.
The position is economical considering the mobile bK, and the avoidance of 8.Bc4+? is a fine detail. All in all, this problem is the one I will remember long from this tourney."

s#8 (10+7)
vertical cylindric board

Vaclav Kotesovec
2nd Prize Vratislav Miltner Memorial - fairies C 31.12.1995

1.Kb3 Bh5 2.Kc2 Bg6+ 3.Kc1 ROg5#

1.Ka3 ROd7 2.Kh2 Be6 3.Kg1 ROc5#

1.Kb5 ROb2 2.Kc5 Bh1 3.Kd6 ROh2#

Judge KW:
"An interesting study of rose's activity on the cylinder.
The content is a triple echo (one with the difference that the wK replaces the edge of the board) without twinning, which is a good result, but the play is the best part here.
Not only mates but also many points in the play use the cylinder board fully. Beside the wK's inactivity in 2 solutions, I see only one small breach of economy: the mates are unnecessarily double checks. You can't ask for more than this content in a 4-piece problem."

h#3 (3+1)
rose a4
vertical cylindric board

Michal Dragoun
3rd Prize Vratislav Miltner Memorial - fairies C 31.12.1995

a) 1.Bd3 Sc4 2.Rh5 Gg4#

b) 1.Re3 Sc3 2.Bh7 Gg7#

Judge KW: "A beuatifuly orthogonal/diagonal echo of two mates and the play leading up to them. All squares in the bK's field are controlled differently in the two mates. The main cylinder trick is the way the mating G controls c4/c3 behind its own back over pb4.
Gf7 is an irritating flaw as it is never used as a grasshopper and it is the only fairy piece beside the thematical wG."

h#2 (5+7)
1+1 grasshopper
vertical cylindric board
b) c6 -» d6

Theodor Steudel
4th Comm Vratislav Miltner Memorial - fairies C 31.12.1995

a) 1.d1S h8R 2.Se3 Rh4#

b) 1.d1B h8Q 2.Bf3 Qd4#

Judge KW:
"A simple but neat demonstration of AUW with cylinder double checks. Luckily both checks are necessary here, because of the guarding powers of the promoted bp."

h#2 (5+3)
vertical cylindric board
b) d4 -» f4

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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