Twinning by replacement of pieces 1

This is the first special example file for the 24th TT CCM C 10.10.2008.

As so far all thematical examples feature multiple replacement of piece on the same square, for this first special example file I have selected 6 problems with piece replacement on different squares. They are mostly helpmates, but this observation is valid more generally for replacement twinning piece, not only within scope of this selection. Helpmates are by far most frequent. Nevertheless, there are also direct problems (as evidenced by the first one) and naturally "other" problems (the last problem).
Robert Burger
The Problemist 1990

a) 1.h8Q! gxh5 2.g8Q#

b) 1.h8S! Kh6 2.Sf7#

c) 1.g8Q! Kh6 2.Qxg6#

d) 1.g8S! gxh5 2.Rg7#

2Q and 2S promotions in miniature figurative problem depicting F.

#2 (5+2)
b) wRg7
c) wBh7
d) wRh7

Axel Steinbrink
3rd Prize Sarajevo 1984

a) 1.d2 Sf5+ 2.Kd3 Re3#

b) 1.Kd4 Kf3 2.Sd5 Re4#

c) 1.Rd8 Kg3 2.Rd4 Re1#

The quick composition tourney in Sarajevo 1984 probably asked for twins with replacing the pieces with their conterparts of the other colour as I have seen more similar problems from that tourney. This miniature managed to show 3 varied mates after twinning destruction of white battery playing in a) position.

h#2 (4+2)
b) bSe7
c) bRe8

Sven Trommler
1st-2nd Prize Heureka! 1992-93

a) 1.Rf3 Kxe6+ 2.Ke3 Sg2#

b) 1.Bf5 Ke8+ 2.Ke5 Sd3#

c) 1.Qb5+ Kxc7+ 2.Kc4 Rc1#

White first pair of solutions is linked by similarity of mating pictures as an addition to other aspects, c) is then linked to both by unguarding of wK square and blocking in B1, white royal battery and in W1.

h#2 (3+13)
b) bRe4
c) wRe1

Arpad Molnar
4th Prize StrateGems 2000

a) 1.Kf7 Sf8 2.Kg8 Bd5#

b) 1.Kf5 Bb5 2.Se6 Bd3#

c) 1.Sg6 Rf8 2.Se7 Rf6#

d) 1.Rf7 Rxb8 2.Ke7 Re8#

e) 1.Kd5 Sb6+ 2.Kc5 Bd4#

There are four white pieces needed in a) position: RBBS. In twins, each of them is once replaced by black piece, overall leading to four further varied mates.

h#2 (5+4)
b) bSd8
c) bSe5
d) bRd7
e) bRc6

Edgar Holladay
Prize Ideal-Mate Review 1995

a) 1.Bf4 Ke6 2.Kd4 Se2+ 3.Ke4 Kf6 4.Sd4 Sc3#
b) 1.Qf4 Kc6 2.Kd4 Sf1 3.Ke4 Kc5 4.Re3 Sd2#
c) 1.Sd6 Kc6 2.Kc4 Se4 3.Kd4 Sc3 4.Sc4 Sb5#
Quite random replacements of pieces lead to 3 ideal mates. One of E. Holladay's typical works in this field.

h#4 (2+6)
b) bQe3
c) wPf3

Albert H. Kniest
P. Kniest JT 1964

a) 1.Kf5 2.Kxg6 3.Kh7 4.Kh8 g6=

b) 1.Ke4 2.Kf3 3.Kg2 4.Kh1 Bf4=

c) 1.Kd4 2.Kc3 3.Kb2 4.Ka1 Qc2=

Model stalemates in three corners and only 3+1 pieces on the board. Naturally the strategy is not very deep (in fact it is totally missing).

ser-h=4 (3+1)
b) wBg5
c) wQg6

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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