Twinning by exchange of two statical units 4

This is the fourth special example file for 10th TT CCM dedicated to problems with twinning described in the title. I found a lot of orthodox helpmates that conform to the theme and thus it turns out that the motivation for exchange of two units that move in helpmates isn't so difficult. This time I'll concentrate on h#2 where the black king isn't among twinned units.
Jan Knöppel
4th Place International Team Match 1965

a) 1.Rf2 Kb1 2.Kf3 Qh3#

b) 1.Rh2 Qe1 2.Rf2 Qc3#

The most economical helpmate. Miniature with chameleon echo mates shows also tempo moves by both sides: in a) by wK, in b) by bR. The roles of echanged bQ and bp are clear, they both block squares in mates and their position determines the play as bQ guards in both positions one of the prospective checkmates.

h#2 (2+5)
b) e2 «-» f4

Albert Grigorian
Comm Ideal-Mate Review 1999

a) 1.Qxb4 Rc3 2.Qb3 Rxb3#

b) 1.Qg2 Rc7 2.Qxb7 Rxb7#

The same use of echanged units - they both block and they both guard one of vertical rook lines to b5. Annihilation of white force by bQ leading to the ideal mates is quite unexpected.

h#2 (5+4)
b) a6 «-» a4

Mechislav Palevich
Rex Multiplex 1986

a) 1.Bd6 Bf2 2.Bb4 Sb2#

b) 1.Rh4 Bd6 2.Rd4 Se5#

Again the exchanged units block bK's flights, but the strategy is again more interesting than before. In a) two orthogonal lines to b2 are closed, in b) two diagonal lines to e5.

h#2 (4+6)
b) b5 «-» c3

Attila Benedek
Phénix 1992

a) 1.Qxf3 Bh3 2.Qd5 Sd4#

b) 1.Qxc2 Rb1 2.Qc5 Se5#

Very usual use for twinned units. As they are of different colour, there is a wider set of potentially blocked/guarded squares than as with black units only. Whte pawn from a6 guards b7, from b6 guards c7. This determines the battery that must be fired. Other rear piece makes lateral move - Bh3 guards d7 only while Rb1 both b5 and b6 - this way wpb6 in b) allows model mate. Also, any piece at a6 prevents check on a-file, but this point seems to be of minor importance.

h#2 (6+7)
b) a6 «-» b6

László Lindner
Magyar Sakkelet 1980

a) 1.Se6 f4 2.Rf2 Sb6#

b) 1.Re6 f3 2.Sf2 Rc5#

Position of wK in twins determines black piece playing Umnov move to f2, interfering with bBg1. This bishop mustn't move and this is secured by twinned bQ that keeps behind bB with respect to the wK. The play is finished by black dual avoidance on 2nd move.

h#2 (6+7)
b) f1 «-» h1

Chris J. Feather
Moultings 1991

1.Kc5 Ra4 2.Bxc6 Qxc6#
1.Kxe5 Qxf3 2.Rd5 Rxd5#

1.Kxc6 Rxb5 2.Bd5 Qxd5#
1.Ke4 Qxg3 2.Rxe5+ Rxe5#

At last some different use for thematical pieces. White pawn only prevents cooks and in reality doesn't play any constructive role in any of four phases. On the other hand, knight is captured in two solutions by bK and supports mating piece in other two solutions. Nice echo diagonal-orthogonal of pairs of different solutions.

h#2 (5+11)
b) e5 «-» c6

Viktor Bene
1st Prize Thema Danicum 1998

a) 1.Sxe6 Rxe4 2.Sg7 Qa1#

b) 1.Sxe5 Bd7 2.Sg6 Qa6#

Both exchanged pieces block bK flights and guard mating lines. But the strategy is improved even more and the problem as a whole is very inspirative - echo diagonal-orthogonal of complicated line play.

h#2 (4+14)
b) b4 «-» b3

Vladislav Bunka
Umenie 64 1998

1.Kf4 f8S 2.Be3 Sxe6#
1.Kf6 f8B 2.Sg7 Be7#

1.Kxd6 f8R 2.Rc5 Rxd8#
1.Kd4 f8Q 2.Sg5 Qf2#

Yes, bK stands in check in both positions, it is checked by thematicaly twinned white knight. White knight, of course, guards e5 in all 4 solutions, while bp blocks a square in both positions, what is used in mates with bK on 6th row.

h#2 (5+14)
b) c6 «-» g6

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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