Marcel Segers diagrammes 1993 |
a) 1.Bd6? th. 2.Rxc4#, 1...Ra5! |
| |
#2 (12+11) b) a3 «-» h3 |
Touw Hian Bwee Die Schwalbe 1976 |
a) 1.Rxf6! zz |
| |
#2 (9+3) b) f6 «-» g6 |
Sorin Cretu diagrammes 1998 |
a) 1.Bf2! th. 2.Qe2# |
| |
#2 (9+11) b) c7 «-» e7 |
Vasyl Dyachuk Schachmatnaja Kompozicija 1999 |
a) 1.Rff2! th. 2.Kd4# |
| |
#2 (9+9) b) a7 «-» h6 |
László Apró 3rd Prize Hungarian Chess Federation 1973 |
a) 1.Sf1+! |
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#2 (9+10) b) c7 «-» h2 |
György Bakcsi 1st Prize Hungarian Chess Federation 1973 |
a) 1.Qf7! th. 2.Qf4# |
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#2 (8+9) b) d3 «-» e3 |
György Bakcsi 1st Comm Hungarian Chess Federation 1973 |
a) 1.Qxc6! th. 2.Qe4# |
| |
#2 (10+10) b) f6 «-» f3 |
Zivko Janevski 8th-9th Place Netherlands-Yugoslavia 1985 |
a) 1.Rg5? th. 2.Rxf5#, 1...Qe4! |
| |
#2 (10+9) b) d4 «-» e5 |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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