Here the move in question is 1.Qxh8(Qd1)+. In the initial position white nightrider does not check bK and the queen move goes from e5 to d1 via h8. Removing black rook from h8 along the way activates line b3-h6-h8. Clear example of ecto-battery. |
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(2+2) Anticirce nightrider b3 |
Two checking moves by white rook can be considered. |
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(2+2) Madrasi |
Two checking moves by white bishop can be considered. |
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(2+2) Isardam |
Now it becomes more difficult. Let's consider why Kh7 is not checked in the diagram position.
Apparently Nf8 checks bK, but in fact it cannot capture the king by 1.Nxh7(Nh8)?? as that would
lead to illegal paralysis of two nightriders along b5-h8 line. |
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(3+2) Anticirce Isardam 1+1 nightrider |
As in the previous case, Nf8 cannot capture bK due to ensuing illegal paralysis of nightriders. Well, not two-way
paralysis as Nb5 would not be able to capture Nh8, so that Nh8 would not be captured. But Nh8 could capture Nb5... still
illegal. |
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(3+2) Anticirce Isardam 1+1 nightrider |
Final joke... sorry, final scheme to consider for now. |
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(2+1) joker a1 |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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