Selfmates with active white king 3

In this selection you can find some fairy selfmates in which white King makes more moves during the single line of play.
Jan Rusek
2109 Feenschach 173 - 1954

a) 1.Kf4! Qxa8 2.Kg3 Qd8 3.Kh2 Qh4#

b) 1.Kf5! Qxb8 2.Kg6 Qe8+ 3.Kh7 Qh5#

c) 1.Kxh3! Qxc8 2.Kg2 Qf8 3.Kh1 Qa8#

White king 3 times walks into the mating net, while black Queen captures her pinner, returns to black King and then mates. All 3 mates are model.

s#3 (2+9)
b) 1 column to the right
c) 2 columns to the right

Narayan Shankar Ram
1st Prize feenschach 1982

1.Kg3! MAg1 2.Kg2 MAxe2 3.Kf2 MAf4+ 4.Kf3 MAh3 5.Sg3 MAg1#

White pawn e2 prevents White from forcing quick mate 1.Sg3? MAg1+! as there are 2 flights (f2, g2). That's why White makes orthogonal square round trip with King, forcing the capture of the pawn by black Mao. Mao is very limited in his movement and regardless of his will he must make square round trip. Very important role of the wK!

s#5 (5+6)
1+1 mao

Heinz Zander
feenschach 1974

Mehrwertschach = fairy condition, where Black must make move having the highest value. Valure of the move is computed from its properties: 1 point - pawn doublestep, capture, castling, simple check, promotion, 2 points - en passant capture, double check, the values are summed if the move has more of these properties. If there are more moves with the same highest value, Black can choose any of them.

1.Bg8! e5 2.Rb1 axb1=R+ 3.Ka2+ Kxd4 4.Qa7+ Rb6 5.Qd7+ Rd6 6.Kb3 Rxd7 7.Kb4 Rb7#

Of course, Black promotes in 2nd move Rook, not Queen. White King makes the way for the black Rook and then returns and moves up into mating net. Rich use of Mehrwertschach properties.

s#7 (10+4)

Erich Bartel
2nd Comm Feenschach 1970

1.Kh7! Rc5 2.Kg6 Rc2 3.Kh5 Rc5 4.Kg4 Rc2 5.Kf4 Rf2 6.Kg4 Ra2 7.Kh5 Ra8 8.Kg6 Ra1 9.Kh7 Ra8 10.Kg8 Ra1 11.Kxf8 Ra8#

Black must avoid mistake in his first move: 1...Rf2? 2.Kg8! Ra2 3.Kxf8 Ra8#. Rook oscillating on c file must be forced to move horizontally. For that white King walks down and threats to capture on d3 forcing the battery mate by Rook from c2. That's why Black changes the direction of his movement anf White returns with his king to the 8th row. White Rex Solus.

s#11 (1+14)

Frantisek Sabol
7117 feenschach 122 - 1996

1.Qe1+! Kg2 2.Rhh4 Kf3 3.Rbd4 Kg2 4.Rd7 Kf3 5.Ra7 Kg2 6.Kxa3 Kf3 7.Raa4 Kg2 8.Rab4 Kf3 9.Ka4 Kg2 10.Qe2+ Kg1! 11.Rhg4+ Kh1 12.Rgc4 Kg1 13.Rc1+ Rxc1(Ra1) 14.Rxc1(Rh8)+ Rxa8(Bf1)#

Switchback of the white King is motivated by the need to remove the bPa3, otherwise White could parry the check from Ra8 by Kxa3(pa7). For that white Rook must be placed on a7 and then it returns to b5 using a different way. White finishes the play by Circe manoeuvre forcing the capture of white Bishop parrying the check on the first rank.

s#14 (10+4)

Christian Poisson
3rd Prize Uralskij Problemist 2000

1.Kg4! h5+ 2.Kf4 e5+ 3.Kg3 h4+ 4.Kg2 h3+ 5.Kg1 h2+ 6.Kf2 h1S+ 7.Kf3 e4+ 8.Kf4 9.Kf5 Sg3+ 10.Kf6 Sh5+ 11.Ke7 12.Kd7 Sf6+ 13.Kc6 14.Kc5 Sd7+ 15.Kd4 16.Ke3 17.Kf2 e3+ 18.Kf1 e2+ 19.Kg2 e1S+ 20.Kh2 Sf3+ 21.Kh3 Sg1+,Sg5+ 22.Kh4 Sf3+ 23.Kh5 Sf6#

One of the whole series of problems by Christian showing the same mating picture and the similar manouvres including two knight promotions. White King does it everything. There are some round trips of wK, of course, the most important being the one starting and ending on the wK's initial square.

s#23 (1+3)
Black moves only to check

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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