Petko A. Petkov 6th Commendation feenschach 1994 in memoriam P. Kniest |
1...CHc8(S)+ 2.Ka6 CHa7(B) 3.CHb6(Q) CHxb6(wR) 4.CHb7(Q)# |
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#4 (2+2) Andernach chess 1+1 chameleon |
Michel Caillaud 4th Commendation Messigny 2014 |
1.BLd1<->BLd5! f5 2.BLd5<->BLd1 f4 3.BLd1<->BLd5 f3 4.BLd5<->BLd1# |
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#4 (3+3) Messigny chess 1+1 bishop lion |
Roméo Bedoni 1st TT Phénix 1989-91 |
1.e7! th. 2.e8L# |
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#4 (10+2) Transmuting kings 1+1 locust |
Dieter Werner 2nd Prize E. Bartel 70 JT Die Schwalbe 2001-02 |
a) 1.d5? th. 2.Be2#, 1...g1S! |
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#4 (6+7) Circe nightrider b7 b) -Pf5 |
Gerard Bouma 1st Commendation H. P. Rehm 60 JT 2003-04 |
1.Gf3! th. 2.Rh5#, Bg3# |
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#4 (9+10) Anticirce 1+3 grasshopper |
Sven Trommler Commendation Eteroscacco 2006-07 |
1.Sa5! th. 2.Sb7+ Gfxb7(Gb1) 3.Sf7+ Gxf7(Gf1) 4.Rd5# |
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#4 (9+10) Anticirce type Cheylan 1+4 grasshopper |
Sven Trommler 2nd HM H. P. Rehm 60 JT 2003-04 |
1.Sc7! th. 2.GNe3+ Sxe3(Sb8) 3.GNc4+ GNxc4(GNc1) 4.GNf5# |
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#4 (9+13) Anticirce type Cheylan 3+2 gnu |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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