Hubert Gockel 3rd Prize Die Schwalbe 1984 |
a) |
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#2 (10+10) Madrasi b) g4 -» h3 |
Jean Morice 2nd HM 2nd TT The Problemist Supplement 1999 |
1.c4+? Kb4! |
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#3 (10+9) Sentinelles |
Gerard Smits 1st Prize Whisky Rotterdam 1991 |
a) 1.Rc3 f8Q+ 2.Qxf8(Qd1) Qd4# |
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h#2 (5+11) a) Circe b) Madrasi c) Circe Madrasi |
Yves Cheylan version René Jean Millour 1st HM Pénix 1992 |
1...f8Q 2.gxh1Q(Qd8) cxd8Q(Qd1)+ 3.cxd1Q(Qd8) exd8Q(Qd1)# |
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h#2,5 (7+6) Anticirce type Cheylan |
Klaus Wenda 3rd HM feenschach 1986 |
1.axb8Q 2.Qxd8 3.b8Q 4.Qxb5 5.Kf4 6.Qh4 7.d8Q 8.Qg5 9.g8Q+ e5# |
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ser-s#9 (5+10) Madrasi |
Manfred Seidel 1st Prize feenschach 1988 |
1.a8Q 2.Qa4 3.Qb3 4.Qxa2(Sg8) 5.fxg8Q 6.Qxg3(g7) 7.hxg7 8.g8Q 9.Qxh7 10.Qxc2 11.c8Q 12.Qc5 13.Qb4 Rb3# |
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ser-s#13 (5+10) Circe |
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Juraj Lörinc.
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