Queen promotions 4

Kjell Widlert
Hans Peter Rehm

feenschach 1983

1.Sxf5! th. 2.Qd4#
1...f1Q 2.Bxe4# (Se3?)
1...b1Q 2.Se3# (Bxe4?, Qb5?)
1...Bb1 2.Qb5# (Se3?)
1...Se6 2.Se7#

Interesting strategy. After key, mate Qb5# is impossible because of f1Q!, Se3# because of f1S! and Bxe4 due to Bb1! and b1B!. These mates are made possible after defences with a lot of Madrasi typical dual avoidance effects.

#2 (7+11)

Theodor Steudel
Feenschach 1956

1.Kb3 dxc6 2.Ga2 c7 3.Kb2 c8Q 4.Ka1 Qc1#

1.Kd4 d6 2.Ke5 d7 3.Kf6 d8Q+ 4.Kg7 Qe7#

Rather simple differentiation of promotion square by one capture and need for promoted wQ to reach mating square.

h#4 (2+6)
0+2 grasshopper

Albert H. Kniest
Caissas fröhliche Tiefgarage 1970

1.e3 d4 2.e2 d5 3.e1Q d6 4.Qe7 dxe7(Qd8) 5.Qf8 e8Q+ 6.Kxe8(Qd1) Qd7#

White queen mates with Circe typical selfprotection. The motivation of black promotion into queen involves the role of wK - setting him somewhere else except h-file would allow rook promotion, in the diagram prevented by Circe selfcheck (3.e1R? ... 4...dxe7(Rh8)??).

h#6 (2+2)

Göran Wicklund
René J. Millour

Springaren 1997

1.Bc5 b4 2.Bd7 bxc5 3.b5 cxb6 e.p. 4.Ra8 bxc7 5.Rb8 cxb8Q! 6.Kd5 Qxf4 7.Rg8 Qf8!! 8.Be8 f4 9.gxf3 e.p. g4 10.Bh5 gxh5 11.g5 hxg6 e.p. 12.Kc6 gxh7 13.Kd7 hxg8Q 14.Ke8 Qxe6#

Complicated Monochromatic chess strategy. Solver's reasoning may work as follows. White can mate only by pg2 as it is the only his lightsquared unit. That's why pg2 must promote. But it requires seemingly too many captures! Really, g2xBf3xpg4xph5xpg6 e.p. and now the excelsior is unfinished as there is not enough meat. Well. But with double step g2-g4 it would be possible to eat black lightsquared units in a different way: g2-g4xBh5xpg6e.p.xph7xRg8! For that bpg4 must be removed. Of course, it can't be captured, so he must move away by... second e.p. capture of pf2! But for that, bpf4 must be removed! (I'm already so excited as it seems I'm on good way :-) that I put exclamation marks everywhere! :-)) It can be done only by wpb2 after promotion (excelsior including third e.p. capture). And then the question of precise mate comes into consideration. It turns out that it is necessary to mate by promotion of pg2 or immediately after. Due to pe6 the range of wQ promoted on g8 is rather limited and bK must be mated on e8. But after 13...hxg8Q 14.Ke8?? would be selfcheck... or no!!! White uses other queen promotion at b8 and precises his evacuation of f4 by 7...Qf8!! effectively CLOSING HORIZONTAL WHITE LINE BY WHITE QUEEN! Can one want more?

+++ Composition In the Spotlight (CIS) No. 9 +++

Spotlight comment by Juraj Lörinc:

I need not add much to the above excited comment. Having looking for various problems in the past weeks, I have again stumbled upon this problem and immediately decided to put the spotlight it that for you, if you do not know it yet. For me this is a FIDE Album quality problem, with clear-cut far-reaching strategy, excellent economy and extremely original idea. If it was published a year later, I might have judged it for Album... although there were tons of interesting problems, this one would be surely among those standing out in their "genre".

h#14 (4+12)
Monochromatic chess

Hans Gruber
Torsten Linß
Manfred Rittirsch

3rd Comm Acheres 1993

1. if the last move was Kh4xSh3, then: 1.Sxc7(Sg5)+ Kh4(c8Q) 2.Qe3 Qg4#

2. if the last move was Kh2xBh3, then: 1.Kf3(Bh2) c8Q 2.Qe3 Qg4#

Two queen promotions on the same square are different - one is active by pawn move, the other is passive by wK move and caused by special Circe rule.

h#2 with retro variations (2+11)
Circe Parrain

Erich Bartel
1053 Problemkiste 117 - 1998

Black starts, White mates: 1.Kg2 a7 2.Kf1 a8Q#

White starts, Black mates: 1.a7 f1Q 2.a3 Qc4#

I'd like to remind you of Phantom chess definition (or more precisely my understanding of it): any unit acts from his position as well as from its actual Circe square. In mate by wQ, she attacks g2 directly from a8, while e2, e1, f1, g1 from her Circe square d1. On the other hand, in mate by bQ, she attacks b3, b4, b5, a4 directly from c4 and a5 from Circe square d8. On the way wp makes Phantom move a7-a2-a3. In this respect, 1.a6-a7! is a tempo move as White could make 1.a6-a2-a3 immediately, but the he wouldn't have any 2nd move.

(Don't confuse it with Ghost chess that is sometimes called "Chess with phantoms". In Ghost chess captured unit "is burried" under square where it was captured and after departure of capturing unit it reappers in the form of ghost that has all properties of original unit except that is cannot be captured anymore. See e.g. ser-h#12 in Ghost chess that shows two simple model mates using two bishop ghosts each.)

h#2 (2+2)
Phantom chess

bernd ellinghoven
Problemkiste 2000

1.g6+ Kh4 2.g5+ Kh3 3.g4+ Kh2 4.g3+ Kh1 5.g2+ Kh2 6.g1Q+ Kh3 7.Qf1+ Kg4 8.Qc4+ d4 9.Qe2+ Kf5 10.Qe5+ dxe5(Qd8) 11.Qf6+ exf6(Qd8) 12.Qa5+ Ke4 13.Qd5+ Kxd5(Qd8) 14.Kc8+ Kc5 15.Qe7+ fxe7(Qd8) 16.Qd5+ Kb6 17.Qd8+ exd8Q#

And Circe selfprotection mate again. One cannot say too much about the content as there are two excelsiors, black simple, white spiced by need to parry black checks by every pawn move.

h#17 (2+2)
Circe Ultraschachzwang

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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