Colin Sydenham 2nd HM Phénix 1990 |
1.Kh6? th. 2.Sg6#, 1...Rd1! (2.Sg6+ Rd6!) |
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#2 (7+5) Superpins |
Uri Avner 2nd Prize Wola Gulowska 1993 |
1.Qb1! gives flight e4 and threats 2.Sd6#. If Black tries to paralyze Sd6 by 2...Sb5??, he also unparalyzes Qb1. Thus
Black defends then by cutting b1-f5 line, allowing 2...Sb5!, but open rook lines to f5, allowing similar mates in variations: |
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#2 (10+11) Madrasi |
Tadashi Wakashima 8082 feenschach 135 - 2000 |
1.Bb6! th. 2.cxd8Q# |
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#2 (8+7) Beamtenschach |
Kjell Widlert Feenschach 1970 |
1.Kb3! th. 2.Rc4# Spotlight comment by Juraj Lörinc: Fairy threemovers are a field with extremely rich possibilites, but still largely unexplored. Although this example is not particularly difficult to understand or high-class, it shows something special. The threat of the key is short. That is a minus, but perhaps it is compensated for by allowing two very similar checks to White. Actually, promotions to knight and to mao seem like equivalent, but they are not. They rather initiate subtle dual avoidance: - knight promotion prevents 2.Ka3 due to possible check 2...Sc2+ and - mao promotion prevents 2.Ka2 because of stalemate and 2.Ka3 works as black MAa1 cannot stop rook mate. The mate Rc4# is always important to consider, but after 1...a1S 2.Ka2 Sc2! a new mate appears with active blocking of c2. Now imagine mutiplying this. Or doing some other promotion trick with fairy pieces. Or other stalemate combination with fairy pieces. Or... you get the idea. Fairy threemovers can be great. |
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#3 (7+5) 1+1 mao |
Panos Louridas Die Schwalbe 1985 |
1.Rb4! th. 2.Ra4# |
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#4 (2+2) No captures |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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