Pinned piece unpinned and pinned again 3

This is the third special example file for the 25th TT CCM C 5.5.2009.

So far only more or less orthodox problems were discussed in example files. But fairies should not be forgotten here, as I hope to receive some for the tourney, as is usual in CCM TTs. Therefore I have selected a diverse set of problems employing fairy conditions with unpinned piece repinned.

Petko A. Petkov
Shachmatna Misl 1979


1.Qd5! Kg6 2.a7 Qa1 3.Ka6 Qh8 4.Qc6+ Qf6 5.Ra5 Qxc6#

The pin of bQ in the initial position is important for the set play. Then the whole set of pieces is shifted up (well, bK moves diagonally, but that is just a minor detail), with repin of bQ.

s#5 (4+2)

Norman A. Macleod
Springaren 1984

1.Re5? th. 2.Bg4#

1.Rd5! th. 2.Bg4#
1...Se6 2.Sd4#
1...Sf7 2.Qd3#
1...Se4 2.Sd2#
1...Sxh3 2.Qxd1#
1...Bd3 2.Qxf3#

A good key unpins bS by means of the wR self-paralysis. In fact, among knight moves, only the fourth variation is thematical for the 25th TT CCM as the black knight selfpins, while in three other bS is paralyzed. Additional variation by bB also repins bS, but on the initial pin line.

#2 (11+11)

Pieter van Dalfsen
Albert Koldijk

5581 Die Schwalbe 100 - August 1986

1.Sg4! th. 2.h3#
1...Sh5+ 2.Sde5#
1...Sf5+ 2.Sdf6#

Interesting Patrol chess strategy. Be8 pins Sd7 thanks to the patrolling from Sg7. The key unmasks the black battery on the bent line h8-b2-b5. The battery is fired in the defences, but at the same time Be8 is unpatrolled and Sd7 unpinned. It can thus mate by closing the check line and patrolling the key knight. Simple, but clear.

#2 (7+10)
Patrol chess

Gerard Smits
Comm Bo Lindgren 50 JT 1993

1.e8nB 2.dxe8nS(nBf1) 3.d7 4.dxe8nR(nSb1) 5.nRf8 6.gxf8nQ(nRa1) 7.nQxa3+ nSxa3(nQd8)#

1.e8nB pins npd7 for Black (on diagonal). Then npd7 promotes to knight and later is reborn on b1. Then the battery aimed at wK is formed with nS as front piece - but it is at the same time pinned for White (on horizontal). Then, after the final move the same neutral piece is pinned (on vertical). Yes, the last pin is not important for the mate as there is doublecheck there. Pins in this example are rather incidental, but they are on different lines, to different kings, what is an unusual twist for pin themes.

ser-s#7 (1+2+4)
Mirror Circe

Yves Cheylan
4th Prize 11th TT diagrammes 1993

1.Qf5! th. 2.Qe4 th. 3.Qe1 Qb3#
1...Kg8, Kh6 2.Qe6 th. 3.Qe1 Qb3#
1...Kg7, Kh8 2.Qe5 th. 3.Qe1 Qb3#

To keep bQ at bay, White has to maintain attack of the Queen to bK. At the same time he has to head for e1 with the Queen as this enables mate Qb3#. Black Queen is unpinned by defences, then again pinned and definitely unpinned by the third white move. Very specific.

r#3 (2+2)

Gaspar J. Perrone
1426 Best Problems 35 - July 2005

1.Bxf6 2.Sc3 3.Bd5 4.Bb7 5.Qd5 7.Kb4 8.Qd6 9.S7d5 10.Se3 11.Kf4 14.g1Q 15.Qg4 16.Qc8 17.Qcf8 gxf8Q=

The pair of black kings considerably helps showing multiple pins and unpins of multiple pieces. Just one example: Sc7 is initially pinned by Qb8 with Kd6 standing behind, while later the same knight is pinned by Bd2 with the other king behind. Series helpstalemate is undoubtedly of stipulations almost destined to show pin-unpin effects and not only with multiple kings.

ser-h=17 (10+11)
Rex Multiplex

Mario Parrinello
4th-5th Prize 5th Tzuica - Rhodes 2007

Captured pieces are reborn according to the square of capture, not arrival square of capturing move - that is the specification relevant and needed for locust family and Anticirce combination.

a) 1.bxa8R(Rh1) LOxd3-e3(LOd1) 2.Re1 LOxe1-f1(LOe1) 3.exf8S(Sg1) LOxg1-h1(LOg1)#

b) 1.bxa8Q(Qd1) LOxh3-h4(LOh1) 2.Qe1 LOxe1-d1(LOe1) 3.exf8B(Bc1) LOxc1-b1(LOc1)#

Locusts allow the pins from the other side, that is well known. In the initial position there are four pinned pieces at the diagram: Pd6, Se6, Pf6, Pe7. The presence of black locusts on e1 causes unpin of white knight, for a while. The pin is however reestablished in the mating move causing the check over immobilized knight.

hs#3 (10+7)
Anticirce type Calvet
0+1 grasshopper, 0+3 locust
b) d3 -» h3

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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