Selection from award of JT Persson 80 - h#2

Ludo Lehen provided me the award of Swedish jubilee tourney. Manne Persson, experienced helpmate composer, celebrated already his 80th birthday with the following theme: Black opens a white line and simultaneously closes a black line. White moves along the opened line.

Judged by Manne Persson, 5 prizes, 8 HMs, 9 Comms of 106 competing h#2. His comments are in Swedish language, so I can barely understand them - only a little bit. So again my own thoughts. (Is there any kind person who has award and can translate original comments?)
Shaul Shamir
1st Prize Manne Persson 80 JT C 1.9.1998

a) 1.Sd6 (Se3?) Bh3 (Rf7?) 2.Bg6 Se6#

b) 1.Se3 (Sd6?) Rxf7 (Bh3?) 2.Sg6 Sf3#

JL (maintainer): "Moves of Sf5 open two white lines - only one of them thematically in each phase - and close two black lines. The second strongest entry from thematical point of view. My friend Ludo Lehen criticized awarding of 1st Prize to this work. His reasons included: Rxf7 is bad capture, no model mates, Sf3# except mate also takes flight h4 provided by Sg6 move and a undelightful twinning. I personally agree mainly with first reason, others are by my opinion less important."

h#2 (4+8)
b) d7 -» f2

Unto Heinonen
2nd Prize Manne Persson 80 JT C 1.9.1998

1.Sg5 Bxd5 (Rxd4?) 2.Bxe3 Bf3#

1.Sf2 Rxd4 (Bxd5?) 2.Rxf5 Rf4#

JL (maintainer): "Moves of Se4 open two white lines - only one of them thematically in each phase - and close one black line. Main feature is, of course, very interesting switchback in mating move."

h#2 (9+10)

Jorge Kapros
Jorge Lois

3rd Prize Manne Persson 80 JT C 1.9.1998

1.Re5 Rd3 2.Kxc4 Qd4#

1.Rf5 Rd2 2.Rxb4 Qd3#

1.Rg5 Rd1 2.bxc4 Qd2#

JL (maintainer): "Simple compared to previous two prizes - and also compared to some problems following in award..."

h#2 (5+7)

Zoltan Labai
Jozef Taraba

4th Prize Manne Persson 80 JT C 1.9.1998

1.Sc7 Qc6 (Qd6?) 2.Rd4 Qxc5#

1.Se2 Qd2 (Qe3?) 2.Bd4 Qxd3#

JL (maintainer): "This, of course, fulfills theme in 2 phases, but also fulfills theme of 6th WCCT (wrong move of one side fails because of the other side line closing). Very heavy position."

h#2 (8+15)

Zoran Gavrilovski
5th Prize Manne Persson 80 JT C 1.9.1998

1.Bc1 Qb8 2.Ke5 Rc5#

1.Be2 Rg3 2.Kg6 Sh4#

JL (maintainer): "Double pin model mates."

h#2 (5+16)

Valerij Gurov
3th HM Manne Persson 80 JT C 1.9.1998

1.Sd3 Rf5 2.S7c5 Rd4#
1.Sg4 Bd4 2.Sdf6 Bf5#

1.Sf6 Rd4 2.S2g4 Rf5#
1.Sc5 Bf5 2.Sfd3 Bd4#

JL (maintainer): "Strongest entry from thematical point of view. Opening of 4 white lines - 2 of them thematically - and closing of two black lines in each solution. Despite unified play for me rather monotonous... Ludo Lehen rated this one the best of all, he especially liked the fact minimal twin completely changes play and allows repeating of all moves in an interesting pattern. But for me it is complete symmetry... "

h#2 (5+10)
b) e4 -» e5

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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