New ideas in fairy chess 4 - Woozles, BiWoozles

The four new fairy conditions were introduced at annual Andernach meeting of fairy chess fans in 1999. In this file we will focus on generalizations of Heffalumps and BiHeffalumps thought up by known German composers - Hans Peter Rehm, bernd ellinghoven and Hans Gruber. Let's look at theirdefinitions:

Woozles (or MonoWoozles): Mutually guarding men (including Kings) of the same colour lose the power to capture (and check).

BiWoozles: Mutually guarding men (including Kings) of different colours lose the power to capture (and check).

All following problems are taken from Andernach 1999 report that appeared in feenschach 132 - 1999. Comments marked by TT are Theodor Tauber's, taken from him award.
bernd ellinghoven
Hans Gruber
Hans Peter Rehm

Andernach 1999

Set: 1...Kc5 2.Ba3#

1.Se4! th. 2.Bc5#
1...Bc5 2.Qd6#! (2...Bxb6?)
1...c5 2.Qd5#!
1...Sc5 2.Ba3#
(1...Sxc3 2.Bxc3#)

Specifical defence motive in 3 variations - defence on threat square possible due to impossibility to capture by bishop. Many effects - twomover worth studying if you want to dive into Woozles.

#2* (7+8)

bernd ellinghoven
Hans Gruber
Hans Peter Rehm

Andernach 1999

1.Qf6 Kb2 2.Qg7 Bc3 3.Qg8 Bg7#

Movement ther'n'back by both sides. Although it need not be clear from the diagram, Black has only one move for start.

h#3 (4+5)

Gunter Jordan
Andernach 1999

1.Kb5 2.Kb6 3.Rxc6(pc2) 4.Rc3 5.Kb5 6.Kc4 Kc5#

Double switchback with only 4 pieces.

ser-h#6 (2+2)
Woozles Circe

Claus Wedekind
Wichard von Alvensleben

12th Place Andernach-TT 1999

1.Ke5 Kd7 2.Rff5 Se4#

1.Ke4 Kc6 2.Rdf5 Se5#

TT: "... almost miniature, concentrating the interest of the solver on the powerful mate moves."

I dare to add that white knights form two fairy direct batteries aiming at two different squares, in reciprocal manner, without need to move thematical pieces to form battery. It is something impossible in orthodox chess, I came with this idea in 1994 in h#2 with spiralspringer and diagonalspiralspringer, although I published it only in 1997.

h#2 (3+5)

Oliver Sick
Wilfried Neef

8th Place Andernach-TT 1999

a) 1.Qc1 Sxc4 2.Kxc4 Qd1#

b) 1.Qc2 Sxf5 2.Kxf5 Qc1#

TT: "Amusing evacuations of the black Queen.
In a) Qe2 or Qf2 will not permit 2.Kxc4, while Qc2 and Qe1 will avoid 2...Qd1# And of course, 1.Qd1 will prevent 2...Qxd1#, as the white Queen cannot capture! In b) things go similarly."

h#2 (5+10)
b) b5 -» f6

Markus Manhart
Thomas Maeder

6th Place Andernach-TT 1999

1.Qh6 Bg7 2.Kd4 Rg4#

1.Qh5 Rag5 2.Kd5 Bg2#

TT: "The black Queen paralyses white pieces to enable the black King access to the mate squares. At the same time, the black Queen is paralysed by the white pieces, White taking advantage of this in fairy 'pin' mates.
I would prefer to see the black King moves motivated solely by fairy reasons. Unfortunately, in the diagram position 1.Rg4# is not possible because 1...Kf4! and also 1...Kf3! (using the flight). Also 1.Bg2# is not possible because 1...Kf3! and also 1...Kf4! (using the flight), to say nothing about 1...Qxg2."

h#2 (6+6)

Thomas Maeder
Manfred Rittirsch

3rd Place Andernach-TT 1999

1.Bh2 Kg3 2.Rg2 Sb2#

1.Rg2 Kf2 2.Bg3 Sd6#

TT: "The white battery on the 4th lione cannot be activated 1...Sc4~+ 2.Bd6! or Rb2! The powerful white King abandons on e4, managing to interfer and to paralyze the black men in a characteristic BiWoozles strategy. A pity the construction is rather heavy."

Later, the authors published in idee&form a version with 2 white pieces less.

h#2 (6+11)

Michel Caillaud
Pascal Wassong

1st-2nd Place Andernach-TT 1999

1.e4 f5 2.Bc4 Sf6 3.Bg8! d5 4.exf5 Sfd7 5.f6 e6 6.f7 Qg5 7.Qf3! Be7 8.f8Q! d4 9.Q8f7 d3 10.Q7h5 dxc2 11.Bf7 Rf8 12.Bg6 Rf5 13.Qd1 Ra5 14.Bd3 c5 15.Bf1 Sc6 16.Qhe2 Rb8 17.Qa6 bxa6 OK

TT: "This is the most original idea of the tourney.
All retro funs know that promoting a white Pawn via f7 or d7 means that the black king had to move. Here the authors show a surprising use of the fairy condition (a complicated manoeuvre of a white Pawn to promote via f7 without giving check to the bK), rethinking a very conventional statement in a new fashion."

Proof game in 17,0 moves (14+15)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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