My works 332 - 337

Juraj Lörinc
Reto Aschwanden

11171 Die Schwalbe June 2001 (Heft 189)
Notes: C034 Sent: 332

1.Sxd7! zz
1...BLe6 a 2.Sb6# A (2.Sf6?)
1...g3 b 2.Sf6# B (Sb6?)

1.Sxc4! zz
1...g3 b 2.Se3# C (Sb6?)
1...RHd4 c 2.Sb6# A (2.Se3?)

1.Sxg4! zz
1...RHd4 c 2.Sf6# B (2.Se3?)
1...BLe6 a 2.Se3# C (2.Sf6?)

Carousel change based on unusual line combinations. After the capture of one of black defenders, Minus point: all 3 keys take the flight. White cannot immediately mate as there would be flight e5. Both remaining defences are bi-valves. They guard e5 by antibattery and thus seem to allow both possible mates. But there is an anti-Somov-like dual avoidance - every defence removes one hurdle on two lives and thus creates a potential flights. White must be careful in selecting the right mate, providing another guard by indirect anti-battery.

I like this scheme, but... as some experienced fairy judge pointed out - it is simpler to make many line effects if you have unlimited number of line pieces...

Personal rating: B.

#2 (17+5)
Black No captures
4+1 rookhopper, 2+0 rook lion, 7+1 bishop lion
3 solutions

Juraj Lörinc
29 Sachove Umeni 4/2001
1st Prize Sachove Umeni 2001
Notes: C035 Sent: 333

1.KAh8? zz
1...c4 2.KAa2! zz e4, d5 3.KAf4#, KAe6#
1...e4 2.KAf2! zz d5, c4 3.KAb6#, KAf4#

1.KAa2! zz
1...c4 2.KAh8! zz e4, d5 3.KAf4#, KAe6#
1...e4 2.KAa5! zz d5, c4 3.KAc6#, KAf4#
1...d5 2.KAa1! zz c4, e4 3.KAe6#, KAc6#

You can find changes of two kinds in this threemover. It is usual change of two variations after defences 1...c4 and 1...e4 (including Salazar) and, what is more important, the carousel change of mates after 2nd black moves with very unified motivation. After the key and defences White has to wait for the second black move. He must play the waiting move with "free" kangaroo. Unified fairy motivation. Judge Tadashi Wakashima liked it too.

Personal rating: B.

#3 (8+7)
4+0 kangaroo

Juraj Lörinc, Reto Aschwanden, 9733 Springaren 84 - March 2001, 2nd Prize Springaren 2001, Notes: C036 Sent: 334, fairy #3 can be found here.

It was one of my best schemes ever already before it had the threat mechanism. The threat was added by Reto and it improved thematical unity to the highest level. Most of the content is described besides the problem... I really like it. I sent it to Kjell Widlert and asked him when it would be published. He answered "Immediately as it is very good."

Personal rating: A.

Juraj Lörinc
319 Pat a Mat 35 - December 2001
Notes: C037 Sent: 335

1.LIb1? zz
1...Rb2 2.Kb6#
1...Rc2 2.Kd6#

1.LId1? zz
1...Rd2 2.Kd6#
1...Rc2 2.Kb6#

1.LIc1? zz
1...Rd2 2.Kb6#
1...Rb2 2.Kd6#

Cyclical transference of 2 mates Z-32-32. The scheme is symmetrical, but well uses possibilities of the Vogtlaender chess.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (5+10)
Vogtlaender chess
1+0 lion, 0+8 orphan

Juraj Lörinc
S1917 The Problemist July 2002
Notes: C038 Sent: 336

1...fxe1Q 2.Qh4+ Qxh4#
1...f1Q 2.Qf3+ Qxf3#
1...f1S 2.Qg3+ Sxg3#

1.Rf1! zz
1...gxf1~ 2.Qf3+ Bxf3#
1...gxf1S! 2.Qg3+ Sxg3#

One of two orthodox selfmates composed for the League of The Macedonian Problemist 2000. The theme set was a black correction in s#2. In this quite light problem the solution variations are transferred from the set play and the correction is in the form of the correcting promotion.

Personal rating: C.

s#2 (6+8)

Juraj Lörinc
10th Place League of The Macedonian Problemist C 30.12.2000
Notes: C039 Sent: 337

1...Sb6 2.Qxb6! e2#, g2#
1...Sxa7 2.Bd6+ Scxd6#

1.Qd4? zz
1...Sb5~ 2.Qd6+ Scxd6#
1...Sxd4! 2.Bd6+ Scxd6#

1.Qb6! zz
1...Sc4~ 2.Qd6+ Sbxd6#
1...Sxb6! 2.Bd6+ Sbxd6#

This selfmate was slightly more successful. There are corrections in both try and solution, again with transferrence of variations and moreover there are two set variations. Almost all thematical play involves half-battery, however, one set variation is stalemate one.

Personal rating: B.

s#2 (7+11)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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