Juraj Lörinc after Eckardt Kummer & Torsten Linß 2nd HM Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section Notes: 978 Sent: 270 |
1.OAg6? th. 2.OAe2# A |
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#2 (6+4) Vogtlaender chess 3+0 moarider 0+1 rook lion, 0+2 bishop lion |
Juraj Lörinc 1st Prize Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section Notes: 979 Sent: 271 |
1.BHd1? th. 2.LIb5# A |
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#2 (5+5) Vogtlaender chess 1+1 lion (b1), 1+1 rookhopper (g5) 2+1 bishopper |
Juraj Lörinc 1st Comm Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section Notes: 984 Sent: 272 |
a) |
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#2 (4+3) Haaner chess girlscout f5, 1+2 dummy twins see solution |
Ladislav Salai jr. Juraj Lörinc 1st HM Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section Notes: 973 Sent: 273 |
a) 1.Sf6! g5 2.BLe4# |
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#2 (4+5) Madrasi RI 2+3 bishop lion b)-h) BLh8 -» h2, g1, a1, a3, a7, b8, f8 |
Juraj Lörinc F1873 The Problemist May 1999 Notes: 869 Sent: 275 |
1.Rb3(Ih4)? th. 2.Qe2(Ig4)+ (2...Sb2 3.Kd5, Kxc5#) |
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#3 (4+6+1) imitator h6 |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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