My works 256 - 260

Juraj Lörinc
3217 Phénix 76 - 1999
1st Prize Phénix Tanagras 1999
Notes: 970 Sent: 256

1.Kb3! Kb1 2.Kc3 Kc1 3.Kd3 Kd1 4.Ke4 Ke1 5.Ke3! Kf1 6.Kf3 Kg1 7.Kg3 Kh1 8.Kh4 K~ 9.Kh5! K~ 10.Kg4 Kh1 11.Kh3 Kg1 12.Kg3 Kf1 13.Kf3 Ke1 14.Ke3 Kd1 15.Kd3 Kc1 16.Kc3 Kb1 17.Kb3 Ka1 18.Kc2!! (initial position with switched side to play) Ka2 19.Kd3! Ka3 20.Kc3 Ka4 21.Kb2 Kb5 22.Ka2! Kc5 23.Kb3 Kd4 24.Ka4 Ke5 25.Ka5 Kf4 26.Ka6 Kg4 27.Ka7 Kh5 28.Kb8 Kg6 29.Kc8 Kf7 30.Kd8 Kg7 31.Ke8 Kg6 32.Kf8 Kf7#

Although the position looks crowded here, there are only two kings on the board, other symbols stand for different forced squares. These require some explanation, I think this problem is worth it.

Forced square (f.s.) for side is the square that must be entered if there is possible such LEGAL move. Thus avoiding check has priority over entering f.s. Consequent forced square (c.f.s.) is similar, but entering it has priority over avoiding check. If side can enter c.f.s., this doesn't give check on the other squares, while possibility to enter f.s. doesn't remove attack from other squares. This allows bK to mate wK in the moment when wK can enter c.f.s. g8.

One-way chess for kings means that king can't return immediately to the square from which it entered current position.

I composed this problem for Thema Danicum tourney for two-king problems on orthodox board. Initial simple idea subsequently turned into complicated composition with many interesting points. In the first phase, White looses one tempo. This requires 18 moves, and manouevres aren't simple. In 5th move he prevents Black from entering d2, in 9th move he uses g3 the attack of g3 by Black, h5 is chosen to avoid necessity to enter f-file. 19th and 22nd moves are keys to the door leading out of f.s. Then White avoids f.s. till the end.

Well, the problem didn't compete in above mentioned tourney as it in fact doesn't use orthodox board. So I sent it to the world's best tanagra tourney to see how it will be appreciated... but I consider it one of my the most original problems and technically well done too. That's why I chose it as one of my 6 entries for world championships of individual composers...

Added in August 2006: Yeah! The award of the tourney is finally out and with very positive outcome for me. The judge Laurent Riguet quite liked the problem and has written a lot of nice words about it. Of course, it keeps its A rating. :-)

Personal rating: A.

s#32 (17+20)
One-way chess
15+17 one-side forced squares, 1+2 one-side consequent forced squares

Juraj Lörinc
Michal Dragoun

2nd Prize Wola Gulowska C 15.5.1999
Notes: 968 Sent: 257

1.Bxe4=b? th. 2.Qc5+ Bd5#

1.Rxe4=b? th. 2.Qg3+ Rf4#

1.Qg3? th. 2.Rxe4=b+ Rf4#
1...e3 2.Rxc4=b+ Rf4#

1.Qc5! th. 2.Bxe4=b+ Bd5#
1... e3 2.Bxg2=b+ Bd5#

Wola Gulowska 1999 - it was for me s#2 in Andernach chess. Although I was working hard, I was unable to come with anything better than this. I was disappointed and there was nothing better in a substantial way in the judgement by other authors. So it turned out s#2 in Andernach chess in fact isn't very perspective genre. Analogy is nevertheless at least somehing and there are two threat reversals with Umnov refutations.

Personal rating: C.

s#2 (11+10)
Andernach chess

Juraj Lörinc
Quartz 12 - 2000
Notes: 917 Sent: 258

1.rRc5 Mb6 2.rRc4 rGd4 3.rRc3 rGb2 4.rRb3 rGb4#

1.rRd6 Mc6 2.rRd7 Mfd8 3.rRb7 Mb8 4.rRb5 rGb6#

Echo of very fairy mate. I was trying Köko with very different fairy pieces and especially non-orthodox kings. But now I know triple echo is possible with this material...

Personal rating: D.

h#4 (3+1)
Köko, royal grasshopper b4
royal rook d5, 2+0 moose

Juraj Lörinc
F131 Probleemblad 5/1999
Notes: 814 Sent: 259

1.Rg8 Of8! 2.Ke5 Sf3# (1...Ob8? 2.Kc5 Sb3+ 3.Bxb3!)

1.Rh8 Ob8! 2.Kc5 Se4# (1...Of8? 2.Ke5 Sc4+ 3.Bxc4!)

Mating move opens long chain on two points - as is not unusual in my helpmates, indirect battery didn't require this effect and I placed some units on the board only to show this possibility of orphans. B1 removes guard from pair of squares that are reachable by Sd2, but black royal battery precises the W1.

Personal rating: C.

h#2 (7+9)
4+3 orphan

Juraj Lörinc
F137 Probleemblad 5/1999
Notes: 954 Sent: 260

1.CAdxe4? th. 2.Se4#
1...PAe8, PAh4, VAg2, VAb1
2.!, Bd6#, Sd3#, Qd5#

1.VAxe4? th. 2.Se4#
1...PAe8, PAh4, VAg2, VAb1
2.Bd6#, !, Sa6#, Se6#

1.PAxe4? th. 2.Se4#
1...PAe8, PAh4, VAg2, VAb1
2.Sd3#, Sa6#, !, Qc4#

1.CAbxe4! th. 2.Se4#
1...PAe8, PAh4, VAg2, VAb1
2.Qd5#, Se6#, Qc4#, VAa3#

Standard carousel change in 4 phases and 3 variations, Z-43-46, with one added mate in solution and, what is the most important, with strong unifying elements - variations in echo diagonal-orthogonal, keys to the same square, identical positive effects of keys and defences.

Personal rating: B.

#2 (14+10)
Kamikaze chess
6+0 camel, 1+4 pao, 2+2 vao

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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