My works 251 - 255

Juraj Lörinc
4823 Sachova Skladba 65 - 1999
Notes: 878 Sent: 251

1...Gc8 2.Gd2 Gc5 3.Kd4 Ge3 4.Kc5 Gc1#

1...Gc5 2.Kd2 Gc3 3.Kc2 Gc1 4.Kc3 Gc8#

Far echo. Grasshopper mates to transmuting king are sometimes considered to be cheap, but I like them as they allow mating with very few pieces in help problems. Personal rating: C.

h#3,5 (2+3)
0+1 transmuting king, 2+2 grasshopper

Juraj Lörinc
514 "Umenie 64" 13 - 1999
Notes: 797 Sent: 252

1.Oxb1 Kh2 (Kg2?) 2.Qa8 Sxd4#

1.Odxb3 Kg2 (Kh2?) 2.Qh8 Sxa3#

Analogy. B1 opens gate for black queen, captures knight mating in the other solution and blocks. WK in W1 opens first line in anticipation counting upon the fact that bQ will threat wOh1. The same time he must choose right square for landing. B2 unguards mating square and threats wOh1 as well as wOc8 and bOc5. W2 executes model pinmate. You can argue that it is textbook-example of weasels - this would go without two orphans on c-file as well, Indeed, I saw that from the beginning, but I am one damned lover of weasels. :-)

Personal rating: C.

h#2 (7+6)
2+3 orphan

Juraj Lörinc
413 "Umenie 64" 11 - 1999
Notes: 865 Sent: 253

1.Gg8? zz
1...c6, e4, g5 2.!, Rh2#, Rf2#

1.Gh7? zz
1...c6, e4, g5 2.Rh2#, !, Rb2#

1.Gg5! zz
1...c6, e4, g5 2.Rf2#, Rb2#, -

Of course, one of the problems I composed during preparation of entries for 6th WCCT. Keys are unified as the defences and mates are too. But the complex seems too mechanical for me.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (11+5)
1+1 transmuting king, 5+0 grasshopper

Juraj Lörinc
4376 diagrammes 131 - 1999
2nd Comm diagrammes 1999
Notes: 959 Sent: 254

1.pPAb1? zz
1...pKe1, pKe3, pKg3, pKg1
2.PAa1#, PAe5#, PAa3#, PAg5#

1.pPAg4! zz
1...pKe1, pKe3, pKg3, pKg1
2.PAe5#, PAa3#, PAg5#, PAa1#

4-fold Lacny cycle after bK's star. The motivation is very simple. Black king moving paralyses himself and White only needs to deliver him check. But as he has to prepare the paralysis at g1, he must move one of his paralysing paos. And they change the lines of check given by PAa5.

By the way, do you know the role of bPa6? It is placed there because of the strange definition of paralysing units. In the mate, mated side must have some chance of move, at least one of its pieces must be free to move, not blocked or not paralysed. Peter Gvozdják once had asked me about that point and have made a joke on my account afterwards, hehe.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (7+4)
3+2 pao
paralysing units b3, c2 e4, f1, g2 - f2, h3

Miroslav Brada
Juraj Lörinc

10405 Die Schwalbe June 1999
2nd HM Die Schwalbe 1999
Notes: 850 Sent: 255

1.Gf3? th. 2.Qe7# A
1...Gd4~ a 2.Rf5# B
1...Gf4! b 2.e5# C

1.Gb2? th. Rf5# B
1...Gd4~ a 2.e5# C
1...Gf4! b 2.2.Qe7# A

Firstly, I'd like to give proper credit to Miro Brada who invented the scheme of this twomover and I only finished it into correct position. At the initial publication, his name was not present, it appeared only in solution issue and fortunately also in the award. But below mine - despite the fact he did the majority of the job. It is more his success than mine.

As I already wrote in a comment to 10th place 6th WCCT section G problem, I was the Slovak director for this section. I corrected after long fight with computer Miro's scheme. And at the final selecting session there were 4 problems pretending to 3 places in Slovak submission: 2 by Lacny (getting 4th and 9th places in the final award), 1 by Karol Mlynka and me (getting 10th place) and this one. The success in the tourney of one of world's leading magazines suggests it would have good chances in WCCT too.

Motivation itself is very "transmuted", works with far flights a1, b6, f2, f4 (and h8 in refutation), with grasshopper-typical doublechecks and the final position looks airy despite 18 units present. Shedey cycle with black correction included!

Personal rating: B.

#2 (11+7)
1+1 transmuting king, 4+1 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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