My works 165 - 169

Juraj Lörinc
7668v Springaren 69 - 1997
Notes: 856 Sent: 165

1.Bd2 2.Gc2 3.Bxg5 4.Gb2 5.Sf2 6.Bg4 7.Ke6 8.Bxd8 9.Kd5 10.Kc4 11.Gc5 12.Kd3 13.Ke2 14.Kf1 15.Kg1 16.Kh1 17.Gg1 18.Sh3 (zz) Ga1#

Strange series selfmate, it shows 4 Umnovs (nothing extra in seriesmover) and final zugzwang position.

Personal rating: C.

ser-s#18 (7+4)
2+2 grasshopper

Juraj Lörinc
398 Harmonie 53 - 1998
Notes: 831 Sent: 166

1.Kc3 Qa4 2.Rb5 Qd4 3.Rd5 Qg1 4.Rd2 Qg6 5.Se3+ Ke4 6.Sd5 Qc6#

1.Sg3+ Qa4 2.Rb4 Qc2 3.Rb3 Qh2 4.Ke4+ Kg4 5.Re3 Qd2 6.Sf5 Qd5#

1.Sd2 Qa4 2.Rb4 Qd1 3.Ke4 Qa4 4.Ke5 Qd1 5.Rg4+ Ke6 6.Sf3 Qd4#

3 very different solutions. In this period I was already bored (and boring other people too I think) by here presented combination of fairy conditions.

Personal rating: C.

s#6 (3+2)
Köko, Maximummer
3 solutions

Juraj Lörinc
339 Harmonie 50 - 1997
Notes: 789 Sent: 167

1.Kf6(pe6) Ke4(pe3) 2.Kg6(pf6) Kf5(pe4)+ 3.Kh6(pg6) Kxg6(pf5)#

1.Kf5(pe6) Kf3(pe3) 2.Kg5(pf5) Kf4(pf3)+ 3.Kh5(pg5) Kxg5(pf4)#

Asymmetry and echo mates. I like this one with only two kings present at diagram

Personal rating: B.

h#3 (1+1)
Patrol chess, Sentinelles

Juraj Lörinc
4th Prize 8th Wola Gulowska C 15.5. 1997
Notes: 838 Sent: 168

1.d5? th. 2.Rd3+ Qxd5(pd2)# (3.Rxd5??)
1...Qxa4(pa2) 2.Rh1+ Qxg4(Bf1)# (2...Qxa1??, 3.Qxg4??)
1...Qd3! (2.Rxd3??)
1.Bf5? th. 2.Rh1+ Qxf5(Bf1)#
1...Qxa4(pa2) 2.Rd3+ Qxd4(pd2)# (3.R,Bxd4??)
1...Sxc6 2.Rd3+ Sxd4(pd2)# (3.axb5??)

Le Grand in s#2 with rich Circe motivation. In the TT (for s#2 Circe) it suffered from presence of 2nd Prize with the very similar mechanism, but much better construction.

Personal rating: B.

s#2 (12+11)

Juraj Lörinc
3rd HM 8th Wola Gulowska C 15.5. 1997
Notes: 839 Sent: 169

I use mark X for any of following black mates: Sd7# (2...Sxa6??, 3.Bxd7??), Rg7~#, Qxg5(pg2)# (3...K,hxg5??).
1.Bf4? zz 1...Sxe3(Ra1) 2.Bxe3(Sb8) X#
1.d4? zz 1...Sxd2(Ra1) 2.Sxd2(Sb8) X#
1.Re4? zz
1...Se3 2.Rxe3(Sb8) X#
1...Sxd2(Ra1) 2.Sc1+! Rxa7(pa2)#
1.Rb2! zz
1...Sxe3(Ra1) 2.Sc1+! Rxa7(pa2)#
1...Sd2 2.Rxd2(Sb8) X#

Changes in 4 phases. Rich Circe motivation in heavy position. I knew that Polish judges liked light positions more, but I couldn't resist including as many Circe effects as possible. The scheme worked with less Circe and less pieces too. But I like it the way I did it.

Personal rating: B.

s#2 (16+9)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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