Leo in the main role 4

This is the fourth special example file for the 27th TT CCM C 3.3.2010.

We have already seen leos playig their roles in direct mates and helpmates, in the previous special example files. But there is much wider set of possible stipulations - selfmates, seriesmovers, help-selfmates, ... - and these are present in this set.
György Bakcsi
László Zoltán

The Problemist 1996 (v)

1.Be4 2.Bb1 3.Be3 4.Bd4 5.Sa4 6.Qb2 7.Sc3 8.Be3 9.Bc1 10.Be4 11.Bh1 Rxh1=

The seriesmover in the spirit of the 25th TT CCM. Black pieces unpin and pin each other subsequently in order to allow switch of bQ and bS on the leo pin line. The ability to pin two piece on the same line is typical for lions and Chinese pieces.

ser-h=11 (4+9)
1+0 leo

Petko A. Petkov
The Problemist 1999

1.LEb8! th. 2.Bc6+ bxc6 3.Qe5+ Kc4 4.Qb5+ LExb5#
1...LEe1 2.LEa8+ Rxa8 3.Qc4+ Ke5 4.Qe6+ LExe6#
1...LEd1 2.Qb5+ Ke4 3.Rc4+ Kf3 4.Qh5+ LExh5#
1...Be4 2.Rh5+ Sg5 3.Rxg5+ Bf5 4.Qf3+ LExf3#

The main point of this selfmate lies in the mates by bLE capturing checking wQ over bK, on three different lines. Leos are very useful for this kind of effects, firing battery on the first white line, with possible switch of departure square by horizontal move - something impossible with orthodox pieces.

s#4 (8+12)
1+1 leo

Mike Prcic
Petko A. Petkov

StrateGems 2002

1.Qd4? th. 2.Qb6+ LExb6#
1...LEc1 2.Qc4+ LExc4#

1.Qe4? th. 2.Qb7+,Qg6+
1...LEf1 2.Qc4+ LExc4#

1.Qd8? th. 2.Qb6+ LExb6#
1...LEc1 2.Qc8+ LExc8#

1.Qe7! th. 2.Qb7+ LExb7#
1...LEg1 2.Qa7+ LExa7#
1...LEf1 2.Qf6+ LExf6#
1...LEe1 2.Qe6+ LExe6#
1...LEd1 2.Qd6+ LExd6#
1...LEc1 2.R7h6+ LExh6#

Another selfmate of the abovementioned kind, with six different departure squares for leo mating from battery.

s#2 (7+10)
0+1 leo

Miroslav Henrych
Sachove umení 2005

1.Qb3! zz 1...Kd4 2.Qe3+ Kc4 3.Qa7 Kc3 4.Rc7+ Sxc7#
1...Kxe6 2.LEa7 Ke5 3.Bb2+ Kd6 (Ke6) 4.Qb6+ Sxb6#

This selfmate is not very leo specific. The use of leo is hovewer motivated by the need to block a7 by diagonal move, yet avoiding guard of b6. This motif might be included as a constructional element in the more complicated setting.

s#4 (13+2)
1+0 leo

Hans Peter Rehm
Die Schwalbe 2005

1.LEf4+? Bxb2(Bf8)! 2.Be2+ Ke1 3.Bf1+ Kd1 4.Qe2+ Kc1 5.LEc4+ gxf1B(Bc8) 6.Qe3+ Kd1 7.LEa4+ Qxf6(Qd8) 8.Qe2+ Kc1 9.Bb2+ Kb1 10.LEb3+ Kx~(Ke8)!

1.Qxe6(Qd1)+! Kf2 2.Qd2+ Kf1 3.Qc1+ Kf2 4.Qe3+ Kf1 5.LEf4+ Bxb2(Bf8) 6.Be2+ Ke1 7.Bf1+ Kd1 8.Qe2+ Kc1 9.LEc4+ gxf1B(Bc8) 10.Qe3+ Kd1 11.LEa4+ Qxf6(Qd8) 12.Qe2+ Kc1 13.Bb2+ Kb1 14.LEb3+ Sxb6(Sb8)#

Very strong theme with full use of single leo. White forces altogether 4 captures by black pieces. The mechanism involves checks by single leo that are parried by captures using rebirth conflict (8th WCCT theme, but HPR 60 JT theme too). For that black king has to pushed along the first rank. Also there is some logical content included, requiring preparatory manoeuvre with clearance of e2-e8 line.

s#14 (10+10)
Anticirce type Calvet
1+0 leo

Petko A. Petkov
3rd Prize Pat a Mat 2006

1.LE1h7 Bh1 2.LExb8 LEg2 3.LEc2+ LExc2#

1.LEb2 Rh8 2.LExb7 LEg8 3.LEa2+ LExa2#

Excellent echo diagonal-orthogonal. It includes black Bristol manoeuvres B/R-LE/LE, selfpins of white leos guarding b3 and b4 as well as pin battery mates. wSb3 is unfortunately not fully used in the second solution as it serves as mere hurdle for bLE capture.

hs#3 (4+10)
2+2 leo

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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