Michal Dragoun Problemkiste 1992 |
a) 1.c6 cxb5(Bf1) 2.Bxb5(pb7) b8B# |
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h#2 (5+8) Mirror circe b) d6 -» c6 |
Frank Fiedler 442 Harmonie 55/1998 |
a) 1.Nb2 Nxd5 2.Ga1 Nc3# |
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h#2 (3+9) 1+2 grasshopper, 1+1 nightrider b) a2 -» g1 |
Nils A. Bakke 3rd Prize Springaren 1993 |
a) 1.Qf4+ e4 2.Qf5 exf5Q 3.Rh7 Qf8# |
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h#3 (2+16) Frankfurt Chess b) h8 -» a8 c) h8 -» h1 d) h8 -» a1 |
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Juraj Lörinc.
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