Helpmates with twin by moving black king 2

Here I present some more king-twinned helpmates, as an addition to previous 3 Shlomo Seider's. There-mentioned rule "Further - better" is violated in 4 of them, because black king is moved only 1 square in some direction. Does it mean that there is only technical reason for this twinning? Certainly not. One can argue about Garai's work and a bit about Bakcsi's and Parrinello's. But Widlert's helpmate has twinning as a part of expressed idea. The last one is, of course, something different - mainly because of far twinning and nice analogy, highly non-mechanical.
Toma Garai
4th HM feenschach 1990
John Niemann in memoriam

a) 1.Sb4 e4 2.Qc7 Rc5 3.Sc6 Rd5#
b) 1.Bd5 e3 Qd6 Bc5 3.Be4 Bd4#

Consecutive unpins, model mates by doublecheck.

h#3 (4+6)
b) d6 -» e5

György Bakcsi
3rd Place Sprigaren Summer Tourney 1997

This thematical tourney asked for any kind of compositions with twinning by moving black king only 1 square in any direction. Top places were by helpmates (this and next two):

a) 1.Ka3 Rg2 2.Kb2 d3+ 3. Kc1 O-O#

b) 1.Kd5 Rg2 2.Ke4 d3+ 3. Kf3 O-O#

Russians call this 'white constant' - exactly the same white play thanks to different black leads to different mates.

h#3 (4+6)
b) b4 -» c5

Mario Parrinello
2nd Place Sprigaren Summer Tourney 1997

a) 1.Kd4 Qxa8 2.Kc3 Qxh8#

b) 1.Ka5 Qxh8 2.Ka4 Qxa1#

c) 1.Kc8 Qxa1 2.Rc7 Qxa8#

White cycle of moves visiting 3 corners. Rather mechanical.

h#2 (2+12)
b) c5 -» b6
c) c5 -» c7

Kjell Widlert
1st Place Sprigaren Summer Tourney 1997

a) 1.Bf5 Rxd6+ 2.Ke4 d3#

b) 1.Rxd2 Rc4+ 2.Kd3 Se5#

c) 1.Rc4 f3 2.Kd4 Rxd6#

Black makes line-move on line where is black king not present. Then moves to this line with king. Amusing cycle.

h#2 (6+4)
b) d4 -» e4
c) d4 -» d3

Mark Erenburg
2nd Prize Phénix 1995

a) 1.Kc7 Se7 2.Sc2 Rd7#

b) 1.Kh4 Sf6 2.Sfe2 Bg5#

Very nice and rich analogy in echo diagonal-orthogonal.

h#2 (5+11)
b) d7 -» g5

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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