Grimshaw in fairy problem 3

This is the 3rd file with examples for 8th TT CCM. Below you can find 6 old problems using nightriders and/or grasshoppers in twomovers. Of course, it is very easy to imagine use of nightrider as the other line piece with unusual path. But in the search for the original schemes common bishop and rook can be replaced by various other pieces: rose, boyscout, spiralspringer...
Nils G.G. Van Dijk
1st HM Probleemblad 1960

1.Gd3! th. 2.Nd1#
1...Bf2 2.Rxh2#
1...Rf2 2.Ng1#
1...Be5 2.Nh6#
1...Re5 2.h8G#
1...Be3 2.Ne7#
1...Re3 2.Nf2#
(1...Rxe6 2.Rxh2#)

Two pieces, Bd4 and Re2, interfere each other on 3 different squares, getting 3 Grimshaws or as it is sometimes called "six hands round". It is not so simple to motivate it to get 6 different mates.

#2 (13+9)
4+0 grasshopper (b8), 4+0 nightrider (a4)

Jurij Gordian
HM Feenschach 1960

1.Gbf5! th. 2.Sxa5#
1...Nc6 2.Ga6#
1...Qe5 2.Se3#
1...Re5 2.Qc1#
1...Ne5 2.Sd6#
1...Be5 2.Qxe2#

Well, there are various interferences at e5, but only one Grimshaw. It is reciprocal interference of bishop and nightrider. But there are also some other effects. The chinese triple halfpin at fourth row is the most impressive of them.

#2 (12+14)
5+1 grasshopper
0+2 nightrider, 1+0 pao

Pierre Monreal
Feenschach 1964

1.d3! th. 2.Rxc4#
1...Bb4 2.Gc3#
1...Rb4 2.Gd2#
1...Bd7 2.Ge5#
1...Rd7 2.Gg4#
(1...Rbxc5, Rcxc5 2.Gc3#, Ge5#)

Very symmetrical doubling of the Grimshaw with use of two rook-bishop pairs.

#2 (11+9)
2+0 grasshopper

Petko A. Petkov
1st Comm Feenschach 1968

1.d7! th. 2.Qxa6#
1...Be6 2.g8N#
1...Re6 2.dxc8Z#
1...Bb6 2.axb8CA#
1...Rb6 2.a8G#
1...Rb4 2.cxb4#

Again two Grimshaws, but much less symetrically expressed. Moreover, in thematical variations White mates by 4 fairy promotions!

#2 (9+14)
grasshopper b8, nightrider c2
camel c8, 2+0 zebra

John Rice
La Clé 1970

1.Bd8! zz
1...Ng4 2.Qxg3#
1...Rg4 2.Bf6#
1...Rf6 2.Ge8#
1...Nf6 2.Qxe6#

Unusual use of Grimshaw - it is doubled using the same pair of thematical pieces in ZUGZWANG position. Of course, there is a bunch of by-variations, nevertheless, it is very well constructed.

#2 (7+6)
nightrider h2, grasshopper c8

Petko A. Petkov
1st Prize feenschach 1979

1.Bf4? th. 2.Rxd5#, Re4#

1.Nf4? th. 2.Rxd5#, Re4#

1.Rdd6! th. 2.Re5#, Ne5#
1...Rf4 2.Rxd5#
1...Nf4 2.Re4#

Nowotny tries are successfully refuted by Black, he uses white Grimshaw at f4. The key of solution is again Nowotny, but on the other square. Defences form the last black Grimshaw and the threats of tries follow as variation mates.

#2 (9+12)
2+2 nightrider, grasshopper h8

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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