Torsten Linß F784, The Problemist 1984 |
a) 1.VAg4 LEf2 2.Kf5 MAf3# |
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h#2 (4+7) 1+1 mao (b6), 1+1 leo (c2), 0+2 pao, 0+1 vao b) h5 -» g5 |
Hans-Peter Reich Manfred Rittirsch 1st Prize Europa Rochade 1986-1987 |
1.Rh3 Bxc4 2.Qh5 Rxd6# |
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h#2 (4+9) Madrasi |
Harry Fougiaxis 3rd Comm 1st TT Phénix 1989-91 |
a) 1.Sc3 Sd6 2.Sxc6 Sdf7# |
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h#2 (6+10) 2+6 locust b) c6 -» d6 |
Chris J. Feather 1419 Phénix 19 - 1992 |
1.Qxg3 Gc5+ 2.Kc3 Gc1# |
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h#2 (10+9) 7+0 grasshopper |
Michal Dragoun 15th Place 5th WCCT 1993-1997 |
a) 1.Bxd2(w) Sc7 2.Qg4 Bb4# |
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h#2 (7+11) Andernach chess b) a4 -» h7 |
Christian Poisson F099 Probleemblad March 1999 |
1.Kd1 Sf6 2.Sc2+ Se4 3.Qc1 Sc3# |
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h#3 (3+3) 1+0 contragrasshopper 2.1.1... |
Franz Pachl 8199 feenschach 137 - 2000 |
1...Bd4 2.Qxd4 Gh8 3.Qd2 Rc3# |
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h#2,5 (10+6) 3+0 grasshopper 2.1.1... |
Michel Caillaud Uri Avner Prize Nunspeet 2001 |
1.Bc6 Rdd5 2.Rxf8 Bg6# |
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h#2 (5+9) Mars Circe |
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Juraj Lörinc.
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