Fairy series helpmates with more phases 2

This is the 2nd special example file for 18th TT CCM.

Personally, I was some years ago catched by series helpmates with set play. It is surely a kind of paradox when immediate mate must be destroyed by irreversible move and then follows the lengthy journey to other (sometimes the same) mating picture. The paradox is even stronger when Black has more than one move at his disposition, usually one can say that more moves = more paradoxical. Also the length of series play has some significance.

There are tens of good examples available, nevertheless, there are many gems still hidden in this area, I am sure.
György Bakcsi
László Zoltán

F0347 StrateGems 18, April 2002


1.Ra1 4.Kxe4 7.Kc1 8.Sa2 9.Rb1 10.Sc3 11.Se4 12.Sd2 Rc3#

There is only one move available for Black, it self-paralyzes rook. Then bK captures wS and frees bS. The king returns, bS unparalyzes bR, and two selfblocks follow.

ser-h#12* (5+7)

Erich Bartel
K1213 Problemkiste 140, April 2002


1.SHNg5 6.Kf3 7.Kg3 8.Gh2 9.Kf2 10.Kg1 11.Kh1 12.SHNa3 13.SHNg1 Bg2#

Here the main role in irreversibility of the first black move is played by fairy condition Alphabetic chess. Black must choose one of 5 possible moves by camlerider - and then camelrider cannot return as a move by king must follow and so on. Good mechanism where the role of Alphabetic chess is not limited only to determination of move order.

ser-h#13* (1+3)
Circe, Alphabetic chess
camelrider a7, grasshopper b8

Chris Feather
12 Broodings 11, May 2003


1.KAxa4 2.KAa1 6.Ka4 7.KAa5 8.KAa6 10.Ka2 11.KAa1 13.Kc3 14.KAe1 15.Kxd2 16.Kd1 17.KAf1 18.KAc1 19.KAb1 21.Kf1 22.KAg1 23.KAh1 24.KAe1 Bh3#

Kangaroos are extremely suitable pieces for creation of long seriesmovers with set play. Their move possibilities are quite limited and it is easy to force them to capture white material necessary for set mate - or just to jump away to square from which they cannot return.

ser-h#24* (4+3)
0+2 kangaroo

Marko Ylijoki
Probleemblad 2000


1.CHg1(Q) 2.CHa7(S) 3.CHb5(B) 4.CHf1(R) 5.CHf8(Q) 6.CHxa3(S)(h2) 7.CHxc2(B)(Sg1) 8.CHh7(R) 9.CHa7(Q) 10.CHxg1(S) 11.CHe2(B) 12.CHa6(R) 13.CHh6(Q) 14.CHc1(S) 15.CHxa2(B) 16.CHg8(R) 17.CHg1(Q) 18.CHa7(S) 19.CHb5(B) 20.CHf1(R) 21.CHf8(Q) 22.CHa3(S) 23.CHxb1(B)(Ra1) 24.CHh7(R) Ra8#

Idea of maximummer seriesmover with chameleon was probably found by Ulf Hammarström in 1990s. In his works the set mate was repeated after chameleon manoeuvre. Here it is powered by Circe to get two different mates.

ser-h#24* (5+2)
Maximummer, Vertical Mirror Circe
royal root-50-leaper b2, chameleon g8

Bo Lindgren
Comm feenschach 1987


1.Kxg2(Rh1) 2.Kxh1 3.Kg2 4.Kf3 5.Kxf4(f2) 6.Ke5 7.Kf6 8.Kg7 9.Kxh8(Ra1) 10.Kg7 11.Kf6 12.Ke5 13.Kd4 14.Kc3 15.Kb2 16.Kxa1 17.Kb2 18.Kc3 19.Kd4 20.Ke5 21.Kd6 22.Kd7 23.Kc8 24.Kb8 25.Kxa8(Bf1) 26.Kb8 27.Kc8 28.Kd7 29.Kd6 30.Ke5 31.Kf4 32.Kf3 33.Kxf2 34.Kg1 35.Kh1 Bg2#

Black Rex Solus. Set mate requires just Rg2, Rh8 and Ph2, however the only first move bK makes this impossible. Then it turns out White must capture both rooks and then a bishop to put him to f1. Then, bK completes visits of all 4 corners and mate with double indirect antibattery follows. Fine and long.

ser-h#35* (12+1)
2+0 grasshopper

Chris J. Feather
F0486 StrateGems 27 - 2004

1...Sh1#, 1...Se4#

1.Kxg3 2.Kh4 3.Kg5 4.Kh6 5.Kg7 6.Kf8 7.Ke7 8.KAe8 9.Kf8 10.Kg7 11.Kh6 12.Kg5 13.Kh4 14.Kg3 15.Kf2 16.Ke3 17.KAe2 18.Kd2 19.KAc2 20.Kc3 21.Kb2 22.KAa2 23.KAd2 24.Kc3 25.Kd3 26.Ke3 27.Kf2 28.Kg2 29.KAh2 30.Kg3 31.KAd6 32.Kf2 33.Ke3 34.Kd3 35.KAd7 36.Ke3 37.Kf2 38.Kg3 39.KAh2 40.Kh4 41.Kg5 42.Kh6 43.KAh7 44.Kxh5 45.Kg6 46.Kf7 47.KAc7 48.KAg7 49.KAh7 50.Kg8 51.Kh8 Rc8#

Probably the longest series helpmate with set play currently existing. Can you beat it?

ser-h#51* (4+3)
0+2 kangaroo

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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