Ecto-battery 2

This is the second special example file for the 28th TT CCM C 10.10.2010.

While the 1st example file was concentrating on the specific fairy form (Anticirce), this one shows problems using different fairy forms used for selfmates with ecto-batteries.
Krasimir Gandev
1st HM diagrammes 1980-81

1.Sb6! zz
1...Gd6 2.Sxd6(Gd1)+ Kxe7(e2)#
1...Gf7 2.exf7(Gf1)+ Kxf7(f2)#

Two ecto-batteries in the Circe form: bK is forced to capture white pawn that is reborn on the 2nd rank, activating grasshopper line aimed at wK. Moreover, it activates also indirect line aimed at wK flight (f2/e2), with natural blocking of the other flight (e2/f2).

s#2 (7+7)
0+2 grasshopper

Cyril P. Swindley
1st HM Rex Multiplex 1982

1.Qd5! Gc6 2.Ba5 Ge4 3.Qd3 Gc2 4.Qxc2(Gc1) Gc3 5.Qb1 Kxb3(b2)#

Single line leads to ecto-battery mate with Circe self-guarding of Gc3 that is protected from double capture.

s#5 (4+2)
0+1 grasshopper

Yves Cheylan
after Raffi Ruppin
diagrammes 1993

1.Rxg2(Rh1)+! Kh7 2.Rg1+ Kg7 3.Rg2+ Kg6 4.Rxe2(Rh1)+ Kh7 5.Rg1+ Kg7 6.Rg2+ Kg6 7.Rxc2(Rh1)+ Kh7 8.Re1+ Kxh8(Ke8)#

In spite of multiple captures by white rook there is only one ecto-battery here - in the 1st white move. The other content is however interesting. Especially the way of motivating triangular round-trips of bK is Anticirce typical (and typical for Raffi Ruppin's works).

s#8 (6+7)

Yves Cheylan
6th Comm 11th TT diagrammes 1993

1.h8R! zz
1...Qxb3(Qd8) 2.Re1+ Qxe7(Qd8)#
1...Sxb3(Sg8) 2.Ra1+ Sxe7(Sb8)#
1...Qd8 2.Re1+ Qxe7(Qd8)#

Two black pieces on the 1st rank are pinned after key, but they can capture Pb3 showing very specific Pelle move. The rebirth on the 8th rank allows capture of Be7, activating Pf7 in ecto-battery manner. Note that this very Anticirce specific selfmate got only the 6th commendation in the first big Anticirce tourney - now that must have been a high quality tourney, mustn't it?

s#2 (9+5)

Hubert Gockel
3rd HM H.P. Rehm 60 JT 2003-04

1.Ga3! zz
1...bxa3(a7) 2.fxg8=S(Sb1)+ Gxc3(Gc1)#
      (2.fxg8=Q(Qd1)+? Gxc3(Gc1)+! 3.Gxc1(Gc8))
1...bxc3(c7) 2.fxg8=Q(Qd1)+ Gxa3(Ga1)#
      (2.fxg8=S(Sb1)+? Gxa3(Ga1)+! 3.Gxa1(Ga8))
(1...b3 2.fxg8=S(Sb1)+ Gxc3(Gc1)#)

White wants to force move by Ga8 or Gc8, firing Anticirce specific battery with R/B as rear piece. Capture by Pb4 removes one of white grasshopers, the other is expected to be captured of firing black piece. Then the right choice of white promotee on g8 must be made - if the wrong white piece would be chosen, White would be forced to parry check by recapture of firing black grasshopper. Quite complicated Circe strategy includes ecto-battery checks in the 2nd White's move, activating check on the 3rd rank by removing Sg8.

s#2 (7+12)
3+2 grasshopper

Hubert Gockel
1st HM H.P. Rehm 60 JT 2003-04

1.cxd7(d2)! th. 2.Bxg1(Bc1)+ ROxg3(ROg1)#
1...Bxb3(Bc8) 2.Bc4+ Sxc4(Sg8)#
1...Bc4 2.Bd5+ Bxd8(Bf8)#
1...Bd5 2.Be6+ Bxd8(Bf8)#
1...Be6 2.Bf7+ ROd5#

The main point of this problem is not in the ecto-battery - it is present only in the threat where bROh5 is forced to move by annihilation of bROg1. Then the difficult magnet play (typical for Hubert) follows.

s#2 (10+16)
1+2 rose, 1+3 grasshopper

Michael Grushko
Phénix 2004

1.Kxd5(Qe1)! LIg8 2.Kd6 Qe8 3.d5 LIa2 4.Kc7 LIg8 5.d6 Qe1 6.d7 Qe8 7.d8=B Qe1 8.Be7 Qxe7(Bd8)#

Another example of indirect ecto-battery, in the single-line form. Final capture by bQ causes rebirth of wB, activating bLI line to c8, b8. Could this be multiplied?

s#8 (2+5)
Couscous Circe, Maximummer
lion a2

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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