Long fairy helpmates 5

In the late 70's Circe was besides fairy pieces the most attractive fairy element. No wonder also some helpmate moremovers appeared. I have selected five of them...
Venelin Alaikov
Krasimir Gandev

feenschach I-III 1978

a) 1.c1S+! Kc2 2.b1Q+! Kxb1(Qd8) 3.Sd5 Kxc1(Sb8) 4.Sc7 Sd6#

b) 1.b1B! Kb2 2.c1R! Kxc1(Rh8) 3.Kd8 Kxb1(Bc8) 4.Re8 Se6#

AUW with blockings by reborn black pieces.

h#4 (2+5)
b) e4 -» g7

Adrian Storisteanu
Die Schwalbe 1977

1.Ra7!! Rxa7(Rh8) 2.O-O Rf7 3.Kh8 Kf1 4.Rg8 Rh7#

Switchback by white rook and beautiful 1st tempo move by black rook.

h#4 (3+3)

László Anyos
The Problemist 1980 - version

1.Ke1 Kxe4(pe7) 2.Rxf8(Bc1) Kxf3(pf7) 3.Rgg8 Kxg2(pg7) 4.e2 Bd2#

White king protects himself from checks on 3 files.

h#4 (2+13)

Günter Glaß
1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1978

a) 1.Kxf4(pf2) 2.f3 2.e5 Sf2 3.exf2(Sg1) Kxf2(pf7) 4.f5 Sh3#

b) 1.e6 Ke2 2.Kxe4(Sb1) f5 3.exf5(pf2) fxe3(pe7) 4.e5 Sc3#

Beautiful echo with lively Circe play - 3 rebirths in both phases and all force is used in the finale. Unfortunately, the mate itself carries no Circe effect.

h#4 (3+3)
b) e2 -» f3

Jan Hannelius
9888 Schach-Echo 3/1979

1.1.Kxb7(Bf1) Kxg1(Sb8) 2.Sd7 Bxe2(Ra8) 3.Sb6 Kxf2(Sb8) 4.Sc6 Bxd3(Qd8) 5.Rb8 Bxb5(Ra8) 6.Qc7 Bxa6(pa7)#

All units are reborn during play. Classic Circe model mate.

h#6 (2+7)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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