Award of 34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

(preliminary award by Sven Trommler)

The 34th TT Chess Composition Microweb required fairy selfmates with at least two antibattery mates.

I received 12 anonymous selfmates in 2 .. 7 moves.

The level of the tournament wasn't very high. The following problems I excluded because they were not rich enough in content: No. 34-01 (Ka1/Kh7) (Also there are some weaknesses in construction, e.g. RLa8 to a7, -bBb8), 34-05 (Ke8/Kd4), 34-06 (Kh8/Kf7), 34-12 (Ka1/Ke4).

No. 34-02 (Ke5/Kh3) didn't meet my acceptance because there was no harmony in the conglomerate of nocapture and fairy pieces (locuste, black supertransmuting king and grasshoppers).

Because there were no problems of sufficiently high quality, I did not decide to award a prize.

... (see awarded problems and comments to them below)

Many thanks to Juraj Lörinc for the good collaboration and congratulations to the honoured composers.

Sven Trommler
Dresden, May 2014

Raffi Ruppin
1st Honourable Mention
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1.Qb7! th. 2.Sh7+ Ke6 3.Sf8+ Gxf8(Gf1)#
1...Gh4 2.Sh3+ Ke6 3.Sf4+ Gxf4(Gf1)#
1...Ga5 2.Se4+ Ke6 3.Sc5+ Gxc5(Gc1)#
1...Gf8 2.Sf7+ Ke6 3.Sd8+ Gxd8(Gd1)#
1...Gd2 2.Sf3+ Ke6 3.Sd4+ Gxd4(Gd1)#

The time-hounored Siers-battery in an Anticirce selfmate! We find the Siers-Battery five times, once in the threat and four times in variants. All four moves of the bGd8 refute the threat and require another way of the w knight.

I decided not to give a prize because the first white move is obvious (It vacates the fields c1 and e6.) and the Anticirce condition is only used in the last black move.

s#3 (14+5)
Anticirce type Calvet
1+0 grasshopper, 1+1 rook lion

Michael Barth
2nd Honourable Mention
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1.PAb5? th. 2.Qf4+ Sxf4(Sb8)#
1...NAxb5(NAb1) 2.Qg5+ Kxg5(Ke8)#

1.VAb5! th. 2.Qg5+ Kxg5(Ke8)#
1...NAxb5(NAb1) 2.Qf4+ Sxf4(Sb8)#

The first problem with Le Grand theme. The Anticirce-effects are interesting, e.g. the play of wPao/ wVao to b8 and e8 and the construction bPaoa8-wKg8-bRh8.

Additionally we find a Pao/Vao-Grimshaw on b5 in order to realize the Le Grand mechanism.

The refutation of try is less typical for Anticirce.

s#2 (7+11)
Anticirce type Cheylan
2+1 pao, 1+0 vao, 0+1 nao

Michael Barth
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1.RLf2? th. 2.Sb5+ BLg1#
1...e3 2.f8B+ BLc1#

1.RLd2! th. 2.f8B+ BLc1#
1...e3 2.Sb5+ BLg1#

I like the Anticirce-effects on c1 and g1 in order to realize the Le Grand theme. However the use of white rook-lion a2 is not satisfying. It is only a hurdle for the black bishop-lions.

s#2 (6+6)
Anticirce type Calvet
1+1 rook lion, 0+2 bishop lion

Karol Mlynka
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1.Bg3? th. 2.Gg1 Gf6#

1.g4? A zz
1...Kg2 c 2.g5+ E Kb7=G3 (Ka2=G3) 3.G3g2 Gf6#
1...Kh2! b

1.g3? B zz
1...Kg1 a 2.G3a7+ D Kg6=G3 3.G3a1 Gf6#
1...Kh2 b 2.Gf4+ C Kc2=G 3.NHe2 Gd3#
1...Kg2! c

1.Gf4! C zz
1...Kg1 a 2.g4+ A Kb6=G3 3.Gd4 Gf6#
1...Kh2 b 2.g3+ B Kc2=G 3.NHe2 Gd3#

We find changed continuations after 1...Kg1 and 1...Kh2. Also there is some additional synthetics between different moves; but in my opinion the balance between the use of fairy pieces/ fairy condition and content isn't satisfactory.

s#3 (11+4)
No captures
2+1 grasshopper, 2+0 grasshopper-3
1+1 nightrider-hopper
royal nightrider-hopper e4
supertransmuting king h1

Manfred Rittirsch
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1.d4? zz

1.d3? zz

1.b4! zz
1...f5 2.Ba4+ K3h5#
1...f6 2.Sa4+ K3h6#

A nice idea with a rare fairy piece. Also the tries are convincing. But because the fairy piece needs three hurdles the play looks clumsy.

s#2 (13+8)
2+3 kangaroo with 3 hurdles

Juraj Lörinc
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1...NEe8+ 2.Ka7 NEa4 3.Za3 NEa2 4.Ka8 NEa4 5.Zd5 NEa2 6.Za7 NEa6#

1.Zf4? Kc7 2.Zc6 NEe8 3.Ka7 NEa4 4.Za3 NEa2 5.Ka8 NEa4 6.Zd5 NEa2 7.Za7 NEa6#

1.Zf8! NEe8+ 2.Ka7 NEa8 3.Zd5 NEg2 4.Zf2 NEe2 5.Ka8 NEg2 6.Zc4 NEe4 7.Za7 NEc6#

The advantage of this five-man problem is the try. But such "puzzles" are not to my taste.

s#7* (2+3)
1+0 zebra, 0+2 nonstop equihopper

Karol Mlynka
34th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014

1.h8LI? Kb2!

1.h8NL! zz
1...Kb2 2.NLe2+ Kf2=LI#
1...Ka2 2.NLb3+ Kc4=LI#
1...Kb1 2.NLc2+ Kd3=LI#

Three variations by the play of black king and white nightrider lions. The play is a little bit symmetric.

s#2 (13+6)
No captures
3+3 lion, royal nightrider lion d4
supertransmuting king a1, 2+0 nightrider lion

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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