2nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.1999 - comments to unawarded problems
- No. 4 (kb1/kb8, h#4): 2 ways of reaching the same mate, but too much symmetry
- No. 5 (-/ka8, h#4): only 1 solution with no surprise
- No. 10 (-/ke3, h#5): only woodpushing, no idea
- No. 14 (kc1/ke3, h#7,5): ideal echo with 4 pieces and mates in distinct corners, but cooked: 1...Kc2 2.Gd4 We2 3.Kf3 Kd3 4.Kg3 Wf2 5.Gd2 Ke2 6.Kh2 Kf1 7.Kh1 Wg2 8.Gh2 Wg1#
- No. 16 (kh6/kh8 h#10,5) and No. 17 (kg6/kg8 h#10,5) too articial condition and only one solution
- No. 18 (ka5/kc5 h#13) cooked, starting in 8th move of solution goes 8.Kc6 K:f6 9.Kd6 Kg7 10.Bg8 Kh8 11.Ke7 h6 12.Kf8 h7 13.Re7 hxg8Q# too, one more dual is 9...Kg7 10.Bg8 Kh8 11.Ke6 h6 12.Kf7 h7 12.Re7 hxg8Q#
- No. 19 (-/kc3) too many miserable conditions
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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