Mario Parrinello 1st Prize 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 16 |
Note: solution works in Popeye convention for (Anticirce + locust) with rebirths on file of arrival square, but
not in WinChloe convention with rebirth on file of captured unit. WinChloe users should use additional condition
"Une piece capturante renait relativement a la case de capture". |
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hs#3 (8+7) Anticirce type Calvet nightrider g4, triton h5, nereide g1 b) a4 -» a5 |
Mario Parrinello 2nd Prize 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 10 |
Note: solution works in Popeye convention for (Anticirce + locust) with rebirths on file of arrival square, but
not in WinChloe convention with rebirth on file of captured unit. WinChloe users should use additional condition
"Une piece capturante renait relativement a la case de capture". |
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h#2 (10+8) Anticirce type Calvet rook locust f6, bishop locust b6 b) c7 -» b7 |
Georgij Jevsejev Lev Grolman 1st HM 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 4 |
a) 1.nLEg8 LEd6 2.Kc5 LEde6# |
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h#2 (6+3+2) neutral unit locust b4, 1+0+3 leo b) h6 -» g3 c) h6 -» e2 d) h6 -» a3 |
Michael Grushko 2nd HM 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 12 |
a) 1...Se4 2.Ke5 Sxd6+ 3.Kf6(e7) Sb7 4.e6 LOxe6-e7+ 5.Kxe7(d7) Sd8(LOg8) 6.Ke8 Sc6# |
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h#5,5 (2+2) Circe Parrain locust e2 b) e2 -» h6 |
Mario Parrinello 3rd HM 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 17 |
1.LEh4 LEc6 2.LExf4 LExc3 3.LEg5+ LEf6# |
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hs#3 (8+10) pao f8, 1+2 leo, 0+2 locust |
Hans Uitenbroek 4th HM 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 9 |
1...SIe8# |
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s#3 (8+11) sirene h8 |
Mario Parrinello 5th HM 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 13 |
a) 1.LIxd5 TRf4 2.LIa2 TRf1 3.Qxd6+ LIxd6# |
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hs#3 (5+10) 1+1 lion, 1+3 triton b) a2 -» b2 c) a2 -» a6 |
Harry Fougiaxis 1st Comm 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 6 |
a) 1.Sbd4 (Scd4?) Sg1 2.Kxd5 Sa5# |
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h#2 (7+11) 2+4 locust zero position a) + white rook locust d7 b) + white bishop locust f2 |
Juraj Lörinc 2nd Comm 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007 No. 7 |
1.Sf4? zz |
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#2 (8+2) Transmuting Kings locust e3 |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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