Award of 22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 11.11.2007

(by Michal Dragoun)

I would like to thank Juraj Lörinc for inviting me as a judge of this tourney (although in the first moment I wanted to participate as a author). I received 18 anonymized entries, not so much, so I was able to finish my award in reasonable time (I hope). I was satisfied with the general level of submitted entries. Two best problems were clear to me very quickly and I spent much more time with considerations about lower rankings and about decisions what deserves to appear in award and what not.

Finally, my award is as follows:

Mario Parrinello
1st Prize
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 16

Note: solution works in Popeye convention for (Anticirce + locust) with rebirths on file of arrival square, but not in WinChloe convention with rebirth on file of captured unit. WinChloe users should use additional condition "Une piece capturante renait relativement a la case de capture".

a)1.Ra8 NEe3 2.Nxe3(Ne8) Sf2+ 3.Kd5+ Kb6#

b)1.Rh8 TRe5 2.Nxe5(Ne8) Sg5+ 3.Kd4+ Kb5#

Black King acts as a front piece of two different batteries with nice specific Anticirce effects: move of white Rook and capture by white Nightrider (and thus its rebirth on e8) allow move of white King on d-file, sacrifices of black pieces add Zilahi theme. Very good economy.

hs#3 (8+7)
Anticirce type Calvet
nightrider g4, triton h5, nereide g1
b) a4 -» a5

Mario Parrinello
2nd Prize
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 10

Note: solution works in Popeye convention for (Anticirce + locust) with rebirths on file of arrival square, but not in WinChloe convention with rebirth on file of captured unit. WinChloe users should use additional condition "Une piece capturante renait relativement a la case de capture".

a)1.axb1Q(Qd8)+ cxd8S(Sg1) 2.Sxc4(Sg8) Se2#

b)1.axb1R(Ra8)+ bxa8B(Bf1) 2.Sxe5(Sb8) Be2#

Typical Anticirce elements (rebirth allowing capture by white pawn, capture as a only possibility to avoid switchback of the black piece) are nicely combined with AUW.

h#2 (10+8)
Anticirce type Calvet
rook locust f6, bishop locust b6
b) c7 -» b7

Georgij Jevsejev
Lev Grolman

1st HM
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 4

a) 1.nLEg8 LEd6 2.Kc5 LEde6#

b) 1.nLEd8 LEd4 2.Kc4 LE4d7#

c) 1.nLEh1 LEfe7 2.Kd6 LE7e4#

d) 1.nLEh5 LEf4 2.Ke4 LEfg5#

Four times full analogy in the solutions: neutral Leo h8 prepares guard, white Leo creates battery, black King moves and Locust-Leo battery mates, twice on the diagonal b4-f8 and twice on 4th rank. However white Leo is only once used for direct guard.

h#2 (6+3+2)
neutral unit
locust b4, 1+0+3 leo
b) h6 -» g3
c) h6 -» e2
d) h6 -» a3

Michael Grushko
2nd HM
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 12

a) 1...Se4 2.Ke5 Sxd6+ 3.Kf6(e7) Sb7 4.e6 LOxe6-e7+ 5.Kxe7(d7) Sd8(LOg8) 6.Ke8 Sc6#

b) 1...Sd5 2.Ke4 LOxd6-c6 3.Kd3(c5) LOxc5-c4+ 4.Kxc4(b6) Sb4(LOa3) 5.Kb5 Sa6 6.Ka5 Sc7#

From three similar problems in Circe Parrain I have decided to award this one. Problem No. 2 is inferior because of modest use of fairy condition in position a) and in comparison with No. 11 I consider one halfmove more as an advantage. Although strategy is not so deep as in other problems, economy is admirable.

h#5,5 (2+2)
Circe Parrain
locust e2
b) e2 -» h6

Mario Parrinello
3rd HM
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 17

1.LEh4 LEc6 2.LExf4 LExc3 3.LEg5+ LEf6#

1.LEh6 LEc1 2.LExf6 LExc4 3.LEg5+ LEf4#

In each solution there is a black and white switchback and between solutions reciprocal functions exchange of two black and one white pieces pair. Despite of that, the overall impression is somewhat mechanical.

hs#3 (8+10)
pao f8, 1+2 leo, 0+2 locust

Hans Uitenbroek
4th HM
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 9


1.Sf4! th. 2.Sg2+ fxg2 3.Qe2+ Sdxe2#
1...SIe8+ 2.Qe4+ Bxe4 3.Sd5+ Bxd5#
1...SIh5+ 2.Sd5+ Bxd5 3.Qe4+ Bxe4#

The only selfmate in the tourney. Mates by black Sirene from setplay create variations and threat is thematic too. But key pinning the black Knight is not good and position is quite symmetric.

s#3 (8+11)
sirene h8

Mario Parrinello
5th HM
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 13

a) 1.LIxd5 TRf4 2.LIa2 TRf1 3.Qxd6+ LIxd6#

b) 1.LIxd4 TRf6 2.LIb2 TRf1 3.Qxd5+ LIxd5#

c) 1.LIxd6 TRf5 2.LIa6 TRf1 3.Qxd4+ LIxd4#

Cyclic function exchange of three tritons and switchback of white Lion in three positions, but again I have from this problem a little bit schematic feeling.

hs#3 (5+10)
1+1 lion, 1+3 triton
b) a2 -» b2
c) a2 -» a6

Harry Fougiaxis
1st Comm
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 6

a) 1.Sbd4 (Scd4?) Sg1 2.Kxd5 Sa5#

b) 1.Scd4 (Sbd4?) Sd8 2.Kxe3 Sxc1#

Some elements remind me to problems of Harry Fougiaxis (1st Prize feenschach 1991 and Special Prize Becherovka 2000), however I believe that this combination is new (especially pins of black Knights) and analogy is perfect. Of course, I donīt like zeroposition very much and for that reason only a commendation.

h#2 (7+11)
2+4 locust
zero position
a) + white rook locust d7
b) + white bishop locust f2

Juraj Lörinc
2nd Comm
22nd TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 11.11.2007
No. 7

1.Sf4? zz
1...Ke4 2.Sg4#
1...Kxg5 2.Sd5#

1.b7? zz
1...Ke4 2.Sc6#
1...Kxe6 2.Sc4#

1.b4! zz
1...Ke4 2.Sc4#
1...Kxe6 2.Sc6#
1...Kxe5 2.Sf4#

Reciprocal exchange of mates is enriched by one more changed mate and one added variation in the third phase. In all phases White mates by normal and locust-specific battery and white Knights have to choose their jump carefully to avoid move of black (Locust)-King. However, I would prefer (and place higher) version without wSb5 with two solutions.

#2 (8+2)
Transmuting Kings
locust e3

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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