Jan Golha 6th Comm 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 24 |
a)1.h4 bxc6(c7) 2.cxd5(d2) d6 3.d1Qn Qnxd6(d7)# |
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h#3 (0+0+6) Circe 6 neutral units b) d5 -» f5 |
Michael Barth 5th Comm 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 17 |
1.Bd6? th. 2.nRaxa5(nSb8)# |
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#2 (2+4+8) Circe 8 neutral units |
Eric Huber 3rd-4th Comm e.a. 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 4 |
a) 1.nRd1 nQg2 2.f1nB+ Kxd1 3.nBxg2(nRe2) nRe6(nQg6)#, 3.nQe2(nRb1)# |
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hr#3 (1+1+3) Circe Parrain 3 neutral units b) f6 -» c3 |
Eric Huber 3rd-4th Comm e.a. 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 13 |
a) 1...Kxd2 2.Kd5(nRe1) c8nR 3.c1nQ+ nRcxc1 4.nRxc1(nQa1) nQe5(nRg5)#, 4.nRe2(nQc2)# |
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hr#3,5 (1+1+3) Circe Parrain 3 neutral units b) c3 -» e5 |
Juraj Lörinc 2nd Comm 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 11 |
1.nMd3 Kd4 2.Kg4 Ke4 3.nQh4 nMf4# |
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h#3 (1+1+2) Köko, mao b2 2 neutral units |
Michael Grushko 1st Comm 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 14 |
a) 1...Kf7 2.fxe4(nS) Ke6(d3) 3.g5 dxe4(nS) 4.Kh5(nSe5) Kf5 5.nSg3(Pn) nSg4(Pn)# |
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h#4,5 (1+1+3) Einstein chess, Circe Parrain 3 neutral units b) h4 -» g4 c) h4 -» f4 |
Michael Grushko 4th HM 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 5 |
a) 1...b6 2.e4 b7 3.nLIxb7 Kd4(nQc8)+ 4.nQg4 Kd5 5.nLIxe4 nQc8(nRa8)# |
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h#4,5 (1+1+3) Circe Parrain, lion h1 3 neutral units 2.1.1... b)b) e5 -» f5, 1.1.1... |
Vlaicu Crisan Eric Huber 3rd HM 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 2 |
1...nRe3 2.Kd6 nBxe3(»nRe3) 3.Ke7 nBc5(g of nRe3)# |
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h#2,5 (1+3+2) Bicolore chess, Ghost chess locust f1, dummy a5 2 neutral units |
Jan Golha 2nd HM 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 21 |
a) 1.c2 nGxe4 2.c1B(nGe3) nGd4+ 3.Bxe3 nGxb4(nGc3)# |
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h#3 (1+7+3) Circe Parrain 3 neutral grasshoppers b) -b4, |
Jan Golha 1st HM 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 19 |
1.Sc4 nBxe5 2.Kd5(d4) nBxd4 3.Kxd4(d3) nLId1(nBa1)# |
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h#3 (1+5+2) Circe Parrain lion g4, 2 neutral units |
Georgij Jevsejev 5th Prize 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 22 |
1.nBxa4 nQe4 2.nRc2+ Kd1 3.nRa5 nQxa4#, 3.nQxc2# |
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hr#3 (2+1+4) 4 neutral units 2.1.1... |
Evgeny Bourd 4th Prize 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 8 |
1.Rcxf5(Re8)+! |
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#2 (12+10+4) AntiSuperCirce type Cheylan 4 neutral units |
Evgeny Bourd 3rd Prize 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 18 |
1.Rxf5(Rd2)! th. 2.exd3(nBh8)# Spotlight comment by Juraj Lörinc: Kjell Widlert 60 JT was announced for direct mates with neutral pieces, with possibility to use any other fairy elements. Although the tourney was expected to be closed the last year, the deadline was prolonged into this year, being now 1.4.2010 (see announcement at J. Golha's site). That is still plenty of time for thinking up something clever. What exactly, you may ask... For example a problem of this kind. Kjell Widlert is author of many fairy twomovers with allumwandlung, either by White or by Black. In any case it is something impossible in orthodox twomover. Here the promotions are made by Black, with rich Anticirce-typical motivation. Kjell would be surely happy to receive something similar for the tourney... |
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#2 (10+10+1) AntiSuperCirce type Cheylan 1 neutral unit |
Jan Golha 2nd Prize 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 3 |
1.nSf3 nBf4+ 2.Sxf4 nSe5(nBe6) 3.Sfxe6 nSf7(nBf8)# |
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h#3 (1+12+2) Circe Parrain |
Georgij Jevsejev Lev Grolman 1st Prize 17th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.6.2005 No. 9 |
a) 1.nNc3 nLIb4 2.dxc3 nBd4 3.Rb6 cxd4# |
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h#3 (3+15+5) nightrider d5, 1+3+1 lion 5 neutral units b) d4 -» e3 c) d4 -» h6 |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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