12th TT CCM C 31.8.2003 - other judge's comments

(Here you can find judge's comments to unawarded problems and also a few comparison problems that are referenced here or in an award.)

T6 (kd1/kf4, s#7)
   just a riddle with nothing more
T14 (kc3/kf5, h#2)
   not really Zilahi (captured piece doesn't disappear); almost identical mates
T28 (ke3/ke5, s#4)
   3 fairy pieces for strategy not far that ones found in orthodox selfmates
T32 (ka1/-, s#11)
   mechanical; without capture condition destroys interest
T18 (kd8/kf8, #2), T24 (kf8/kg6, #2)
   outweighted by 3rd Prize Probleemblad 1985
T3 (ka8/ke5, h#3), T4 (kd3/kd1, h#2), T8 (ke1/kf3, ser-h#3), T17 (ka1/kc3, s#2)
   too light content
T16 (kd3/kh3, h#2), T21 (kd6/kd8, #2), T22 (kg8/kg6, #2), T23 (kd8/kd6, s#2), T29 (ke8/ke6, #2), T31 (ke7/ke5, #2)
   too heavy for content
T2 (kf3/ka1, h#2), T20 (ke1/ke8, proof game), T25 (kc5/ke8, proof game), T26 (kf2/kf5, #2), T27 (ke1/kf5, proof game)
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Marko Ylijoki
1st Comm 12th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.8.2003
version by judge Michel Caillaud

a) 1.Rh4 Og4 2.f1R Oh5#

b) 1.Rd1 Og3 2.Rg1 Oh1#

c) 1.f1R Oxf7+ 2.Rd1 Oh3#

A comparison problem to a h#2,5 version with 3 solutions.

h#2 (4+6)
3+0 orphan
b) e3 -» f4
c) e3 -» g5

Jean-Marc Loustau
Denis Blondel

3rd Prize Probleemblad 1985

1.Rh2! zz
1...f1O 2.Rd2#
1...f1S! 2.Sac2#
1...f1B!! 2.Sc6#
1...f1R!!! 2.Ocxc3#
1...f1Q!!!! 2.Ofxc3#

Extremely successful presentation of a black correction, here in 5th degree! All defences simultaneously allow and prevent all previous mates and allow one new mate. To make it as super-AUW, it is something unbelievable.

#2 (11+8)
7+5 orphan

Lev Grolman
Georgij Jevsejev

13th Place 6th WCCT 1996-2000

1...Kc3 2.Gxa3#
1...Ke3 2.Gh6#

1.Sd4! th. 2.Bc4#
1...Kc3+ 2.Ka5#
1...Ke3+ 2.Kg5#
1...Qf3+ 2.Kb3#
1...Qxg2+ 2.Kxf5#
1...Ge6 2.Kxe6#
1...Bxa2+ 2.Kxa2#
1...Rxb5+ 2.Kxb5#

Two changed mates and full use of white royal battery with "mad" wK checked 7 times.

#2 (14+12)
1+1 transmuting king
3+4 grasshopper, 4+0 nightrider

Torsten Linß
1st Comm Brown 50 JT C 19.11.1996

1.Bb5 Of5 2.Bd7 Ob3#

1.Rb6 Oe3 2.Rb3 Od7#

Economical echo diagonal-orthogonal.

h#2 (3+4)
2+0 orphan

Dan Meinking
2nd Comm Brown 50 JT C 19.11.1996

1.Re1 Oe8+ 2.Rg1 Oc6#

1.Bb3 Od5+ 2.Bc2 Od8#

Black helps to set up two orphan batteries in echo diagonal-orthogonal.

h#2 (3+4)
2+0 orphan

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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